Just curious Brexiters, if we leave the EU and Scotland leaves the UK do you think it would have been worth it? Keep in mind everyone will be laughing at us for turning into a shitty half of an island on the outskirts of Europe.
Just curious Brexiters, if we leave the EU and Scotland leaves the UK do you think it would have been worth it...
I reckon we should lose all excess baggage.
Isn't Scotland a net drain on your economy?
Yes but that isn't the point, the humiliation of part of our country leaving, having land borders and having to change the flag. It would be a humiliation even if we had a few shekels extra in the budget.
It's a bonus.
Hahaha. They want independence. Hahahaha. They don't *gasps for breath* want to be puppets for Germany. Hahahaha.
This will be used as an excuse to delay article 50.
solution: annex them
Seriously a bonus, also does your self-esteem depend on the opinion of others? Are you so weak ?
The pro Europe...
I swear you bongs are like the battered housewife who's afraid to leave her abusive husband.
>B-but what will he and his friends think of me
Bitch, grow a pair and do something that's in your own self interest for once.
Scotland is a net drain on our economy though they are also a key aspect of our national defense so it's still not entirely desirable.
Honestly though the Scots can do what they want, we'll be fine without them and they'll be fine without us - and if they stay then that's fine too.
>The """United Kingdom""" of a principality and half of Ireland
Some Kingdom you've got there
scotland is a parasite anyway
I hope they leave
Maybe not at first but during the 2030 european race wars we will all be thanking god
if they leave we will keep our bases
I spoke about this is depth before the last referendum with a very high ranking Navy (nohomo) officer
I have been waiting for Scotland to leave for the last ten years, they finally get a vote and the cunts still won't go
The EU is pulling Nicolas strings like the puppet she is. When they have finished playing with her, they will drop Scotland like a stone.
She makes the announcement on the day, the bill is voted on in the commons, political games. Nothing to do with the welfare of the Scottish people, or what's best for them. Games.
Honestly, i don't think anyone can get more embarrassing than fucking Belgium anyway.
In before some German cuck throws his filthy sandnigger wurst in the mix.
What will the other kids think of us if we stand up for ourselves and our girlfriend leaves. We will be so embarrassed, let's not stand up for ourselves.
Who cares, Scotland is a drain on the English economy anyway, they benefit from being part of the union and contribute nothing worthwhile. They will never leave anyway, they don't have the guts to fuck their economy to spite us.
Where that old gif of Angus voting if the Scottish referendum?
Would you rather be a shitty half of an island on the outskirts of Europe, or a shitty island on the outskirts of Europe thats a slave to Brussels and is full of slimes?
yeah of course
if scotland leaves the joke is really on them...
leaving one beneficial union where they are overrepresented in parliament, get more money per head than the rest of the UK, their own legal system and govt (and therefore NHS, police, etc), and strong independent currency
for a horrible kafkaesque/orwellian union where they will lose their laws to EU legislation, lose their currency for a failing one, less money per head, etc
they go from a respected and constituent part of the UK to a vassal state of brussels.
for england and wales it will be win-win, more money at home, more sovereignty, a new independent role in the world, etc
I don't know man. I used to think this back in 2014 during the previous referendum, but now I think this is for the best.
I want Englishness to mean something again. For centuries it has been conflated incorrectly with Britishness and any celebration of our national identity has been seen as a joke. Members of Parliament have straight up laughed at white van men with English flags hanging outside their house. With Scotland cast off and perhaps even Wales and NI if they want to go too, England can have some pride in itself again.
Why not just refuse to let them go and fight for them. It's work before, no?
>Fucking dirty Jocks can fuck off for all I care. We'll be better off without the drunken parasites! God Save The Queen!
t. Little Englander
They are our brothers, like the Welsh and the north Irish. But only as long as they choose to be. If they choose to walk away we will let them.
Scotland is not going to leave the UK
But doesn't the Scottish economy look better in the long term, with oil, education, and tourism all likely to flourish for many years to come. Then there's the fish and whisky too. After years of London and Tories treating Scotland like shit, I think Scotland will do much better being its own nation and staying part of the EU.
How many northerners will try to flee across the border into Scotland?
Will Hadrian's Wall have to be reconstructed and refortified?
Queen Elizabeth will die in a smaller kingdom than she started with. Did this ever happen before?
that's why you're weak are you just gonna sit there and watch your country's land being taken away from you? dumbass
The oils gone, they won't be able to afford free education Europe gets the fish. Also they will have to contribute to the EU if they get in, with no rebate.
Also I'm no bong but I hear their education hasn't been doing so hot under the SNP
Not a Elizabeth but yeah. Scotland pissed off before. After long shanks.
