I wonder how many of the 14 milions who are losing the coverage are unemployed rednecks who voted for Trump

I wonder how many of the 14 milions who are losing the coverage are unemployed rednecks who voted for Trump.

Enjoy what you really voted for, american idiot.

Other urls found in this thread:


Mostly people who were forced at gunpoint to buy health insurance they didn't want, probably.

really makes you think

Hopefully boogy is one of those 14 million.

Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>Had both Dental and health insurance
>obamacare kicks in
>rates start sky rocketing.
>eventually can't afford health insurance.
>cancel all together or get a plan with a nigger tier deductable and zero coverage.
>end up cancelling and using my jobs health insurance.
Maybe I can go back to actually affording supplementary health insurance agian.

As long as it's takes away free gubmint birth control I'm okay with it

>the government can't guarantee me a free house and wife
>wtf I'll be homeless and single now

This, to a more or lesser extent happened to everyone I knew. Health insurance got fucking ridiculously expensive under king nigger.


premium 4x more, deductible 5x more. good times.

>I wonder how many of the 14 milions who are losing the coverage are unemployed rednecks who voted for Trump.
>Enjoy what you really voted for, american idiot.

I've been wondering this for a while, but do LARPing libshits mainly post this kind of shit on Sup Forums because their comment exceeds twitter's character limit?

Nah I just come here to shitpost and make some amerifats like you get angry.




Is this 2016 again?

Hopefully something like Australia or remain in USA

I don't think you really understand the kind of people who post on Sup Forums, then. We get angry when people spam Blacked threads, but liberal talking points aren't going to change any minds here. Best you can probably hope for is RPing with other libshits like yourself.


those chucklefucks had the architect of Obamacare grade Obamacare

I pick Israel for my free choice.


Fucking retard
If anything they just showed how many illegal immigrants made up their so called "registrations" under Obamacare
White people avoided that shit like the plague because some of us have enough self respect to not want to fund the third fucking worlders extravagant lifestyles


Funny how I never had any need for that state subsidized healthcare, even though I pay a shit ton of taxes so that shitskins, foreigners, illegals and people with awful life choices can be cured for free. The only things I have problem with are my eyes, ears and teeth, and none of this is covered by the state healthcare, so I still need to buy private health insurance on the side to complete it, just like every single person here. Hell, you ARE FORCED BY LAW to have the same private health insurance as your company.
Socialism is working so well, really.

>I'm going to lose my unaffordable coverage and be forced to buy a more affordable plan

>but liberal talking points aren't going to change any minds here
Where did i say i come here to change the way you think desu? I need you to laugh on when I browse Sup Forums. Please stay ameridumb 4ever.

Hahaha epic win dude!!!!
No wonder Spain is bankrupt.

Maybe you should work on your English a little bit.

Hi France. Stay mad. Stay mulsim.

Nah Im fine. Maybe YOU should work on your spanish, you're going to need it soon, amigo.


No wonder why Trump won.


I keep seeing this claim that 14 million will lose coverage.

In reality what I read is :
>no longer forced to buy it
>tax credit offered instead to help them buy it
>they may still choose to not purchase insurance at their own discretion

"Choosing not to buy" is different than "taken away from them".

Why is the media so shady when it comes to this topic?

>Peru is here
>Chile is not

fake news

Because billions of third worlders like OP will buy into it and spread their propaganda for them, while the few tens of millions of whites with an IQ over 100 are just going to be drowned out in the cacophony.



The crime of Obamacare was that it was just a way for them to give the illegals and criminal minorities literally completely free health care by breaking the backs of healthy, decent whites

I bet a white male typed this post.

White males are responsible for typing the majority of important documents in history. For example, the Bill of Rights which guarantees your right to criticize him.

Thank you yes. Spelling grammar and logic gave it away no doubt

That sounded a bit racist.


Black lung coal miners BTFO! Leeches never deserved healthcare in the first place.


> spain

become part of the first world before posting here

Fuck off shitskin

>first world
I kek'd a bit.

and how many people lost it due to obamacare?

>self respect
Whites use the most welfare and snap benefits because they are the real niggers now

>extravagant life style
I guess so peasant poor.

Why so mad, Jamal Sanchez Li Smith?

joke's on you; we're the global hegemon

>the government cant guarantee me 3 square meals a day for free
Umm wow wtf fascist much? I need food even more than I do healthcare!

