is he /ourguy/?
Is he /ourguy/?
That Destiny faggot is such a manlet cuck with a woman voice
the only thing that I ever learned from jontron is that if you crossbreed an iranian with an hungarian
You obtain a 120% italian person.
He is the most italian looking guy ever...
Time stamp it you faggot
I need to know when jontron is on the sargon livestreams. They are pretty good.
.....he isn't Italian?
Holy shit. I knew he was part Iranian, but I swore to god he was majority Italian.
Guess that's the effect of New Jersey.
No he is iranian.
Holy shit, those fucking numbers, not even Algerians top this.
And let me guess, the Destiny is Sanders cocksucker.
Timestamp of statement or GTFO.
Jon Tron is redpilled as fuck!
Iran, Iraq (Italy), what is the difference.
destiny's head seems too big for his body
>the comments section
fucking hell, so many bluepilled faggots, bet they all support Bernie Sanders the commie kike
stop posting celebrity bullshit
stop responding to slide threads.
go away cuck
He pissed off a site owned by Univision, so yes.
Damn. Frame of a woman.
I genuinely cannot believe this is happening.
This is the best fucking timeline ever.
DYEL tier
Are these faggots made in a factory?
The argument would be stronger if you can find the graph for convictions. Most leftists will look at this and go
>muh racist police arrested more tyrones cuz they racis. He dindu nuffin.
why does this fag keep playing these faggy sound effects?
Just a reminder.
"White" Hispanics are put into the white column.
Tweet all relevant stats at destiny, make him realize what a fucking retard shitstain he is. Trigger his followers to death.
Hungarian-croat actually. Probably have some mediterranian blood in him or mixed slav-turanid ethnicity. That would explain the Italian look.
>not white
>our guy
Are persians not white? My girlfriend is persian, she is whiter than me...
Not only that, but Arabs are often lumped into the white demographic, too. Not that the Arab demographic would sway things much anyways, but "white" doesn't have an exact definition so statistics on white people can be misleading.
why do these numales all look the same? receeding hairline, lanklets, some sort of facial hair and all of them very liberal, as in they can't be centrist for once. The only thing missing from his look are glasses.
he's already dead just hasn't realized it yet
at 4:20, /ourguy/
Destiny tries too hard to be a tough guy. He is like a small dog who tries to bark menacingly. I rewatched his fight with Jim and all he does is use the word fuck a lot and insult Trump constantly/ It's so fucking childish. Millennials try so hard to use the word fuck as some weird misguided way to push assertiveness. When they try this on me I just laugh at them.
they adopt this ideology as a sexual strategy akin to sneaky males. thats my theory
>American Indian
>mostly green/yellow
>area of bright red
>Liquor laws, Drunkeness, Disorderly conduct, Suspicion
And he has a fucking amazing voice too.
Are we sure Jon isn't acutally secretly Italian, especially after all that heavy redpill dropping?
blacks are even beating whites in fraud and embezzlement?
Jontron must have fuck you money.
they call em hustles and are the black preachers.
I don't know, is he still a cuck?
We weren't kidding when we said there was going to be a lot of overlap with Bernie and Trump voters. Most Hillary supports didn't believe it, and continue to deny it.
Who the fuck is "we," faggot? I never want to be associated with the commie kike-supporting fuckers and Jontron """"""""redpilling"""""""" some cuck isn't going to make me start now unless he realizes the mistake he made.
Those american indians have some crazy parties.
is it hard to believe that people can have varied opinions?
he's against PC culture and thinks people should be able to say what they please. that alienated him from the left in a big way. and now he's been saying that statistics don't lie and you can't deny them just because you dislike their conclusions. really he's closer to Bill Maher than anything else.
>really he's closer to Bill Maher than anything else
and Bill Maher is a pedophile apologist. Great argument, Leaf.
>used to be a Bernie supporter
>the shafting received as well as actually researching his policies instead of buying into groupthink turned me onto Donald
>now I'm more right-wing than Jontron
I believe it. Kinda like how Ron Paul losing turned a lot of libertarians harder right.
Jontron's middle name is literally "Aryan".
I...I actually kinda liked Bernie when I was blue-pilled. The thing that both Bernie and Trump stood for was that things were not ok, I think deep inside we all felt this way, however the safe choice was Bernie, Trump was too much of a bad guy. At least that's what the media made me think, I swear I took the most pain relieving and delicious red-pill ever.
about 36:10 m8
Jon isn't smart enough to debate this topic and Destiny is no intellectual heavyweight or even an intellectual.
So many of Destiny's points could have been countered on the spot. "Why are changing demographics bad?"
209358029835235 answers instead of just stumbling like a fool.
I am sure about the mother, who is iranian, the father is always a gamble.
go redpill yourself on bernie and the fed
that jew rat fuck
I loved bernie before this election cycle redpilled me. Now I know he's an absolute idiot who doesn't realize all the policies he's proposing would destroy the economy.
Does anyone have the link to the income/homicide stats?
Can confirm the natives part
>your vote holds exactly the same weight as this cuck's
My god Jon is a horrid debater. I'm 7 minutes in and Destiny is blowing him out of the water.
what board was this?
He actually looks like one of my irl pals lol.
He does have mediterranean face features.
Heard he has a kid, adopted or did he breed with an Asian chink?
I'd guess /tg/.
Much more crime, but much less money taken. Also keep in mind that every Jewish embezzler and scam artist is counted as a white man, etc.
Kinda like how males have far fewer car accidents than females, but the males' accidents are much more deadly.
wtf i love Jon "Total" Aryan "Victory" Jafari now
>The wealthiest whites are more likely to commit crime than upper-middle whites
Really neurotransmits the neurotransmitters
probably where they start having a lot more financial crimes, tax avoidance, embezzlement etc
Destiny is such a elegant speaker.
whenever I meet a very vocal leftist guy in real life he's a skinny ugly manlet, white knighting, defending feminism or communism...
it's never handsome guys doing this
>Also overcompensating his massive issues with his self-worth through a gigantic ego and sophistry.
The left in a nutshell.
>natives constitute the largest amount of liquor related crimes over everyone else
Mighty fire water of the white man!
Teacher's edition.
>"I do think race influences culture"
Kek, Jonny boy is going to get raped by the media.
i know leddit is looked down upon but Jon's sub (not really his, but as "official as it gets) /r/jontron is heavily brigaded by leftist cucks
from usual 100 maybe online, to 5k online right now, insane
can we do something about it, or leddit is just too fucked up to deal with?
And let's be honest. Jon ''Taking all you libcucks on a Safari'' Jafari at least looks like a real man.
It's like the vocal left has a chronic lack of testosterone.
the comments in his streams always give me a headache, imagine trying to argue with his comment section, I'd rather blow my brains out
yeah definetely
>can you name 5 countries in africa
>jontron thinks zaire is still a country
Nigga, they abandoned that name and went back to the one we gave them.
he breed with asian
fuck off and stay on leddit, fucking ledditor
please kys you autistic fuck
>woman shoulders
>skinny arms
>woman voice
cuck confirmed