Yes to both
pick one
hahahaha you are funny... the oils drying up , the education in the country is shit anyways, gone are the days of grammar schools, O-levels, etc instead we have comps and GCSEs
they shock of losing their currency, EU membership, NATO membership, hundreds of businesses, etc will destroy them for years... who cares about the long run if you're in poverty for 10 years
Globalist cucks:
>we must dismantle Britain to be more efficient and democratic and let le ebin multicultural city-state of Londonistan become de facto capital of al-Avruppa
Sheepshagger nationalists:
>we must dismantle Britain because 100 years ago never ends
Britain became self-choppered in a good time's
From what I hear not much is. The police force has become a bit of a joke. It keeps finding dead people days after incidents are reported, when they get round to turning up.
there will be no foreign troops on the island of Great Britain
Britain isn't my country. England is my country. The UK is a 300 year old union.
It's the same thing as the USSR. The USSR was never Russian land, it was Russian, Georgian, Turkic, Balts etc. You should know exactly what it is i'm talking about. You can't force a bunch of welfare queens like the Scots to stay with you, you may as well just let them fuck off and rot. This isn't a grand strategy video game, we don't win by blobbing across the world and taking craggy mountainous shitholes filled with heroin junkies. Russia should have learned by this by now. What has most of Siberia given you?
My land is England. Just like Russia is your land, if we stop pretending that we're "British" or "Soviet" we can truly embrace our national identity and become all the stronger for it. If you don't understand what i'm talking about you clearly didn't live through the 1990s Russian transition.
Fuck Scotland, if they want to become part of Merkel's fourth reich then fucking let them.
"shitty half an island"
You tit!
It was England that was home to one of the Greatest Empires, The industrial revolution - and the strongest currency before that dickhead Churchill shit on it, further more by another cuckservative Thatcher/Major with the ERM (Europe - shafting Britain) Soros made a cool billion off that though.
Point is - England has always been the one!
You dont see the immigrants dreaming of living in shitty Scotland or Wales do you?
It wasnt Wales or Scotland that conquered England, was it?
England can, and will be made great again - if only we wall off Scotland - they seemed to have done half a job - probably the heroin.
And it wont be England that falls into an even more degenerate shit-hole when Scotland leaves either.
>everyone will be laughing at us
we already are. European or not.
>What has most of Siberia given you?
>MPs laughing at England flags
yes this labour leftist
All I am seeing here is divide and conquer and the euros trying it on like usual
>Keep in mind everyone will be laughing at us for turning into a shitty half of an island on the outskirts of Europe.
If anything the rest of the union will be laughing at Scotland the EU only stand to lose by us leaving if we fail they have lost their single biggest export market if we succeed we will more than likely cause the destruction of the EU by others following suite.
Your lot laughed at us when we ended slavery and the slave trade. It cost us a fortune. How did that work out for you.
Seems logical I suppose.
No reason to keep them then.
Scotland don't understand the shitstorm they'll be bringing upon themselves if they leave. It's not like in Northern Ireland's case, where if they were to leave they'd simply shift to Ireland, which already has a stable ecosystem set up - Scotland has nobody to attach itself to in order to dampen the impact of essentially jumping off a plane without a parachute.
They'll say the EU, but that's a ton of bullshit, the EU will not baby them and protect them while they get stripped of NHS and the healthcare benefits that come with being part of the UK, on top of having to find specific trade deals that these other countries don't already have with the UK.
I sincerely doubt Scotland's ability to survive on its own, even as part of the EU.
I always hope those guys got bashed over the head or had the pressure crush them before they drowned.
Scary part about drowning in a cold water is that it slows down your metabolism. It can take up to 10 minutes for individual to lose his consciousness and even if you had a chance to survive about 4 minute mark your lungs fill with water, which is an unimaginable pain. Combined with your survival instinct madly clawing for escape it makes for a bad way to go.
Exactly, and on top of all that the EU itself might not let them in. I heard some top Spanish officials saying they'd veto Scotland's entry
I can't wait for the Scottish version of the IRA when Westminster says no
British girls are so hot. My dick is diamonds now
Depends where you go, some girls are decent tier.
But others are fucking disgustingly brutal. 13 years of labour government hasn't helped.
>vote against leaving European Union for reasons of economy and wanting to be tolerant
>vote for leaving United Kingdom despite it being 60% of trade and becoming inward looking self obsessed tiny discount Sweden
Scots Nats everyone
>humiliation of part of our country leaving
top cuck. You should be proud of the real men that made this decision.
Westminster isn't going to say no you spack.
And the Scottish IRA is practically the UVF anyway, unless we delve into Catholics and Prots again.
because they have their own separatists to worry about
>vote to take back control and decision making
>hand control and decision making to Brussels
Scot Nats everyone
my god i want to shag those lassies so much
>I can't wait for the Scottish version of the IRA when Westminster says no
you mean
>I can't wait for the Scottish version of the IRA when the Scottish people says no (again)
>Troubles 2.0 Scottish Boogaloo
>I can't wait for the Scottish version of the IRA
>unionists are the same as republicans
You can become our colony.
Why would it not be worth it? Scotland is a debtor nation that is basically a massive drain on the UK finances while contributing very little.
I feel sorry for you Brits. It must be sad to have women like those.
Muzzies and/or whores