My Catholic dad just said that the Jews deserved the holocaust because they strayed away from Christ.
Is he right?
My Catholic dad just said that the Jews deserved the holocaust because they strayed away from Christ.
Is he right?
Ask him how big his dick is.
No one deserves to die because of their religion.
for fucks sake, why are you discussing this bullshit? go and learn some positive politics. not crap. nobody gives a shit about nazis or dead jews outside of you neckbearded fat neonazi fags.
They would deserve a holocaust, it hasn't happened yet
The Father will punish the Jews that deserve it, it's not mankind's job to punish those who reject Christ.
However the Holocaust is a hoax.
But didn't Jesus stray away from the jews?
No. That's an absurd, un-Christian position.
Maybe it's true that Jews travel with the mark of Cain and we cannot kill, hurt, marry or trade with them.
It's a good moment to tell him that he is right, but there was no holocaust sadly, and the jews live unpunished.
He's wrong. Christianity literally stems from Judaism. Is he retarded?
but the holocaust never happened
Kikes strayed from God.
Pharisees begat the Talmud. Pharisees murdered Christ. Anyone who does not accept Christ is not of God. Kikes are the synagogue of Satan.
sure man, abrahamic religions are real.
You're an ignorant fedora.
What does he think of muzzies? Also, are you white or a dirty flip?
The jew deserved holocausting because they are the jew, nothing more
No. Muslims must be cleansed. Deal with it.
that's what my religion teacher always said when i was in highschool
>Is he right?
No; Jews never accepted Christ as their Messiah, therefore they could not stray.
He obviously holds very negative opinions against muslims and often berates them. We're Slavic.
He meant they strayed away from God in the sense that they did not follow Christ. Do you like the phrasing now you fucking autist?
>strayed from Christ
they fucking killed his ass... and they schemed and lied to do it.
He is, their misfortunes will continue until they accept the son of god.
On some level, yes. If we make the assumption that Christ is the Logos (i.e. the word of God [or natural law] made incarnate, then every evil in the world can be traced back to the Jews' rejection of him. Even if the biblical tale of Jesus is completely false, it tells us a moral story about the supplantation of the perfect by the imperfect, the rejection of the creator's will by his creation, and the refusal of man to abide by the natural order of the world. If we then also make the claim that "evil" is the willful rejection of the ordained way of things, it stands to reason that the Jews' rejection of Christ is the primordial form of evil.
they deserved it, but werent holocaustert sadly
No, Christ was a Jew. The Pope said that.
good shit, get your dad on here he sounds pretty based
Owadia Yosef, orthodox rabbi, said that Holocaust was a punishment upon the Jews
Jews in general used to believe that God is harsh, but just
The secularization process made them reject this notion though. You can barely call "Jews" actual jews
Yes, he was right. The Protestants will deserve their fate as well.
Stop worshiping Mary
They deserved it solely for humiliating german people beyond any reason, not to mention unspeakable amount other shit they did in Europe by the beginning of WW2. Fro some reason nobody mentions how catastrophic hunger and unemployment was during Weimar republic and how Berlin became Europe's capital of prostitution, and amidst of it kike bankers thrived.
>My Catholic dad just said that the Jews deserved the holocaust because they strayed away from Christ.
>Is he right?
Yes then no.