If you say that robots will replace humans, gene engineered slave-humans will replace humans, capitalists can live happily on their places, while other humans live in communism, why hate communists and fear revolutions if you don't need labour any more, and have plenty of resources?
Why do you fear/hate communists?
Other urls found in this thread:
How can you starve today when food is so cheap?
It's irrational. And when humans aren't needed at all to make that?
cuz I rather have dat new iphone
Ask Venezuela
Fuck off commie.
Fascism is better at dealing with automation than communism is.
No, I don't ask you to have communism, I ask why fear others to have their communism / revolutions, want military response if they do one. Why every insider from masons / cia / fbi says the same thing that do anything just not revolution, that elites don't want revolutions, want you to be obedient -- I ask why? If you say you have all these nigger cattle why fear revolutions in other countries, what's the point?
Ask North Korea as well.
if you need no humans, why even produce it? think like an ai and elites.
>country that sent a monkey in space.
>still bootyblasted that Sputnik and Gagarin got there first
They say history repeats itself, if you look at the history, China after WWII, Korea, Vietnam.. It was always the Communist country invading a Democratic country to start the war.
look up "Katyn massacre" for an example
robots will never replace humans, AI is a meme.
Because when Democratic countries try to invade Korea or Cuba, they get their shit pushed in. Also, Indochina/Vietnam.
Face it, democracy is weak.
A communist only desires power. They are willing to betray anything for that drive. Other revolutions? Check. Allies? Check. Weaker communists? Check. The proletariat? Check. Check. Check.
Fucking string 'em up. Death to Reds.
How is this a meme when nigger cattle is not?
If not AI, you can have obedient DNA-altered "people".
Yes, but why bother if other countries make something?
Ok, but what if that country would sign peace treaty, like there's some continent where all capitalists live and we don't touch them?
You do realize your own system would question the exploitation of robotic workers due to the production relationship right
>Masters vs Slaves
>Lords vs Serfs
>Bourgeoisie vs Proletariat
>Great Shareholders vs Ordinary Working Men
You are here
>Men vs Machines
Do you see the pattern here? If your ideology is correct on this point, wouldn't you guys NOT want robots, since there's a risk of uprising and takeover?
If communists are those who desires power, why is US starting most wars at the last time, and not China? Why during soviet era, soviets didn't do what nazis were doing (conquering the whole europe) despite being isolated?
Does your computer try to takeover against you exploiting it?
Ask your grandpappy about the time uncle joey killed all those farmers and, he was forced to eat belts shoes and, even resort to eating people.
It's time
This clearly didn't happen, but I don't understand why are you so much against it, even not in your country, even with peace treaties of all sorts. I just don't get why
Because we're still fighting of soviet subversion to this day. If comnunism would stay in it's own borders i would be fine with it. In reality it spreads like a virus.
I hate communists because communism is a mind poison and anyone who falls for it is a useful idiot
the most basic structure of the ideology is out of touch with the nature of things
equality is a meme, no basis in reality
social equality will always have to be enforced because the simple fact is some people are better than others
and that's another thing, commies just seem to be a bunch of butthurt losers that can't accept people are better than them
but instead of bettering themselves to outdo those they envy, they instead wish to bring everyone down to a shit tier level
its disgusting
classless, stateless society?
Yeah right, good luck getting people to all agree to be communists in a communist society without an authoritarian structure
seriously fuck communists
I wouldn't mind communism if they weren't always agitating for violence, revolution and subversion, not only within their own country, but in others as well.
Communism is an evil, criminal ideology, and I will actively sabotage any effort to implement it, regardless of context.
If they would fall for it, by peace treaty you will just send them to communists if they are so communist-loving. Isn't it a win-win?
t. cia operative
Communism is a globalist ideology. They're never content to stay within their own borders, they need to "liberate" everyone else.
>list of countries with successful commies
That's good enough reason for me. I mean jesus christ just look at your flag, notice something different?
You could sign a treaty that half of the world say is capitalist and don't touch each other, and send capitalist-lovers to capitalists, and communist-lovers to communists. Also, there's nothing about communism that would make it really necessarily global
What I like with modern communism, is that at least they admit communism can't exist before a complete automation of the economy.
What I hate about modern communism is that they can't see we are not yet here and we still need people working or we will all starve to death?
Haha. Stfu. A.I is just getting started. Just like the puppy who lost its way. You're all dumber for having to listen to it.
