Can we get a Sup Forums related good feels thread going? Too much bad stuff happening in the world right now.
Can we get a Sup Forums related good feels thread going? Too much bad stuff happening in the world right now.
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What is a sentencing review?
every punch, every. single. one. felt so good
After a person is convicted of a crime and sentenced to prison, new things can happen. For example, 1) the law can change or 2) new evidence can be discovered that could prove innocence.
In this case, the appeals court said "long sentences for criminals under 18 years are cruel/unusual". SO he was entitled to seek a reduction in prison time.
But at any sentencing hearing - even one that the criminal asks for - the prosecutor can seek MORE time than the original.
So wait, if suddenly evidence appears which would clear him from everything, he still have to sit in jail till 2031?
>But at any sentencing hearing - even one that the criminal asks for - the prosecutor can seek MORE time than the original.
Thats another thing which doesnt sound right,
Every criminal has to get a appropriate sentence, based on the crime he committed, how do they just change from 65 years to suddenly life sentence?
You are either committed a crime worth 65 years or life sentence. changing it arbitrary, sounds like the judges have no idea
>Too much bad stuff happening in the world right now
So nice, after hearing the mental gymnastic the Brown family is doing today to prove their son was a drug dealer. This nig nog now sentenced to LIFE almost gave me a raging hardon MAGA
how is that good?
he is gona sit in jail like a parasite for atleast 60+ years, draining taxes.
Better release him after 10 years, broken and and changed and let him work his ass off.
>What is a sentencing review?
Florida Justice
It is very rare that such evidence appears. An example of good new evidence that will probably get the sentence vacated/exonerated is: DNA evidence, or another suspect confessing to the crime (Especially if they know details only the criminal would have known).
Sometimes it's more of a gamble: For example, if the prosecutor had used racist language when off-duty, or if the defense attorney was incompetant/drunk etc.
They only have the right to get a new TRIAL. Which means they can get a new sentence. (i.e., less or more time).
Minors are typically given lesser sentences.
He committed this crime when he was 16, and it's been 8 years since then. He's not a minor anymore, and the judge apparently saw either no change or a regression in terms of his behavior.
Behavior plays a large part in sentencing and when you're released. If you show up to court and display absolutely no remorse for your crimes, they're going to be harder on you.
>how is that good?
If they wont let us execute him lets make his life as miserable as possible and just maybe he gets shanked and bleeds out in the lunch line in the next 5 yrs... fingers crossed
>based on the crime he committed
Your sentence is dependent on more than just the physicality of the act. What were his full intentions? What was he thinking at the time? Does he show remorse today? To what degree does he seem redeemable? The judge takes all of these and decides. Two men who commit the same crime of killing a man can receive vastly different sentences.
Why did they use "Rapist" instead of "Murderer"
are women more sympathetic to rapists rotting for life or what?
>Better release him after 10 years, broken and and changed and let him work his ass off.
>thinking niggers can evolve into white people
He wont be doing that again.
As much as I love this video, I still get infuriated every time that the cops just stand there while the antifa steals the flag and don't rush in until he gets his faggot ass handed to him.
Oh, Hans.
Really, the best situation is simply to kill him off. The chair, lethal injection, whatever works and does it with the smallest cost on the taxpayer.
Ex-con niggers are worse than regular niggers. You'll learn.
Looks like replying to all those male vigour emails have finally paid off!
thanx for cheering me up OP, but to bad the girl will never live a normal life. this is one of those times, when tax dollars are put to good use. 100 years ago, this scum would have never made it to court.
>Which means they can get a new sentence. (i.e., less or more time).
Even if proven innocent?
And still, even if such thing happens rarely, waiting 14 years for a review, sitting in jail possibly innocent, sucks hard.
Ye, same here in germany.
>lets make his life as miserable as possible
But for what purpose? We dont get anything out of that situation, I dont care if he suffers or not, but I would like him more as a pawn, who does the dirty jobs. society would greatly benefit from these poeple. they are no use in jail
>fingers crossed
doesnt happen to often tho
Yea, and based on all these facts they gave him 65 years. then SUDDENLY they can change it to life sentence, although the crime he commited is the same and nothing has changed? sounds really arbitrary
>what is slavery
Slavery, but legal, wouldnt that be great? All justified by his own acts.
Robert, please
>smallest cost on the taxpayer.
I would love a tax return by forced work
Thats because you guys didnt learn how to handle them. Russia has a high rehabilitation quote, just look how they treat these people.
They have to fear
That movie...
Is that Singham?
not a Sup Forums but it always gets me in the feels...
show cock desu
always wondered what happened to that nigger, i'm sure he dindu nuffin
True, but it is always better to have justice instead of mob justice. If there were never any lynchings, it wouldn't be racist to say "white pride."
Are you fucking stupid or just not proficient in english? I explained it perfectly to you and you respond with a paraphrase of something you already typed. The physicality of the crime has not changed, but his display of character might've. Have you ever been in a court? Do you think there's a list of crimes and all the judge does is cross reference it with an index of punishments?
>Better release him after 10 years, broken and and changed and let him work his ass off.
