bye bye trumpfie
the big league players are steppin in the game to save the day
>Mark Zuckerberg's 2017 plan to visit all US states hints at political ambitions
bye bye trumpfie
the big league players are steppin in the game to save the day
>Mark Zuckerberg's 2017 plan to visit all US states hints at political ambitions
What's his endgame ?
He controls the Winklevoss brothers
I'll bet he's just going to visit the big cities and ignore the rest of us just like Hillary did.
Implying people will vote for that low test kike. Didn't he unironically marry a kitchen sink?
Is Mark dare I say - one of /our crew/ ?
>people rejected the rich, elite, corrupt establishment and celebrities
>democrats are propping up another rich, elite, corrupt establishment celebrity
Surely this must be intentional, nobody in power can be that stupid.
who are they?
Yeah I'm gonna need a quick rundown on those two
How redpilled is the Zuck ?
Calling it for 2024
Mark Zuckerberg (D) vs Christopher Poole (R)
We thought 2016 was the meme war to end all meme wars...
He stole their balloons.
An unlikeable billionaire Ivy League kike with an ugly, ballbusting Chink tranny for a wife is not going to beat Trump.
> the Winklevoss brothers sued Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, claiming he stole their ConnectU idea to create the popular social networking site, and ultimately received $65 million
>they own the most Bitcoins of any person in the world
>They competed in the men's pair rowing event at the 2008 Beijing Olympics
>they together possess an IQ of 300
He really really really really wants to be a high level Jew and go to the moloch parties, but they won't let him. He's just too nerdy.
He has the charisma of an oyster.
>implying the Democrats would take in a STRAIGHT WHITE MALE outsider in 2020
Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
Zuck: Just ask
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?
Zuck: People just submitted it.
Zuck: I don't know why.
Zuck: They "trust me"
Zuck: Dumb fucks
Let's give this guy access to everyone's information
He is the bluepill salesman for normies. Throw his ass in the oven.
>Election becomes Sup Forums vs Facebook
Please God this is all I've ever wanted
>they together possess an IQ of 300
Meh, so does Sup Forums. Almost.
"Mr. Zuckerberg, could you please explain to the audience here how it is that Facebook makes money?"
Campaign over.
The Big Oy Vey is entering the Stage
> what to do
>Zuck: Dumb fucks
Zuck: Red Pilled & Alpha as Fuck
pretty much this.
Imagine the CIA under suckerjew
He is going to check his privilege, then ritually sacrifice his cock and balls to Moloch so xir can run as a brave trans-woman thing.
honestly, I'd vote for Zuck. Or literally any candidate under the age of 45. We hire these people who came at the beginning of the baby boomers and wonder why they don't share our values.
It's true KEK
Reported your post for antisemitism
enjoy your ban retard
would be Cia wet dream indeed
Total controll of the goyim. Remember the inside of that jacket he was wearing?
>Mark "I sweat like a nervous cartoon character when asked to take off my hoodie in front of the crowd" Cuckerberg
>running for office
you can teach politics, but you can't teach charisma, and that kike is a posterboy for autism
He would have to speak to people in public
god damn he's some ice age looking mother
That gif is beautiful
You must be Jew here.
Organize the goyim to efficiently work for israel
Democrat here, pls dont let this cunt run. Hes literally just the lib version of trump. Billionaire outsiders need to stay the fuck away from politics
That's the price you pay for free websites without ads plastered over everything.
>x customers prefer this over that
Big deal lol.
Are dems completely, utterly retarded?
If there's a hypothetical candidate with skeletons bursting out of the closet, it's this guy.
NSA, CIA, you name it. Wikileaks, or even Trump himself, could tear up this slimy jew's asshole with a scandal in no fucking time.
>inb4 never stop your enemy from doing a mistake
No, fucking hell. It's an announced trainwreck and I refuse to believe any leftist, no matter how brainwashed, could think this could work
>(((Mark Zuckerberg)))
That crazy bitch is a mix of Merkel and Architect from Matrix on steroids.
He probably unironically believes he's secretly a machine, and once he launches some nukes, his robotic essence will manifest itself and ascend him into true robothood or something.
Dems are seriously considering this heeb, Oprah Winfrey, Fauxcahontas, Keith "al-Somali" Ellison, Corey "fudge packing fudge" Booker, and Clinton Season 3
they're a ghost of anything they used to be my spaghetti friend, don't mourn their death, just watch the corpse twitch and writhe while the US prospers again
He's the opposite of that. He has all the makings of a totalitarian lefty.
not to mention he's 5-7, Americans historically don't vote for manlets. He would be the shortest president since McKinley and in terms of relative to the average height at the time(people have gotten taller over the years), the shortest maybe outside of Madison, in the media age we live in no less where image is a lot.
Remember how Zuckerjew said something along the lines of "Those dumb fucks trust me with their data"?
Yeah... I'm really not sure if the average American will like that.
I think that's a straight-up unelectable phrase.
>It's an announced trainwreck and I refuse to believe any leftist, no matter how brainwashed, could think this could work
They really actually believe it was Trump's money and status that won the election.
