>>Tfw The age of Liberalism is over.
>>Tfw Donald Trump is God-King for 8 years.
>>Tfw It's the greatest time to be alive.
>>Tfw It's the greatest country to be alive in.
>>Tfw Living in the most free country on Earth
>>Tfw Free to believe anything.
>>Tfw Free to Read anything.
>>Tfw Free to Say anything
>>Tfw Free to Learn anything
>>Tfw Socialism has been crushed forever.
>>Tfw Feminism and Marxism is dying forever
>>Tfw being part of MAGA.
>>Tfw Proud to be an American again.
>>Tfw witnessing a second Golden Age
>>Tfw Living in the greatest Era of all Time.
>Tfw The age of Liberalism is over
Other urls found in this thread:
2018 Mecca gets glassed, check'em.
> Marxism dying forever
> Liberalism is over
> Millions of Jews and Anglos are alive
Something is wrong kiddo.
>tfw will never be ass raped by Marion Le Pen wielding a thick black dildo
Anglos and Jews run this world. Just accept it.
Ahh to be a normie like you. I wish it were that simple. You need to wake up and realize that left vs. right politics and especially Donald Trump are just kike theater, orchestrated to distract you from anything really important. Donald Trump is a kike with ties to all of the most evil names in the business. He's lying to you. I don't understand why this isn't more obvious to all of you. You just blindly trust that all of the government and media are this shallow and open/honest about their motivations, goals, desires, plans, etc.
It is not enough, no where near enough. These things only made classic conservativism cool and discredited liberalism.
But we need to go more right, more populist and more dictatorial.
For that the incoming global economic recession worse than '08 is a godsend. We may just witness full rehabilitation of fascism as a credible mainstream ideology. I can't wait.
I laugh at you thinking that the war is already won... we have maybe won the first battle out of thousands to be fought in the next 20-30 years. It's the equivalent if the Wehrmacht would start cheering after seeing how easily the Polish military is falling after day 2 and then shitting their pants on day 3 when Britain and France declare war.
Real hell hasn't even arrived yet considering the standards of living in our countries, we are still at the top and taking the wrong turn might lead to a free fall many can't even begin to comprehend... but I'm all for it. If we can't win through peaceful means, we should go full scorched earth mode and level everything. We are good at rebuilding anyway while the others will stay shit.
Enlighten me oh Wise One.
Pretty annoyed, last few months all I've heard is bitching and moaning from everything around me about "muh trump" and "muh Muslim ban".
Normal Sup Forums when?
>TFW I'm free to call you a braindead alt-right faggot that needs to pull your lips away from Trump' s cheesey penis for 5 minutes.
Jeez you've really got a thing for kike brainwashing figures. You know Alex Jones is literally "a Jew" right? Like Trump, he's aggressively loyal to Israel, and like Trump, his business is founded, paid for and produced by kikes.
Here, watch this while I layout all of the kike facts on Trump for you.
>>Tfw The wall is being built right now.
>>Tfw Ice is throwing out undesirables.
>>Tfw Hundreds of Thousand of Jobs created
>>Tfw The pipeline will be finished
>>Tfw The military is being rebuilt
>>Tfw The coal and oil industries are rising
>>Tfw Dat GDP.
>>Tfw That health care repeal and reform
>>Tfw Dat Lobby Bann.
>>Tfw Muslim countries BTFO
>>Tfw No more handouts for urban youth.
>>Tfw So wealth, so truth, so AMERICAN!
>Tfw Socialism has been crushed forever.
>Tfw Feminism and Marxism is dying forever
Not in yurop unfortunately. The EU needs to implode first.
>>Tfw All this done in less then 2 months.
>>Tfw Democrats impotent to do anything
>>Tfw Powers that be couldn't stop any of it
>>Tfw Trump fucked globalists in the ass
>>Tfw Trump fucked Corperations in the ass
>>Tfw Trump fucked Obama in the ass.
>>Tfw Trump fucked Hillary in the ass.
>>Tfw Trump fucked Media in the ass.
>>Tfw Trump fucked Soros in the ass.
>>Tfw Trump fucked private interest in the ass
>>Tfw Trump fucked Muslims in the ass
>>Tfw Trump fucked illegals in the ass
>>Tfw Trump fucked liberals in the ass
>>Tfw Trump fucked millenials in the ass
>>Tfw Trump fucked China in the ass.
>>So credible
>>So resourced
>>So linked
>>So progressive
>>Tfw America is powerful again.
>>Tfw America's enemies fear him again.
>>Tfw The Hard choice has been made.
>>Tfw It had to be done.
>>Tfw You're people are the only that matter
>>Tfw The cause is righteous.
>>Tfw Liberals get in the way.
>>Tfw You know they deserve it.
>>>Tfw Socialism has been crushed forever.
I guess you are assume the (((globalists))) are on the back foot with their asses hanging out? And that all they got left now is alot of kicking and screaming before finally we snuff them out?
>>The dual-citizen kikes are very nervous.
We're not quite there, but the dawn is breaking.
couldn't autists all get banned
there is no political point in the OP
just a stupid greentext story
please get banned
>>Tfw The winning never stops.
>>Tfw He kept every campaign promise.
>>Tfw Brining jobs home.
>>Tfw Carpet Drone strikes the middle east.
>>Tfw Illegal immigration down 40%
>>Tfw More done in 8 weeks then in 8 years
>>Tfw Bending ISIS over a barrel.
>>Tfw Europe bowing down.
>>Tfw Federal freeze on employment
>>Tfw Eliminating 2 regs for every 1 passed.
>>Tfw Your president is a nationalist populist.
>>Mfw liberals BTFO with nothing to say.
The just say israel like a million times, so whats your point?
Fuck off shill, let me remind you of what Trump has done
>utterly BTFO'd feminism and the most corrupt campaign in American history
>is deporting illegals (t. Califag, know first hand beaners are getting catapulted TF out) and is building a WALL.
>lower taxes and more jobs (not even (((CNN))) can ignore how much industry is returning.
>ObamaCare and all King Nigger's effects on our great white nation's history is being erased
>Liberalism is a dying meme, and generation Z is going to be the most conservative generation in history due to all the butthurt leftists are going to sperg on them.
We are looking at a golden age. If Trump was so loyal to the Kikes, why didn't he mention them on Holocaust Remembrance Day?
inb4: his kids are Jews
>It's the only way to move up in social class now, the kikes rule America.
>yfw Drumpf is made a one-term president in 2020
>tfw all of it is ruined when you remember that you have no gf