There's no doubt that the Zionist controlled education system is pushing the theory of evolution on the masses. I'm just curious, how many of you believe in evolution? There's plenty of evidence for creationism if you want to get red-pilled.
Is Evolution a lie?
Other urls found in this thread:
>There's plenty of evidence for creationism
[citation needed]
The modern day man doesn't know and possibly never will until death.
of course its a lie
This is a shill thread in the spirit of the flat earth threads designed to make Sup Forums look anti-scientific.
Even if evolution is real, who's to say a higher power, an ethereal controller of science, isn't in control of all of it?
Of course I believe science. But God can't be the creator of all science? Nonsense. It's just nonsense, the idea that science and religion can't possibly work together.
Which is nature: The immanent cause and effect.
We can also call that "God" as you wish.
Are you fucking retarded? CREATIONISM is a jewish trick you utter faggot. Its incompatible with history, video related. Read the Language of God by Francis Collins you newfag, evolution is real and is the STRONGEST argument for race realism and National Socialism
No, it's real. That's why we have so many stupid people/monkeys in this world.
I used to believe that god creates using evolution, but I've realized that contrary to popular belief, there isn't actually any sound evidence for evolution. I challenge you to prove evolution to me.
Macro-evolution or darwinian speciation is a lie, yes. People just don't know that Darwin was an anglican theologian, not just a biologist. And protestantism believes only in one "substance" and all other forms of being to Protestants are merely "accidents", but to understand that you need to know some basic aristotelian philosophy
Basically when catholics see cats of different species they would say - those are all cats, because they all have "catness" in them, differences among them are only "accidents". Protestants would however say that there's so such thing as "catness", there's some random common ancestor and cats of different species are merely "accidents" of it. It's almost like cats don't exist as established beings, but only as processes
So basically the tree of life concept is protestant theological dialectics translated into the language of biology. Just like God is the only "substance" to protestants, and humans are only God's "accidents", in the same way species behave. You can read up more on Google about Darwin and theology
The materialist Neo-Darwinian is bullshit. But the idea that animals change over time is perfectly acceptable.
Intelligent Design is the answer.
How about you debunk my post then you faggot?
You're not a Christian, my pastor shilled that CuckInGenesis website too, debated him infront of a christian highschool and debunked his kike theories
Are you serious? Open a biology book you idiots.
wait a minute, who printed those biology books?
Darwinism is actually a very stupid theory when you look at the "evidence". Most times evolutionists just use a bait-and-switch technique and call it molecules-to-man proof!
Seriously watch these videos, you utter shill faggot, these videos are from Christian Theistic evolutionists, please debunk them
>He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
Proverbs 18:13
Stop making conclusions without listening to responses
I don't care, I'm here for 80 years, real or not I won't see it happen and there are videos of lesbians swapping their spit on the internet, get your priorities straight
this, they are kike shills fellow desu
why is the first human white?
it should be black then other colors
>blacks are the least evolved of the human races
>Are you serious? Open a biology book you idiots.
There's no experiment that can prove speciation that would go beyond a similar family of animals. Saying that "this would take too long" is not an argument. No experiment = no science, just speculation
itt only problems americans are facing.
Unscientific is what the materialist Neo-Darwinian theory is. It rests on circular logic, supposition, and false axioms.
OP, the answer is no.
The real question is:
Can we take control of our own evolution before we all turn into shitskins?
1. Nigger
2. Sandnigger
3. White master race
4. Modern anglo
5. Amerifat
I am not a creationist, but even Darwin had problems with his own hypothesis, aka Cambrian explosion, and the distinct differentiation of species lines
>Zionist controlled education system
Stopped reading there. Put the tinfoil back on.
except that it doesnt, faggot. nice big words tho
Guise! If we all flap our wings for years we'll eventually evolve into a more superior, grow feathers!
The dinosaurs did! Proof!
speaking of dinosaurs, check this out:
It's so stupid. Evolution is for stupid people.