They simply cannot accept that the policies they have been pushing are destructive to the white working class. Which is ironic I know, since they have alrealy begun celebrating the end of whites.
Jew walks onto a bus, holding a large dufflebag. He asks for a senior discount, even though he couldn't be much older than 40. Driver asks for his ID, the Jew complains and refuses to pay full fare. It goes back and forth between the driver and Jew, both too stubborn to give in. In a rage, the driver throws the Jews dufflebag off the bus, and it tumbles down a hill. The Jew exclaims "What the fuck?! Just because I didn't pay full fare you try to kill my son?"
The Democrats running Zuck the Schmuck as a presidential candidate would be the same as hearing your great grandmother announce she's decided to get a boob job. Makes ZERO fucking sense at all.
Although your quads speak the truth, otherwise I'd say you're far too optimistic. You guys almost elected Shillary fucking Clinton (or, rather, let her steal the elections, since I don't believe she sincerely got over like 38%).
>Pedophile dirty beta who stutters like a bitch when he speaks.
There's no way he's going to win. He's an atheist too. There is absolutely no way lol.
Yeah, but Hillary Clinton had:
First woman presidency.
Career brand-name politician with former-president husband whom some adore.
Running against Trump.
Entire media against Trump.
Zuckerjew will have a really hard time if the Republicans elect someone even remotely decent.
Yes, but can you post it?
Are they more powerful than the Bogs?
RIP free speech and western democracies.
Women and niggers are too stupid to understand that this man is seriously dangerous.
this. hes too normie
The Democrat Party will never get behind another white male politician for President. And Zuck claiming "Not White but Jewish" would just make it worse.
He can Zuck my dick.
>Wow they didnt visit my city! They didnt validate my existence! My feelings are hurt! I am very important!
>Better vote for the other guy
Zucker(((burg))), he has no idea what he's in for.
>own the most bitcoins in the world
lel bull shit bitcoin is 90 percent chinese owned now over billions maybe more mined a day.
Zuckerberg is very unpopular with people, and he's a smarmy, ugly, and untrustworthy homosexual jew. Absolutely no way he carries any sort of political presence. He thinks that just because an outsider won, he can win too. People forget how across the board popular Trump was with normies years ago. Everyone sees Zuckerberg as the guy who created farmville and sold their info.
Well, hes an actual self-made billionaire, unlike Trump.
She's an ugly scumbag criminal who ran on a platform of terror, arrogance and destroying the American way of life. If that short-circuiting crazy old cunt is electable, I'd truly hesitate to say someone isn't.
Yeah, but so is Soros.
Really doesn't mean much to be a self-made billionaire when you're an evil Jew.
I wish this smelly hobo billionaire shows up in town. I'd like to ask him why my iphone gets loaded up with contacts from a deleted facebook account and what poo in loos designed it that way so I can personally give those pajeets wedgies. The weak should fear the strong.
Why did she bother more than once with Commiefornia?
Trump is gonna wipe the floor with that babbling autist. I'd really love to see that show.
Trumps so called success story was one of his biggest talking points
There are a lot of scandals surrounding facebook from the early days up until today but if you're not in the tech word you won't know shit about them. All of that stuff would be blasted 24/7 if he seems like a threat.
The Bogs have new bodies, I assume they have not been transferred yet
By the time Trump gets to 4 years (if he makes it that far) he'll have so much baggage he'll be completely unelectable.
She had a dinner she had to attend for fundraising or her fundraisers.
Yes, but that's only a positive story because Trump isn't an evil Jew globalist.
>dancing around the question
This is exactly why this faggot will never be elected.
if (((zuckerberg))) runs i will literally register as a democrat to vote tulsi in the primaries
If Zuckerberg becomes president it's literally over for humanity and the globalists win.
Americans have a duty to the world to stop that from happening through whatever means necessary.
anyone else pumped up for President Autismo Supreme?
Everyone hates zuckerfag.
This will be easy as fuck. Just gotta bring up him selling literally everyone's info while we get not one thing. Should be illegal honestly.
holy shit. he's totally going to be the 2020 nom. dems are going to try to go market him as the future and all that non sense. he is 32 now so he will be 35 just in time
Has zuckercuck already shown up on betting sites? checking bovada now
If he runs Hawaii goes red
He almost 100% will not run in 2020.
After 2020? Looking very likely.
Kek, this is legit how Americans vote
I'll make sure to show up when he comes to my town and yell MOOT IS A CIA NIGGER AND HIRO IS /OURGUY/, NORMIES RUINED MY PEPES REEEEEEEEEE
>Not a globalist
Pick one.
Trump has hotels and manufacturing plants on several continents.
>Zuckerberg doing political speeches
Can't wait for the profuse sweating and red eyeballs
Not gonna lie, former Zuckerberg voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Zuckerberg crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
I cant imagine any person better to lead us into the nanny state.
whys that?
his face tells my instincts that I dont want to be friends with him
I'm gonna enjoy part 2 in 4 years.
Does anyone even like that faggot?