Words from a small towner faggot

Are these supposed to be insults?

We were*

Also you still had and still have more % poverty than any EU country.

Jokes back on you.

>The crime of Obamacare was that it was just a way for them to give the illegals and criminal minorities literally completely free health

That came before. If illegal immigrants go to the ER the federal government will reimburse the hospital.

The immigrants are not covered by medicaid or any part of Obamacare. The government still pays for it though. This i the ER loophole.

pls good

We use the majority of everything moron because we're still the fucking majority. My family has never collected a dime of nigger charity from muh government and never will. Your degenerate urban city slums have literally nothing to do with white America anymore so you of course don't understand how just how retarded you sound.

If 14 million lose insurance won't that be because 14 million stopped paying for a trash product? If they like it, wouldn't they just keep?

i think its more likely that its the vast medicare/medicaid expansion that's going to axe people, and also the people that signed up for the exchanges,

which won't exist anymore after 1 year. so this headline is extremely misleading (fake news) because it implies that people will be kicked off, when in fact there is a 1 year transition so that if you were on the exchanges you should be able to get a comparable plan (by law) with the same coverage (minus things you don't want/need).

so when they say lose coverage what they really mean is will lose their current plan and then get on a new one right? just like what happened with the affordable care act despite obama saying we wouldn't lose our current plans?


>be no health probs but had deal w/ dentist to do ful mouth replacement (didn't brush in 20s), now ten grand more expensive.

>literally thanks o'nigger

No shit, why should I pay for a bunch of bags of lard. My wife and I work out and eat well, a lot of Americans don't. Why should tubby's bill be mine?

Oh no you mean they are losing their super expensive meaningless "insurance"


I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Good news: we're just getting started!

Are they?

Fuckkkkkk boyyyy!

>Whites use the most welfare and snap benefits because they are the real niggers now

Does the term "per capita" mean anything to you?

I hope everyone that loses their insurance because they can't force other people to cover them anymore end up dying. That's not a joke.

funny how they fail to mention that most of those people are healthy who only got obamacare to not get the penalty

but hey its better to fearmonger

There really is no bite in a riff about America being "overtaken by brown people" from a person whose country was fully conquered and ruled by Muslims for 700 years.

Great Job!!!

You get to continue to live under the largesse of white people!

Be sure to insult them whenever you can, and go totally KANGZ ASAP.

lolkekPSthere is no other way to pay for your healthcare other than white guilt, enjoy.


The Philippines...

Yeah but we took it back. You wont faggots.

aaaaand yet you continue to need
>fuk boi
To continue your health care!

I think it's time you die tho kthx byenigger!

Last I checked the Americans are kicking out Mexifags you dense motherfucker


>You wont faggots.

Muslim population of the USA is still about 0.9%. They don't even have political power here. What the fuck are you on about?


To be fair, fat bastards are cheaper in the long run, so are smokers, because they die much earlier on average.

A tub of goo dying in their early sixties is far cheaper on an insurance plan than someone who lives into their 90's because from late 50's to early 60's people spend way more on doctors until they cash out than anybody else.

Also you should work on your chinesse and whatever language the philipines speak, you breed of a killer.

>muh family
Fuck you and your faggot poor family. Wtf is white america anyways? Is that some poor people flyover state bullshit?

Shill replying to his own comment.

Yeah, but you still have mudslime DNA in you. That/s why you can pick a spic out of a group of white people.

Says the fag whose country is starving to death from all that debt. Nice comeback you thick cunt lelelel

Where did i say you were being conquered by muslims? If i say you need to work on your spanish im implying you are being conquered by...? Come on, Im sure you can fill the blank.

you shouldn't talk inbrednigger

nah, still are

also no one gives a rat's fuck about poor people

oh my god I wanted Japan and I was one off.


Yeah well... You got your own damned problems.

yes, this is me

>Thinks this is about beloved USA
Try to keep up. I know it's hard for you, but do try.

they desire more immigrants they are so fucking stupid they are asking their government to give them financial burdens

14 million people CHOOSING not to buy garbage insurance =/= 14 million LOSING coverage.

God forbid I pick my own insurance instead of being forced to pay for over priced insurance and then get fined if I don't. Also love how nobody wanted and hated obamacare but now trump wants to fix it all look now everyone wants and defends obamacare