>There's plenty of evidence for creationism if you want to get red-pilled.
>christcuck is too jewed to realize that evolution pretty much proves that niggers are less than human
Okay OP is a shill sinc he is literally refusing to answer all the arguments I have made in this thread
Who's to say he is?
That's not even evidence lad, that's a theory
.The Gospel contains ideas which contradicted those circulating in the early Christian church. The author argues that God is essentially a "luminous cloud of light" who exists in an imperishable realm.[8] Adamas, the spiritual father of all humanity, was created in God's image and dwelled in the imperishable realm.
At the beginning of time, God created a group of angels and lower gods. Twelve angels were willed to "come into being [to] rule over chaos and the [underworld]."[9]
The angels of creation were tasked with creating a physical body for Adamas, which became known as the first man Adam. Gradually, humanity began to forget its divine origins and some of Adam's descendants (Cain and Abel) became embroiled in the world's first murder. Many humans came to think that the imperfect physical universe was the totality of creation, losing their knowledge of God and the imperishable realm.
Jesus was sent as the Son of the true God, not of one of the lesser gods. His mission was to show that salvation lies in connecting with the God within the man. Through embracing the internal God, the man can then return to the imperishable realm.
Eleven of the disciples Jesus chose to spread his message misunderstood the central tenets of His teaching. They were obsessed with the physical world of the senses. They continued to practise religious animal sacrifice, which pleased the lower gods but did not help to foster a connection with the true God. They wrongly taught that those martyred in the name of Christ would be bodily resurrected.
bud i know how evolution works, provide me a specific piece of evidence for evolution
In contrast, Jesus is able to teach Judas the true meaning of his life, ministry and death. Mankind can be divided into two races, or groups. Those who are furnished with the immortal soul, like Judas, can come to know the God within and enter the imperishable realm when they die. Those who belong to the same generation of the other eleven disciples cannot enter the realm of God and will die both spiritually and physically at the end of their lives. As practices that are intertwined with the physical world, animal sacrifice and a communion ceremony centered around cannibalism (the symbolic consumption of Jesus' flesh and blood) are condemned as abhorrent. Death is seen not as a glorious event but simply as a way to escape the perishable realm of the flesh.
Of crucial importance is the author's understanding of Jesus' death. The other Gospels argue that Jesus had to die in order to atone for the sins of humanity. The author of Judas expresses the view that this sort of substitutionary justice pleases the lower gods and angels. The true God is gracious and thus does not demand any sacrifice.
Even if one is, what does that change?
In regards to generational adaptation to environment I mean?
Seems like it changes nothing.
present some proofs.
Im willing to accept any provable position, since so much of everything else is lies.
But my man, you must have the proofs.
the scientific field of genetics exists
We are all fucked if god exsits. so why root for his exsistence?
>luminous cloud of light
>not a black cube at the end of time
Eh, you're getting there.
biology is the ultimate redpill.
let's be real, the "evidence" for evolution is absolutely pathetic.
so pathetic that they had to come up with hoaxes like "piltdown man"
evolution is being held up for political and social reasons; our society has been built on this dogma now, so it has to be enforced.
it's sick that they are teaching children that they are soulless apes
Creationist believe that animals evolve to adapt to their environment, but it is not possible for one species or "kind" to become something else
Same reason last thursdayism is nonsense.
You can say "b-but god" to anything but it doesnt help prove anything.
evangelicalism is a complete retardation of christianity. creationism and zionism go hand in hand with ignorance and obesity
Ah, and anything printed is correct by virtue of being printed! Like Häckels drawings, yeah? Or maybe Piltdown man? Or maybe the Brontosaurus that, it turns out, NEVER EXISTED? How about that triceratops that most likely didn't exist either? What about the "archeoraptor" hoax?
Maybe we can talk of the massive --absolutely massive-- cases of circular review and fraud in the science journals going on today?
You're a clown.
Natural selection isn't positive or negative. It is completely amoral, without regard for human notions of desirability.
