What should the age of consent be, Sup Forums?

What should the age of consent be, Sup Forums?

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10 seem about right


There should be none, age is a number, sex is a bond. Government shouldn't restrict bonds, remember what happened last time bonds were restricted? Great depression

>does it bleed?
>does it look like a woman
>does it have tits?
>is the answer yes for most of girls considered?

14/15/16 works fine

Consent is a social construct.


Before they enter adult world.



Brilliant; simply brilliant


16 is when most girls are at their absolute peak and its only downhill from there

Women should be courted to older men who family trusts at 14ish.

Sex is degenerate and all humans should be sterilized at birth.

if there's grass on the wicket i'm there to play cricket

When it's not called grooming

Hard question, some people act more adult with 14 than others with 21.

I would say 17

16 I think. Isn't it around that age in most countries?


if there's grass on the field, play ball


21 for female, 25 for male.

Okay u fucking pedo... Might have to call u Mohammad

>1 post by this ID

Sage and move on.

Anything under 18, parental consent. Over 18, you're an adult now.

You should have to write a test to be eligible for sex


Romeo & Juliet laws seem to have it covered decently well. As long as the two are within three years of age unless the younger one is legally old enough. But I don't think that 18 should be the age of consent, it's too young. People in their twenties and thirties should not be allowed to have sex with people still in their teens.

If we lived in an ideal society women and men would begin courting and coupling up between the ages of 14-16 and they'd begin having their children 18-20.

Depends on when you get pubes.

die racist scum

13-14 within 5 years of age, 15 otherwise.



For boys? No age of consent

For girls? 13.

For homosexuals? death penalty as soon as they consider themselves gay.

16, it's when most people start having sex anyway

If she's 6, cold, and dead
I'm ready, old, and my name is Ted.
>did i do good?


15 and then breeding can only take place in a certain area and every 8 years like salmon

With soul-searching far-reaching questions such as this, I always consult the wisest and knowledgeable religious figure I can contact.


Old enough to breath, old enough to breed.

At least 35.
Thats the age of the father when he could consent on behalf of his daughter.


There is literally no need to change it. At most it means people have to hold back a few years, wow, big deal. There are bigger problems than some pedo not being able to control himself.

why is there an age of consent in the first place?

Good man


9 years old. basicly when menstruation starts.

She is obviously begging for some cock. But plenty of 15-17 year old boys will give her some.
You've had your turn, check your head. Check your amygdala



We should push the concept that a man cannot consent with another man. Just turn it all into rape and prosecute it thusly.

>Wow, only a man and woman can consent. Why do you love rape?

i think it should depend on the age of the man

age of the man /2, +7 would be the younger the guy should have the right to fuck, otherwise he's a pedo

basically, a 30 y/o man /2 = 15, +7 = 22, so he have the right to fuck a 22 y/o girl

14 y/o being around the girl's bleeding, a 14 y/o can still fuck a girl under 14 y/o if she bleed

14 or 15

And should only be legal after marriage and 2 years of military service

there should be no age, just a psychiaric examination, if they pass they get to qualify for driving licenses, drink alcohol, use cigarettes and vote.


It's always kike run counties that question age of consent. I love 12 year old girls for fun. I can take them to Disneyland, hike, travel, sleep and will learn how to love me. Not my fault evolution and genes made me love 12 year olds than 22 years olds that I fucking see as used goods.

13-14 seems legit imho; although sex-ed is needed too

16 - it is my province's age


18 works best fuckheads

You're just a predator who should be killed then, actual human beings aren't perverts but can love a 14 year old, but you're just mentally ill.

>all these fucking pedophiles
I thought Sup Forums was against this type of degeneracy

>meet 13yo girl
>she wants the D
>i'm actually 26
>now either have to wait or risk prison

fugg wat do?

Yo w0t m8

Kill yourself you degenerate freak


It's a tricky question.

Biologically girls are ready for sex and child bearing in their early teens. For thousands of years girls were married around 13/14....often to older men. But this is back when chastity was a virtue and arranged marriages were the norm. Parents were heavily involved.. there were less risks. So it was less likely that the girl would be taken advantage of. Things are a little different today.

That said. Young teens are having sex regardless of the age of consent. When I was in my early teens I knew many girls in my grade who were very promiscuous.


What type? Girls as soon as they bleed were considered breeding material. Sup Forums supports old school traditional values like these. If the girl bleeds when she is 12 then so be it.

It's not degenerate if its natural.

Ok virtue signal like everyone else ITT


she is a good white girl, she is very lovely and friendly. fuck thats the closest to wifematerial I might ever get.
her mother seems to approve.

webm semi related

she is equally qt

>What should the age of consent be, Sup Forums?
In my country it is 14.

Life is good.

Just wait til she is legal.

it isn't the government business to tell me who to have sex with love is love at all ages
it is retarded that the sun has to go around the earth 18 times for me to know i can consent to love you virgin loosers should let go sometimes you could get laid

Half male's age plus 7

very good

16 seems reasonable and is the ideal age for pregnancy anyway

I don't understand why 18 is often set as the age of consent. There's literally no justification for it.
It's an example of where law makes, in a lot of people's minds, morality. They just automatically accept it and get outraged when something violates it, but don't even know why.


bravo good sir


Adults can't have sex with 13 year olds here, its legal for teenagers to have sex among themselves, and for 15+ with young adults but beyond that you would probably get in trouble.

16 and make them take a responsibility test to get a sex license.

After the draft.

Age of consent?
That's cute. Thinking girls opinion about me wanting sex matters.

Such a stupid guideline that doesn't make any sense.

If you're not a mentally ill degenerate then marry her, see laws if you can court her now, if you're a predator then you should just be lynched.

Its just moralfags that are letting whites into extinction. Spics, sandniggers and niggers all bread starting at 12-13.

13 if married, 18 if not.

digits is age of consent, what happens to civilization

If you're my daughter 21


There shouldn't be one. When either party is proven mature and financially stable enough to raise a child, they are permitted to try and make one.

of course the degenerate is a footfag

haha 97 rerolling so we don't C section grannies

Yes, but predators just want to ruin and exploit young girls, they do not want to start a family with them, they want to corrupt their innocence, those need to be killed as they always have been throughout history.


97 or 7?

that's true

I live in an area with a lot of people from Mexico or Mexican ancestry and tons of them get pregnant years before they're even 18.

>try to reverse image search the qt in the OP
>lick me where I fart



Fuck you nigger lover.