How do you spot a Sup Forumsack at a Party?
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parties like this are degenerate
Slaying pussy while drunkenly stating that Hitler did NOTHING wrong
Commanding the conversation talking about metaphysics, philosophy, and having a great laugh as he explains his world view.
Look for the hot guy getting all the girls
Then look at the guy in the corner, the one with the angry face who is alternately looking at the guy and typing something on his phone. That guy is Sup Forums
they don't go to them
Has an assault rifle.
>literally me when I was in highschool
>tfw used to be a complete social outcast, I'd litteraly sit on the couch all night when I went to parties
>tfw my buddy started bringing cocaine to parties
>tfw suddenly I'm the life of the party and make so many new friends
>tfw don't know if its worth it
It's literally a 3-4 time a month thing (once on saturdays) but still
You can lure him out by saying something really liberal.
If he has dicipline then you will not notice but some will show disgust and with any luck he might even reveal his full powerlevel.
at a party
> fuck off normie
The guy trying to convince everyone things will be fine with the NAP.
Meh, I was like this until a couple of months ago.
Got my first girlfriend at fucking 30!
Ok- gut check time.
Who here besides me is actually not a social-outcast?
I was heading that way years ago but i sorted myself out and now i can be the life of the party if I want, or just relax and not sweat it.
witnessing some sour grapes
Me on the left.
Causally sips his beverage and waits for the right moment to completely ruin his chances at getting laid by saying something intelligent instead of just grabbing some pussy.
>social outcast
>went to parties
Fucking normie get a fucking dictionary
How did you sort yourself out
is this a middle school party or some shit?
>Start off looking for the grapes you want
>The grapes you want don't exist
>Oh goy but you must be wanting these rotting grapes! We prepared them special!
The guy who's always outside smoking cigarettes and having deep political discussions with whoever will listen to him.
I'm literally "the man" in all aspects of life.
Are you guys really nerds/virgins?
The kid hunched over like golem infront of the girls looks worse than the kid standing alone
Sup Forums would end up chatting with the other philosophical drunks, trying to solve all the worlds problems. When older men get together for a drink that is usually what happens.
This. I always slip out very politically incorrect stuff when I'm drunk, even doing the salute. It got better after my 21 though
Oh God, I remember being in a club and dancing with one girl. How fucking pathetic this was, makes me cringe even today. Democratic people reduce themselves to literal animals, you can see that clearly in this disorderly club dancing. I'd like to apologize to that girl. But she also should apologize to me, because we both acted like dumb animals. Never been to a club ever since. Calm, classical, orderly dances are MUCH better than clubbing
I went to parties in college. These days I spend a lot of time alone and avoid large groups. The company is far superior
you dont because the Sup Forumsack doesnt get invited to parties
That's why you don't drink at clubs. Stimulants and pshycadelics are top
>Got my first girlfriend at fucking 30!
Bet she's ugly.
Wow. Big question.
I was probably never full Columbine tier, but I was close, as were some of my friends.
Some of it was just getting older and maturing- that sorts you out a lot.
A lot of it was learning how to socialize better with people so I didnt hate them.
A lot of it was learning to see things from other people's POV- tho I still hate libtards.
*Learning to attract women is essential. *
Even if you think they are all degenerate whores- You, as a man, need to feel like you can attract women, otherwise a part of your biology and psyche will be fucked.
Learning to protect yourself/others also. Less about learning to "kick ass" really, and more about learning that "I can take a beating and not die, keep going, Im not made of glass, etc"
Like attracting women, feeling some level of physical confidence is essential for healthy psyche.
Read a lot. Understand we all die and whatever happens inbetween its up to you to find a way to enjoy it.
This too. Dont be antisocial, but there is nothing wrong with enjoying your own company and having friends who you like.
As a professor of mine said, "You will spend the rest of your life trapped in your mind- so you better make it a nice place to spend your time."
You goys are a bunch of failure cunts.
All you need is a few sips of the liquid jew and you can pretty much do anything.
This is what Im talking about. It's not a choice between saying something intelligent or grabbing pussy.
Its about learning how to say intelligent things in a way that lets you grab pussy.
Ive gotten laid off of stories about D&D games= I never even played. Once you understand how to talk to women, it gets way easier.
lol that was kinda me this past weekend.
wow how did you do it?
You don't.
They sneak up on you.
you do nazi a person like that coming.
>I'm just saying guys.
>lol shut up loser, no one cares.
why go to a party when you can shitpost , or read , or study , or build something
most drug addiction begin in parties , too
and mamma didn't raise no fucking druggie
Doesn't matter - club dance is embarrasing as hell. People are emulating monkeys in the zoo
Its kind of hard to not go to parties when its the only thing to do
Go fix your fucking teeth before I knock them out you buck toothed beaver looking mother fucker busted face ass bitch and while ur at it stop letting pakis rape your kids you fucking faggot bitch
>he doesn't know how to shuffle
What kind of shit clubs do you go to?
Spotting a Sup Forumstard isn't hard. Permavirgins have a distinctive aroma.
Also, when did Sup Forums literally become /r9k/?
He get's all the girls
>pic related
photo shopped to hell
iphones give dream version to the loser users
thye dont look that god real life
Non-outcast here.
I'm the same, used to go to parties in college, now(even back then really) I prefer small gatherings of close friends.
Always more fun, conversations are better.
In my mind having 5 or more people is a party and 10 is crowd.
by shuffling you mean the regular, random club moves? Yeah, that's embarrassing as hell, and it is modelled after animals, this is no mistake. People have animal instincs after all
Parties are literally the only thing to do?
Ive gotten laid more out of Barnes and Noble than any club.
because the social outcasts are the only ones not blinded by the media and popukar normie shiy, and the only ones able to see the world as it truly is
Do they still have classic dances in Poland?
I live on a military base
>implying I would condescend to go to one of your hedonistic bacchanals
Wrong. Women are whores and the "men" who grovel at their feet for a chance to stick their fleshrods in their diseased hatchet wounds for a few furious pumps are more animal than human. You all disgust me.
a drunk guy sitting in the corner angrily ranting about how jews control the world regardless of whether anyone is listening or not
I always end up trying to talk to them like they're my guy friends. Doesn't fucking work.
I'm not a NEET, got a good job. This is probably the main reason.
>Bet she's ugly.
I would say she is a 6. She would be a 7 if she lost some weight, that's why I'm pushing her to do sports with me.