The only thing that is regarded as desirable in the process of natural selection is the transmission of genes. nothing else.
In this view, a drug addicted negro on welfare with 8 kids with three different mothers is doing better than a rich, stable white couple who live the "childfree" life..
Seen in this light, social engineering, artificial society and over-intellectualism are dulling out our instincts, our desire for progeny.
a good example of this is the sterotypical cat lady. She fucks around, does not couple with a man, her utherus shrivels, and she artificially relieves her mother instinct by stimulating/abusing her instinct and hormones by taking care of pets, instead of children, as originally "designed" through natural selection, her biological urge to give birth is put to sleep by social conventions (overpopulation, feminism,...) and she has become barren, she does not reproduce and as such her life is worthless from a natural point of view.
This is obviously not good for modern society, where prole negroes and islamic polygamists will outnumber decent, smart people, but the law of nature does not care for society. In the end, production of offspring is the only thing that matters.
So this is important for society as well; demographics is destiny
In the 1920’s this problem was recognized already, with notable names Lothrop Stoddard ( a true prophet, really worth reading), Madison Grant, Paul Popenoe, O. W. Holmes,.... but after ww2 this was considered too evil to even think about. Now that we are confronted with mass immigration, feminism, dopamine-destroying pornography, the welfare state,... a solution tot this problem is very urgent.
did you mean kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus or species?
>CREATIONISM is a jewish trick you utter faggot.
Thinking all races share a common ancestry is a jewish trick
The guy in that video says the Bible says the world is 6000 years old. Genesis 1 is not meant to be a scientific account of the creation of the world. This is evident when 4 days pass before the sun and moon are created.
Then he says the Bible says the flood of Noah covered the entire planet, when it only says that it covered the "Eretz" which means land, or country, not the entire planet
The Septuagint which is a more reliable but still not perfect manuscript of the Old Testament says that the flood of Noah would have been closer to 3245 B.C.
>evolution is real and is the STRONGEST argument for race realism and National Socialism
The Nazis were Christian though
true morality is derived from biological will to survive and reproduce.
artificial morality proclaims fiction and unnatural ideals, which sometimes may support true morality without realizing it, but mostly goes against it.
prime example is third world aid. you effectively make it harder to survive, prosper and raise children by depriving resources and allocating them to others without getting anything in return. This is madness and a crime against the moral instincts. But this altruism is seen as the pinnacle of morality and humanity through the spectacles of religion, empathy, ideology, law,... whatever someone subscribes to.
the same goes for pacifism, raising someone else's child, opening the borders of your territory to outsiders, not making a distinction between your own in-group and the out-group,...
the Jewish religious law of prohibiting racemixing is an example of artificial morality that supports the natural morality, though it rationalises this with religious nonsense.
This nonsense again.Then they're gonna publish it on their fucking blogs showing how backwards far right is. Sage in all fields.
dude evolution literally proves that niggers are sub humans. what are you talking about?
And? Heredity and genetics doesn't fit the Neo-Darwinist theory; it hurts it. It creates issue in things like post-Cambrian speciation.
>evidence for creationism
By "kind" I mean feline kind, horse kind, bear kind, dog kind, ect
those fucking threads
do you realize that you make the same sense of those "people"
It certainly does. And if those are big words, go on government assistance because you're fucking retarded.
>The Nazis were Christian though
Just like every other person living in that time.
the bible promotes the retarded idea of human equality, with one human race descended from one, first human couple.
this is ofcourse nonsense
A hypothesis not a theory because a theory is tested and proven.
What do you guys make of this?
>So in terms of pure science, "evolution science" appears to be a contradiction—an oxymoron. Evolution is unpredictable and arbitrary, while science is systematic—based on a preexisting system. And in a broader sense, it does not seem the universe could have created itself arbitrarily and still be completely, totally, and in every regard, systematic.
