shia discussion
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shia discussion
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1st for Denmark
2nd for britbongs
Isn't season 4's goal to find Shia himself?
Optimus prime isn't going to be happy though
so we know hes in TN.
who can give me a run down on location? im bored.
so what was that legally by US law?
I've googled and found the following green text, is it true? just 50$ fine?
>In Tennessee the offense of Criminal Trespass is a Class C Misdemeanor, which would be punishable by up to thirty days in jail and a $50 fine
if they catch you.
and this is TN its not like the cops here are willing to go patrol his flag. it would take atleast 10-30 min before one car even showed up, the people responsible already gone.
hell it took the cops in my town over an hour to respond to a traffic accident because no one was injured.
>Shia LaBeouf
>mfw LaBeouf is the bastardization of a French name that means "The Bull"
>mfw Shia is a cancerous female sounding Anglo name that also happen to mean "shat" in French
Can we all atleast agree she is pretty much perfect?
Do niglets not even know how to put on coats?
Depends on his next move.
Someone with fetal alcohol syndrome is /ourgirl/? She looks like a fucking ogre!
Is he really guarding an empty flag pole? Lol
Is he still in TN? Or do we know about his new whereabouts?
it's because she's 1/8 black
it's a "style"
nice image. the cool thing about Sup Forums and the sad thing about Sup Forums is that I have to do a lot of work to actually tell the original artist that I like his work.
ok bye.
The guy should've had a guard doggo at least
Though pol would've solved that issue somehow as well - put dog to sleep
He probably realized he made the mistake of putting an anti-trump protest in a state that Trump won. He may be hard to track, since he's not famous anymore.
Can't argue with that. I'm really looking forward to what his next move is and how weaponized autism will react.
>tfw contrails and flight radar cross-referencing helped bring down the HWNDU flag
that's not what trans means hto
I thought it was the beef
Criminal trespass isn't shit. I literally have 4 of them. 4th degree misdemeanor here in Ohio. Fines only. Never done jail time for it
Hi fellow Ohiofag, isn't it nice living in a state that isn't completely cucked? 330 here
216 here. Yes it is. There's so much major crime here in Cleveland that they don't even care about petty shit like CT. All my CTs are for getting caught exploring abandoned buildings btw I'm not some crackhead doing dumb shit
My friend got busted for checking out the abandoned hospital in Akron. I forget exactly what his consequences were but he's a free man. Yeah, Ohio doesn't really give a shit
In order to be fined for criminal trespass you must be asked to leave 1st, when you return it is considered trespassing
Holy fuck
>original artist
All memes spontaneously materialize at the exact moment they are needed, no sooner no later
Reposted from another thread:
I feel like I'm the only guy in the world who understands Shia. He's not as crazy as he lets on. His HWNDU stream is just his latest art piece. Shia is the modern day Andy kaufman. It's his performance in and of itself that is the art, regardless of the crowd reaction. To prove his point he gets the crowd to hate him, which doesn't matter because that's the whole point. Raiding his flagpole stream is exactly what he wanted to happen, but as part of the art he had to defend it. In a way it was a challenge to overcome.
Honestly I bet very few people ever get to know the "real" Shia labeouf. The Shia we know is just an artist experience.
8 years user. You better start being nice to my cute daughter.
what is this all about anyway?
i didnt know hwndu stands for he will not divide us.
how come pol is bitching and moaning about an undivided house? just the storm mob faggots that want prison rules in the real world?
i love shia in transformers he runs and screams like a girl it's so funny. if he's not in the next movie i'm boycotting that shit too.
I fixed burp girl to be lookable.
>Pure Adonis
So what's the go on the show?
Are they finally going to renew it for a 4th season?
...OR he's a deluded Hollywood schmuck that wishes to educate the unwashed masses.
This need to happen, digits demand it.
Could be but I don't think so. He got Even Stevens for being a step above the rest, and has only gotten weirder. He went from Disney channel comedy to high-budget action films to weird performance art (member when he got raped?) to now fucking with the internet. There's no way to prove it one way or the other, but I would encourage you to read up/watch Andy Kauffman stuff and his philosophies, then use that as a reference to whatever Shia does in the next 8 years. Spoiler alert: he's a rare and hillarious artist who gets off on rustling the audience's jimmies.
Hes gonna be found hanging from a tree with a he will not divide us t shirt, isnt he?
kekekek i see andy in pols rage
keep it up shia!
>who gets off on rustling the audience's jimmies.
But its been quite the opposite so far, he literally got arrested because someone rustled his jimmies so hard he assaulted them.
Andy is seriously my fav comedian ever. King troll for sure. My favorite moment of his was during his wrestling-women tour (can you believe he's still not in the WWE HoF?) when he wrestled down this nigger lady, and while she's down he kicks her in her fat ass. The ref pushes him back and says "you can't do that! You'll get sued!" And Andy replies "SHES TOO POOR TO SUE ME!"" Lolololol
Getting arrested is all part of the act. It made/makes me giggle and I'm sure other people think it's funny.
assult is a means to an end
what's the end?
you're at the beginning, or object C?
>Getting arrested is all part of the act. It made/makes me giggle and I'm sure other people think it's funny.
Exactly, you say hes trying to cause outrage but all hes doing is being laughed at. If you really think he has an ulterior motive in all this its to be a comedian/clown as opposed to an artist.
Kek wills it
When the stream goes live again, we need to print a flag of our own, steal the new flag, and plant our flag. Perhaps if there are any light polacks, we can get a kekistani flag. Or perhaps a simple Sup Forums flag or the Sup Forums logo. Maybe hentai if the weebs get to it first
so many labels
fuck you
We're both saying the same thing. It's a weird, vague blurring of lines between art and comedy, performer and entertainer. It's extremely hard to pull it off correctly which is why people like Shia and Andy are so rare. Shia's goal isn't necessarily to make people laugh or be entertained. What he is doing (at least to him) is art in and of itself, detached from and independent of what we think
Shia really is a one in a million artist,how could you be such a genius,it blows my mind.My favorite piece has to be transformers
>t. virgin that can't make girls laugh
you make them laugh with your small dick
Fucking this, let's get him arrested again
why are you posting this in every hwndwu thread?
>Literally had to fuck my qt3.14 last night so she'd let me go to sleep
Meanwhile you STILL aren't watching Andy kaufman videos on YouTube. I'll get you started with an intro link to a classic. The backstory is this was the first episode of SNL, and back then it was kind of more random and decentralized. Andy fucking killed it with this piece. He made the audience and people watching live at home feel uncomfortable and awkward, and probably got a few palms sweaty. People thought they were watching a bombshell go off, but instead he fucking delivers a death blow with extreme precision. Anyone can be a dick and do it for the vine or be weird in public and call it a prank, bro, but it's extremely hard to be so perfect like Andy was, and now how Shia is.
Shias been spotted in Johnson city tn the past couple of days
What is forcing a meme for $500 alex.
I made this today, how fortunate
Because my daughter is cute!
Its not a meme if I'm the only one doing it.
I don't get it.
Shoah Lebarf.
mfw I enlarge the photo
steve shives lol
you got a unique taste
>target spotted
reddit tier video game taste.