He's not wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
there is literally nothing wrong with being christian and white
I want Jerry Springer impaled on a pike for spreading his kike filth just in time for the latch-key kids getting home from school for the past 25 years.
Yeah there is. Sup Forums wouldn't exist because we break quite a couple of the bibles rules.
>Implying this site is a good thing
Kys cuck
>Kys cuck
>says the religioncuck
Sweet irony
There are worse fates
I fail to see the issue.
(((Jerry Springer)))
Me too
You remember that shit too huh. It was like watching a train wreck, it was hard to look away because it was difficult to believe it was real, and then at the end he would look directly into the camera and make some perfectly sensible and rational speech to sum up yet another fucked up show.
Whats the problem here?
Who is Jerry springer why should i care?
Seriously. IS IT because he is Jewish? Why arethey farting out Jews to proclaim this crap?
If you are a lefty and triggered by this fact I suggest that you physically remove yourself.
Bannon wants zionism. He's a commie
Better get used to the thought of a future White Christian America in the coming years filthy focking kikes !!!
We're sick of your heathen bullshit ruining the world, kys
Sup Forums will never go away so.
That's never happening. Keep dreaming.
>Oy veyy! You whites need to stop trying to reclaim your country,it was never yours!
Come on my show instead and throw chairs at each other because your fat gf fucked tryone! Good goyim!
>The only good goy is a fat retarded goy like the ones on my show ehehehehehee!
>*Rubs hands
So like it was for 200+ years? What a crime eh Jerry?
You just want nigs so you can get more viewers because whites work when your show is on.
It was terribly beautiful. I remember I'd always have shit stored in my ass and would be ASMRing after school when nobody cared about me. Nobody in the world.
Just me in the living room and the sound of the big goddam german clock and lousy niggers whiling on the TV.
I take it that Springer does not want those thing. I can recommend a handful of country that are not those things, among which Mexico and most of Africa. May Mr. Springer be interested in an Islamic country perhaps?
national socialism...is that communism?
Fuckin jew boy
(((Jerry Springer)))
Jews have always secretly loved the chaotic element in Islam. They are sandiggers at heart after all, and love wrecking shit except when it affects them personally.
As do I.
Kys Springer
>getting opinions from a guy who host a white trash show
Fucking kikes
Is this bad? Being Pee Oh Sea and athecuck on top of that is degenerate.
who are you to say?
((((((Jerry Springer))))))
Based Bannon!
I'd prefer Mormon and white. Protties and cathies should go back to Europe.
>wants america to be american
>so evil
so do i...
Are you white?
Have you had 12 children in the past 10 years?
If no to the second one, and the answer is no, you'll never have even the majority.
Once boomers die out it's all done.
I don't have much against mormons except that they're perfectly idiotic.
isn't that the only culture this faggot has attracted to his stupid ass show?
Stay in your shithole island PABLOW
Oy vey bro. Hell, I'll be sure to be extra nice to the beaners serving me beans at the next mexican restaurant that I eat at. Hahah
nothing wrong with that
Bannon wants America to be a lot better than it is currently.
What's so wrong with that??
Phil Donahue must feel conflicted about the can of worms he opened so many years ago. Not that his show had the country's greatest freaks sparring with each other, but without him laying the foundation for the talk format, it might have never led to trash greats like Springer.
Yankee scum. They're half the reason we're in all this mess.
Didn't say it was good or bad, just pointing out the problem and it's solution.
Blame spineless Republicans for allowing the horde in.
Jews have a way of worming shit up. Take the world, for instance.
And what the fuck is wrong with that?
Better then being cucked by the Jews with never ending degeneracy and welcoming Islam by the millions.
Basically Springer and his ilk would like to destroy the traditions of White Europeans and Christians. They seek to lower the standards of Western Civilization and replace it with Government enforced equality (Communism).
whats bad about that?
if Sup Forums hates jews why do they adore a jew? mind boggling
Sup Forums is a Christian board.
Aren't we like 80% Christian and 60% white anyways? Aren't those the demographics that made us great on the first place?
I look at mexicans as sort of a double-edged sword. They definitely an improvement on niggers. That much is for sure. They're probably a step below italians and irish on account of their mexican injun stock. Hard to say how it will all turn out. Probably more class stratification. Whites don't usually breed with the help. The whites will make up the aristicratic class probably--like they do almost everywhere.
>have shit stored in my ass
>sound of the big goddam german clock
I have no idea what you mean by any of this.
kek, what does that even mean?
Sure, butt we are the asshole of the Internet.
The asshole
The Internet
And here we are looking outside and saying "uh meat-people, you are going too far"
pretty much.
>wut izz a first ammendment
>if Sup Forums hates jews why do they adore a jew? mind boggling
Jesus was one of the only good Jews to ever live.
He tried to reform his tribe away from Usury and fucking over non Jews but they refused and instead demanded the Romans execute him.
Just remember the ONLY time Jesus got violent during his ministry is when he was dealing with the Jews in the temple.
It wouldn't be an issue if they were Americanized. Something like lifelong classes. Citizenship but no voting rights. Second generations also have to take the classes and get voting rights at 35.
As a start.
it is an issue...
This site shouldn't have to exist if it weren't for the dire situation post-WW2 circumstances created
Some of you actually believe that a bearded guy created everything?
>but only this one guy that my parents said I should like I like is ok
i never get this white old guys being anti-white on media thing. in the end you´re just hitting yourself with that boomerang
america needs to have a 120+ average IQ.
I don't care what race americans are.
High IQ = civilization
Low IQ = barbarism
...which would be quite heavenly.
Oh, no! How terrible!
Not fooling anyone, lad.
>Be Spain
>Be only country in Europe without a rising far right movement.
You aren't even white. 700 years of mixing with Moors will do that to you though.
What about the niggers you southerners brought in?
We'll see what trump ends up doing. He increasingly strikes me as a mere neocon these days. He'll probably give a pass to the 'dreamers.' That's pretty gay.
The thing that bothers me is the whole voting rights act and the idea that people don't need a drivers license or some form of legal ID to vote. That's just hilarious.
Personally, I think we need an actual Nazi to do the things this country needs. The wheels of government are rusted over. Maybe trump was put in to placate the drive towards true fascism. I don't think it will work though. That's why the kikes are freaking out.
>Retarded are retarded because they don't believe at retarded things.
A lot of young people who vote for Marine Le Pen doesn't believe in gods for example.
>Implying Big Cotton wasn't a europoor invention.
I really wonder what his explanation is as to why that is a bad thing and the opposite is a good thing. I really do. Is it in context?
Im an athiest and I would rather live in a white christian America then our current (((diverse))) society
oh noes :( I was defeated, we are NOT WHITE!!! I can see the light now
btw our government is center-right so we don't need one
>break quite a couple of the bibles rules
It's called "sinning" phaggot; it's the fallen nature of Man. It's the very reason Christ came to deliver us.
>implying every christian is perfect
Why does everyone assume this shit?
He doesn't really say...he just says he thinks Bannon's trying to break America away from the idea of multiculturalism which has failed in Europe.
Yes. Haavara. And screw-loose-o-lini loved the kikes
Don't reply to me you disgusting creature
Inb4 yeah it's me
Oh hell no. You guys brought us Beck, McMuffin and Romney.
>Puerto Rico
>never happening
Thanks Raul