This was always one my mind. Are we humans as individuals trees in a forest or a leafs on a single tree. I have this eerie felling that we are all working to wards something bigger and better but I don't know what. Is evolution working through us towards reaching it's goal(which imo can't be anything else but a perfect undying being)?
humans have deluded themselves that they are above the laws of nature, but just as we cannot break the laws of gravity, so we cannot break the laws of natural selection, genetic struggle, survival of the fittest, without being punished for it.
just as a person falling of a building dies by committing a “crime” against gravity, so will a cuckold's genes perish in the war for procreation, because his fetish interferes with biological standards.
a difference is however that these biological laws are not universal as are physical laws. gravity counts as much for humans as for rabbits, but each species has different survival techniques, requirements, tactics, social structures, skills, sexual strategies,... depending on where the path of natural selection and evolution has taken them
Evolution is for dumb people that want believe they are smart.
so kind is an arbitrary word that can mean kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus or species whenever it's convenient for you?
define species
Can you read? The Cambrian fucking Explosion. It's there in my post, retard. Modern understanding of population genetics and heredity cannot reconcile with Neo-Darwinian evolution. It's a big sore spot for eco-devo researchers. They are trying like mad to fit it into their narrative.
At least we know now that you're experience with actual scientific study never went past Bill Nye.
a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. The species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus and denoted by a Latin binomial, e.g., Homo sapiens.
We will some day break the laws of gravity. Also any other law there is. We will evolve till the end of times.
Isn't it usually defined as a subset of individuals that are capable of creating fertile offspring?
That pretty much covers all bases.
Yuuuuuuuuuup. This.
i was asking for a source so i could make sure you weren't pulling it out of your ass
a cow and buffalo are classified as being different species, but they can breed and produce fertile offspring.
this shouldn't be possible, correct?
Thoth wants you to shut the fuck up.
Breeds are a kind of proof, force evolution to make big dogs into cuck dogs etc, most breeds of dogs were made in the last 300 years, of course this kind of forced evolution leads to the many imperfections inbreed dogs suffer from
>> wont read a bookbabout the ideas of darwin because jewish publisher.
>> decides to follow theory supported by 1st cenuary semite who was called "King of the jews".
Pol pls. Christianity is the greatest cucking of the white race.
but they have different behavior, different bone structure, different muscle density and come from different parts of the world.
by the way how new are you that you don't know how to reply to people?
Evolution is fact, but what some retarded Christians don't get is it doesn't even contradict theistic beliefs. If God is all knowing he can set things in motion and know the outcome. To simply create things as they are now doesn't make him any more or less legitimate. Creationists are retarded and don't understand context or figurative language. They're the type of people that would have been horrified upon reading a Modest Proposal. Unfortunately those same retards are the only Christians who have stuck by most or at least a lot of Christian principles. Those who have accepted one of the scientific theories with the most evidence of them, evolution, all tend to be milquetoast Christians or liberal pretenders. You can argue creationism will lead to better societies or individuals and I'll vehemently disagree, but if you claim it is actually true I'll just laugh at you
Its hard to see how offspring are different from parents when all your relatives and children are inbred.
There are plenty out there. Saying the Cambrian Explosion is problematic for NDE isn't a controversial statement. Read:
"Science and Human Origins" by Axe, Gauger, and Luskin.
"Signature in the Cell" by Dr. Meyer
Most importantly "Darwin's Doubt" also by Dr. Meyer.
Honestly. Those books are written by actual research scientists, not pop figures who've never done a days actual research in their life like Dawkins.
breeding dogs doesn't prove macro evolution, only micro evolution. There's never been proof to suggest that one kind of animals can become another kind
>Not 80608
you are an idiot who doesnt know how to use this shit meme right
praise kek
Y'know actual arguments would be great
ok check this out:
It doesn't contradict Christianity, no. I'm a Christian and my objections to the Neo-Dariian theory of evolution are scientific objections I formed during my study of biomedical science in university. They are not theological objections.
who are you talking to?
learn how to reply newfag
Most conspiracy theorist take away from true problem solving
You do realize you sound just like the islamists right? A god does not exist, it was created by man to control man.