Around 70% of convicts will return to prison, the majority of that 70% within five years of release. Violent offenders need to be put down.
I get now why public executions were a thing for so long, it kept this kind of behavior out. What's unfortunate is how many people get convicted on circumstantial evidence. Before DNA evidence people were wrongly convicted for murders all the time and after DNA started exonerating people the death penalty became even less popular. Thanks to this we can't execute Tyrone after he kills three people on camera and leaves his blood, saliva and semen at the scene and was caught with the murder weapon. I hate the thought of executing an innocent person but are we really promoting the greater good by giving these animals free room and board for their crimes?
The feels...
Yes, basically Indian stallone plus special-ed effects.
My huge cock in the firm grip of an Asian girl.
Boogie will die tomorrow.
Now I know why they want to make Russian the bad guys.
Are you illiterate? She didn't die
I think you are the stupid one here.
They reviewed his sentence, with all the nuances, they got the full overview about the situation and decided they have enough impression to give him a fair sentence: 65 years.
but they suddenly change it to a life sentenced, even when nothing has changed, his person, his crime, his character, his reason, NOTHING.
the instance of the crime is completely the same as when they gave him 65 years.
>Around 70% of convicts will return to prison, the majority of that 70% within five years of release.
I have the same numbers in mind, I dont know where I read these before, but its and indication that jail doesnt hurt them as much, as living outside? They have to fear jail, being afraid of ever going back.
why does she have a nigger nose ?
>left a young woman blind and paralyzed for life.
I'll smile when he sways with a light Florida breeze
sacré bleu
because of her big black cock
She has Mongolian ancestry so she falls directly onto her face everyday.
Bad? Yes. But only towards regional countries so most people don't really care. This anti-russia hysteria could die down eventually, we just need a new place to hate.
Why does Napoleon look like a turk roach ?
Have you ever seen an actual Turk in person?
>even when nothing has changed
No two court hearings are the same. The questions the prosecutor asks and strategy he uses may be different. Thus the answers produced by the defendent will also have changed. The very fact that he requested a review of the trial suggests that he believes his crime wasn't as serious as the previous judge believed - this itself is reflective of a lack of remorse. The very requesting of a review is something that has changed.
I can't believe i had to spell all this out for you. I won't waste time spoonfeeding you anymore, fucking idiot.
The initial crime has a sentencing range: from x number of years to y number of years. In this case the sentencing range was probably 35-life.
The re-sentencing hearing basically says "your old sentence is void, in this new hearing, we will sentence you again, regardless of what was given before"
So this sentencing hearing, most likely with a different judge, looked at the facts of the case, and decided that a life sentence was warranted in the case, whereas the previous judge, in the now voided sentence, had decided 65 years was good.
I know that Europe is doomed but I fucking hate these cherry picking pics/vids that are used to validate your own conceptions.
Pic related is in Moscow. How does this fit in your preconceptions?
Moscow is the city with the biggest Muslim population in Europe, more than London, Berlin or Paris.
This video proves nothing.
Fuck you.
imo it's more humane than letting him sit in jail for 60+ years.
nitrogen asphyxiation should be the go-to. i don't know why they have to make it weird and complicated with the electric chair, injections, etc.
as a person I fully understand the anger of the 2 men attacking him.
You do NOT treat the symbol that unites your people like that.
People died for that.
Destroying your own flag is so fucking infuriating.
>left a young woman blind and paralyzed for life
your point?
They fucking changed the sentence to life prison because blatantly asking for a sentence reduction when you literally ruined someone's life shows no disregard for law, human life and society in general.
Now I understand why your women want nigger dick, you faggots have no spine at all, Hans.
So, the court went directly against the supreme court ruling?
I'm not saying whether it's right or wrong, but I do wonder if they didn't just shoot themselves in the foot, and in the end, this guy may possibly get out even earlier.
Why should such a nigger be granted the rights of a human?
why should we have to pay to keep him around?
lol typical nigger, soon he will go to drugs and join some nigger club to shoot down his own people if he has not already thus continuing the cycle
>They have to fear jail, being afraid of ever going back.
I agree, but making jail more of a punishment could further damage them once their sentence is up, or raise the stakes and cause them to fight to stay out harder.
Some judges here instead of jail time or fines will give minor offenders the option to publicly humiliate themselves. Holding a sign saying what they did (sometimes dressed up in a stupid costume), making them clean up dog shit, etc. and it's shown to be effective. Public punishment, either humiliation or executions, are the best way to keep violent behavior down.
>nothing has changed, his person, his crime, his character
Arguably only the crime has not changed. At the original trial the court did not know how he behaved, if he would be good in prison, if this was just the mistake of a kid, etc. 8 years later, he's shown that he's a piece of shit by misbehaving in jail. That shows that his character and personality are trash and he is probably not capable of rehabilitation.
Maybe by 2031 he will have figured it out. If he's shaped up, he will have a chance of getting out, especially since he was convicted as a minor.
Have you guys fixed your debts yet? We don't hear about it in the news anymore.
This really made my day.
well clearly the idea here is that if they can't execute him, the next best thing is to keep him locked away from society.
>No two court hearings are the same.
