Name a bigger failure.
Name a bigger failure
Shia Lablown-the-fuck-out.
Don't cry for me Argenti-- wait nevermind. It's Brazil.
Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
Yeah. This famous multimillionaire is certainly a failure.
>Name a bigger failure.
Trump's travel ban.
I would kiss shia's ass and let him piss on me. He is better than me
oh fuck you. name one thing he did that was not instant gold.
elevator thing? compelling
Movie marathon of all his movies? brilliant
hitch hiking across the Midwest? perfect
"im not famous anymore" paper bag? Classic.
>money is everything
t. poorfag
Jaden Smith detected.
wow amerinigger so defensive.
>multimillionaire moviestar
>has sex, fame, ability to influence public
I don't know pal, if he's a failure then I must be like untouchable class of low.
Everyone who posts daily on this board.
fpbp, spsbp
huehue btfo
this century just started and it'll be hard to top her
>can't protect a flag
>probably smokes shitty weed (from what I heard)
Agreed. Rio seriously needs to get nuked.
I Luh Maoed, thanks.
Adolf Hitler
>War resulted in millions of dead white people
>Created a pity industry for Jews
>Fucked up Europe again
>raped as a child like every other hollywood-kin
>starred shitty movies until hit bottom of the barrel with transformers
>found the crystal skull in an universally hated movie for ruining a perfectly good franchise
>denied as successor to Indiana Jones
>motivational speech to normies becomes a meme
>tries to start a protest against trump to get good guy posts
>HWNDUs movement 'of a camera filming people repeat a slogan' meant to last 4 years
>his record was 7 days
>get constantly harrassed, interrupted, trolled and bullied by internet NEETs everywhere he goes
>decides to just say fuck it
>plant the flag somewhere in the country and put a camera on it for 4 years
>international cross-internet effort to capture flag ensues
>flag is down in two days
>MAGA hat waving proud as Shia realizes he was once more a failure in life
>grow paranoid Sup Forums is stalking him
>decide to grab a snack with hollywood friend
>is convinced to stop this protest nonsense and just live his life
>"Mr. Labeouf, this nugget was ordered for you"
>sweet, thanks. who?
>"Sup Forums, Mr. Labeouf. They swear to be your most heartfelt fans."
>Shia pales
>his eyes widened as he turns around
If the next stream happens to be in an unknown location indoors with a hwndu flag hanging on the wall, do you think the autists would still find it?
Are you under the impression that an act of Congress supersedes the constitution?
you're not a failure until you give up. He will keep trying, and we will keep having fun. Thats all you can hope for.
Sweden's refugee policy.
as big of a failure as Bra7i1
she is the bigger failure
Pretty much this
>blaming Obama for your failures.
Fuck off looser