The Black Book Of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression
Didn't uncle joey have a treaty with hitler? So much for that, huh?
I don't say there's need for complete automation, btw, I say I don't see real reason for hating communists in other countries, and caring that much, especially if you don't really need all that forced labour in your own country.
Yes, but it was Hitler who violated that after conquering everything else he could conquer :\
Socialism is the proletariat's only solution to replacement by AI
>He thinks technological singularity will lead us to communism and not the mass genocide of the lower class that will be going to label as consumers beacuse they can't produce as much as the androids and cost more to maintaain them
>he thinks resources are enedless
God dammit you red faggots. Are you really forget the machine breakers of the early 18-9th century? You guys are the one that should see the bad consequences ogóf the technological singularity towards the lower classes.
Fucking armchair commies I swear.
I hate Commies because no advocate for communism sees themselves becoming a factory worker or a farm hand. Communists always think they'll have some important position in the new government so they can make the new country just right.
Commies often say the problem with capitalism is that the poor see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires, however I believe a communist's habit of seeing themselves as temporarily embarrassed dictators is far more concerning.
This applies to all humans. Capitalism is the concept that you use that drive to guide and control society, while communism pretends it doesn't exist.
I still don't get, what's the argument here?
I don't think resources are endless, but I think there's nothing wrong if some countries become communist. If you are not forced to become one, why to hate those who did? Why to hate -- I don't get it. Why not hate war-mongerers, or those who do actual crimes, but communists, even if they won't do crimes, and on the contrary try to make some intellectual labour for the whole world maybe?
>Why not hate war-mongerers, or those who do actual crimes, but communists
Because they're one and the same. Communism has almost always lead to millions of deaths.
US kills much more and organizes much more wars, same for nazis - in just few years they already planned to conquer the whole world, and allegedly communist China is just sitting quietly for years making cheap products for us. When will this meme stop? How is that in communist ideology to make wars or to kill people? They were pacifists
How could you starve back then?
Communism cannot into economy.
>I resent the millions of deaths caused by war-mongering political factions
>therefore I advocate the killing of millions and endorse the political factions that caused millions of deaths
ok amigo
>why is US starting most wars at the last time, and not China?
Chinks are busy building empty cities and they don't have world police status.
The future is Oбщeгocyдapcтвeннaя aвтoмaтизиpoвaннaя cиcтeмa yчётa и oбpaбoтки инфopмaции google it.
I can't wait until we're ruled by a benign AI-based Theocracy
Back then it was much harder to make food, and there were no machines able to make it, no advanced chemistry and gmo to grow better, more and easier, no ability to make extra-cheap fast food
because communism has always and will involve class conflict, and that has always and will always lead to mass killings and a drastic fall in the standard of living including starvation
Yes but there was also less people
If Chinks wanted wars, they would be full in the process, even we, literally no-ones, are all in the wars now.
Yet famines were already pretty rare.
When you let bureaucracy rule, you make a way for corruption a.k.a resource waste.
>literally no-ones
Said no-one ever since the country was founded
They don't have who to fight.
So far it's okay to bomb only arabs.
And I heard they have constant revolts, maybe they just cannot afford a war.
what is the point in living if all your going to do is leach of the state
there is nothing wrong with being born in the dirt
but its a sin to want to stay there
sure I was born in the dirt but I want to grow and better my self
if the state provides then what is the point
When we don't need labor any more and have plenty of resources, why would we need a state overhead to manage our privately owned property?
I dislike commies because I like freedom, I like liberty.
Communism would aim to restrict what I am allowed to do. What sort of agreements I am allowed to make. What I can do with my own property. Fuck those guys.
>missing the point:the post
>capitalists can live happily on their places, while other humans live in communism, why hate communists and fear revolutions if you don't need labour any more, and have plenty of resources?
Sure. Of corse those EBIL capitalist that you are hate so much just let a group of humans live in a communist "utopia" beacuse human rights and shit. You fuckers are the ones that claim that capitalism is the most inhuman system that will kill and conquer for power, YET you still belive those people will leave a group of people sitting in a tons of natural resources literally wasting possible capacity beacuse they use humans instead of machines utopian soviet cuntry? Are you this delusianal? By that logic colonialism necer should happened.
The fuck have you done besides importing niggers and surrendering?