But thats completly flawed, and unfair. Dont you realize that you stupid motherfucker?
>The very fact that he requested a review of the trial suggests that he believes his crime wasn't as serious as the previous judge believed
And he is completely right in doing so. ->
>No two court hearings are the same
Its in his interest to get a fair trial.
>this itself is reflective of a lack of remorse
No it doesnt, you can has remorse and still wanting to have a fair trial for yourself.
I completly agree, but that only shows how bad the first judge was (or the second, we dont know) was. You get a different sentence depending on the judge you receive, which is basically bullshit.
The succes rate of a new trial in germany is actually 5-10%, which shows that in 90-95% of the time the sentence is justified.
Wait what? Asking for a review of a seemingly unfair sentence is showing "no disregard for law"?
What the fuck, you actually gona argue that every trial and sentence is fair to the point where you better dont go in for a new review because you better have to accept a possibly false sentence?
Yeah, costing taxes. What a waste.
This is why women deserve to be raped.
Honestly, they did him a favor.
He'd have been 81 by the time he got out. Would've been Shawshank Redemption all over again.
Here's a short (you).
manlet btfo
This seems like it shouldn't be allowed to happen
>I completly agree, but that only shows how bad the first judge was (or the second, we dont know) was. You get a different sentence depending on the judge you receive, which is basically bullshit.
>The succes rate of a new trial in germany is actually 5-10%, which shows that in 90-95% of the time the sentence is justified.
Yeah, I'm not saying that the system is good or anything, just explaining how it works. There were some key bits that were missing from people before.
I personally think there should be a set amount of time sentenced for a specific crime committed, and all that time should be served fully. In the US, people usually only end up serving half or less of their actual sentence. Very infrequently does anyone get prison time with "no possibility of parole".
sorry not sorry
>life sentence for rape
Kill yourself.
>Just throw on some pumps and hit the club, gurl!
Couldn't make it farther than this.
why? he beat/raped a girl until she was blind and paralyzed. he doesn't need to be part of the public.
t. manlet
>The very fact that he requested a review of the trial suggests that he believes his crime wasn't as serious as the previous judge believed - this itself is reflective of a lack of remorse
>requesting a review in and of itself is grounds for a harsher sentence
>the review is a scam to get these stupid animals to request a longer sentence
kek this is hilariously evil, 5/5 bretty gud
>there are male humans on this earth who are smaller than 190cm
truly sad such a shame tbqh
He should have gotten a life sentence the first time around, Im not defending him I'm just saying I don't think you should get a review then get charged more for the same crime. He really fucked her up
>Yeah, costing taxes. What a waste.
it's a man you're not allowed to execute, but must keep away from society at all costs. hopefully he dies sooner than later.
plus who are we to give any country shit for wasting their tax money?
America m8
Dude, we found the HWNDU Flag, we can solve this problem also!
No matter how bad a man is, he can be broken. I'm pretty sure in this, even if does take 10years or more.
IMO putting them into jail, wasting resources on them seems a bit stupid. Why would we do that?
Meh, I'm short, I don't mind people making fun of my height anymore. Those chicks will be alone after being fugged and left side when their Chads are constantly cucking them and leaving for younger stock. That or they will be with Tyrone who will just make them single mothers with a niglet. I'll just MGTOW and spend my time and money for myself.
Suffering is good. These people don't fear going to prison anymore, they see it as a mark of honor, a badge in many ways. Time for it to stop being fun and games.
I'm 185 and perfectly happy with how tall I am.
>broken and and changed and let him work his ass off.
You mean hardened and more violent
>left her blind and paralyzed for life
KYS forever, violent assault rape = death penalty.
>Suffering is good.
I couldnt care less what happens to them
>These people don't fear going to prison anymore, they see it as a mark of honor, a badge in many ways.
Thats ze problem
>Time for it to stop being fun and games.
Jail is like a social club for these fucks.
>I don't mind people making fun of my height anymore.
you ever gave a fuck?
It's practicly a non issue, but low self esteem is creating issues.
>You mean hardened and more violent
Then you doing it wrong. You do actually.
same famalam, never give it a thought
What can I do man, I was a kid. Once I left high school I stopped caring.
You lock him up so he doesn't go pop out about 15 just like him. If you sterilized him maybe you'd have a point. Also, justice isn't just rehabilitative, it's retributive.
You cannot turn to rehabilitation until retribution has occurred. Rehab is for society, retribution is for the victim. It's a obvious injustice to the victim to put society's rehabilitation concerns over the victims right to retribution. Which is really pretty backwards for a group that considers themselves cutting edge and all that.
>tfw barely 5'7
and i thought i wouldn't be a virgin forever
>So wait, if suddenly evidence appears which would clear him from everything, he still have to sit in jail till 2031?
No. Guilt and sentencing are seperate things. If new evidence is found the conviction may be overturned. Also there's the habeas corpus procedure.
>You are either committed a crime worth 65 years or life sentence. changing it arbitrary, sounds like the judges have no idea
There will be some arbitraryness because the judge is given a lot of discretion. It's not necessarily arbitrary as new evidence may be presented and his character has developed since the act, or the prosecutor might just have done a better job.