53% of Hispanics identify as White

53% of Hispanics identify as White

White Hispanics are genetically 73% European

Whites will not be a Minority in 2050 or beyond

Stop talking about "White Genocide"

It's embarrassing

Other urls found in this thread:


>Uses obsolete DNA barcoding data
>Ignores all other data
>Uninformed failure

>53% of Hispanics identify as White

Just because a piece of dog shit identifies as "white", doesn't make it so.

>DNA Barcoding

Sounds legit

73% European in ancestry

26% Intermarriage rate

1 drop rule.

Still not white.

Don't muddy up the white race with sub human brown skin DNA.

trannies identify as female
doesn't make it true

Check out Brownsville, Texas, although it's supposedly 80-90% white you'd think you were in fucking Central-Southern Mexico if you went there, people are brown as shit. People fill out white on census forms because they don't know WTF they're doing or what else to put, we aren't doing actual genetic testing.

>white hispanics identify as white

actual identity politics on Sup Forums

mods, do your job please

> t. mexican intellectual

This. I identify as Hitler reincarnate. I hope it's true, but it's probably not.

>73% European
wasn't hitler's rule 1/8th?

so 87.5% is the cutoff. Shitskin below that - I'm sure some exceptions to the rule will protest this though.

hispanics =/= white


you are right about the white genocide thing. it's embarassing and no one takes pol seriously because of it

>1 drop rule

"Whites" are only 98% European on average, most whites have more than 1 drop

Hispanics are more genetically European than some than many Russians for example

Here's a link to a study that was never done

N > 200k


t. Italian

>I'm just ACTING retarded

hurr durr

73% is the mean many are a standard deviation above the mean

MFW 14.5% difference isn't significant when talking about genes

lol where do you live buddy? Vermont? Trust me when I say the majority of these people are NOT white.

If your skin is brown but you identify as a white person (lets call this a transwhite), does the concept of white privilege apply to you?

t. Juan Martinez

>2 niggers captured.

Fuck. Tyrone is so stupid.

>Jorge "100% Amerindian Phenotype" Ramos

Why not?


You mean poor and stupid people genocide



Lot of retardation here.

>Hispanics are more genetically European than some than many Russians for example

Yeah, if you're counting far east Russia / the area around Mongolia and central Asia

Not sure that's true. Maybe you're divorced from the tide of people who don't want to become an extinct race over the next 2 centuries. If we were animals, people would have more concern about that ironically. The genetics are going to dictate what memetics future generations desire to attach themselves too. Trying not to ad hominem, but grow a spine about this. Just because it's incredibly anti-polcor doesn't mean it's not able to be spoken about in public or any less true.

And basically this.

If you had a glass of milk and mixed a bit of dog shit in there, would you still drink it?

I mean, it's still milk right?

They're not white.

Cool lets just be a Hispanic nation then.

Full blooded indo-european right here.

>whites are poor and stupid
>but they're privileged and rich and they run the world
so which one is it?

What portion of European DNA is uncommon in other races?

/pol BTFO

Does anyone think of America as a white country in the first place ?

I would have defined it as white up until the 70s. The (((1965 immigration act))) really fucked their shit up.

Spics hate niggers.

The GOP should recognize this and center their outreach strategy on this fact. "Look what the DNC did to blacks, and they will do the same to you."

Ramos still wants to flood USA with Hispanics and doesn't care whether they are European Hispanics or Mestizo Hispanics or negroid Hispanics.

>Whites will not be a Minority in 2050 or beyond
yeah because 2033 the US and Europe will get purged of non-whites

Not at this point, unfortunately.