Even in the world you describe communism wouldn't be the answer. Communism is fucking incredibly dysgenic, why should people exist just to leech of the state? Humans will turn into pathetic fucking creatures.
The answer is National Socialism.
Here in America, you can't really. You get foodstamps, unemployment, and so on, along with good old fashioned church and volunteer diners.
Meanwhile in commie Russia? There was enough food, it was just all siezed by the government, and handed out with the maximum amount of beurocracy and general inefficiency what meant that a lot of it rotted, or otherwise just never got to the family who needed it.
Beacuse china is wage war in an economic scale.
Much effective placing companies in Africa insted of invading it.
Fear, no.
Hate, no.
Feel sorry for them being subjugated for over 70 years, yes.
Apart from saving your face from getting curbstomped by the redcoats? Well amongst other things, there was a time around the 19th century where France bent Europe across the fence and gave it a nasty shag.
You could benefit from reading a history book once in your life.
You're mistaken by thinking that I consider all capitalists evil. Precisely because I don't think they are more evil than rational, I ask why would they want such a big surplus in labour / resources, when they already have more than enough of it? What if that communist country is small, why can't it be communist?
Let's call it: Personal experience, asshole.
love me some russians
>along with good old fashioned church and volunteer diners
These two are so underrated.
I don't know why college kids don't utilize them more often.
that a terminator skull? if so where could i buy one that looks the same as OP pic?
I think automation plus UBI is a middle ground between communism and capitalism.
>"Hey John. There is a country th threats better it's workig clas than us and, the laboures don't do overwork there beacuse they don't need to compatete with our machines. What should we do about it."
>"Leave it fucking alone. What else."
>"Really? We miss a lot of profit by not consuming that country ,turning it's citizens into consumers and making an enviroment there ti which in they need to do overwork to competeeet with our machines and by that they don't make us profit.
>"What part of the leave them alone you don't understand?"
because communists try to establish communism before reaching the post-scarcity/superhuman stage.
Ergo, fucking things up for everyone and setting back progress by centuries while just a couple decades of unethical competitive nationalism could get us there
Automation will happen at the same time transhumanism happens. So the future looks more like people uploading their brains into FALC simulation computers. How come Commies never talk about this shit. These niggas want to talk about some gay ass Star Trek space ship shit and tranny Michaelangelos instead.
The Holodomor famine didn't happen because there wasn't enough food-- it happened because the commies wanted to genocide the Ukrainians.
If you are not starving and there is no communism, communism will roll in and make sure you starve until you beg for mercy.
>miss a lot of profit
If you have an extreme surplus of everything you would ever need, why want even more?
Also, you could profit in the sense that communists could take care of innovation / ecology / AI-ization
Why are you so entitled you think you should get paid for existing?
>you're so entitled to want to live when I don't want your labour any more
*well not exactly, only if you think get paid = stay alive
>The answer is National Socialism
What's the most crucial difference you see between too?
Because they killed more than 100M people in the past 100 years. /thread
This video speaks volumes.
Give it a look.
>hey there friendly communist neighbors here
>all we really want to is tear up the metaphysical fabric of your society and leave you destitute and begging the almighty STATE for bread
>idk why you hate us lol get over it
>Communism fails
>Capitalist technology makes life amazing
>Communist: Since we got this tech no surely we can make communism work
I don't say you become communist I ask why others can't?
>capitalist technology makes life amazing
Yeah because Staphylococcus aureus was a great idea.
>Why during soviet era, soviets didn't do what nazis were doing
>capitalists can live happily on their places
I lived in socialism first half of my life, and what can I say is, that this is not how communists think. Capitalists were among the first ones to be labeled as enemies and persecuted. Communism would require a strict state control, and it is not possible to "unsubscribe".
fuck off commie
fuck off commie
Communists are nearly always bourgeoisie larpers. This is why communist countries always have contempt for the very people they claim to be liberating from the capitalists.
>getting curbstomped by the redcoats
Lol basically this, USA would be fucked w/o French blockade.
Under Communism there is no incentive to work, and better the community.
Without that, it degrades, and eventually fails.
Also the "enough resources" argument is a joke.
Do you really believe that everyone will become happy hippies,
who hold hands and share everything? No.
There will always be those who will grab most of it for themselves.
And the only way to oppose that is through government control.
You and I both know how that ended up last time.
Communism is unnatual. It goes against human nature.
It looks good in theory, but is impossible in practice.