The hit pieces are a coming Sup Forums
Jontron is going to either go farther right, or fall back in line.
The hit pieces are a coming Sup Forums
Jontron is going to either go farther right, or fall back in line.
He was one us all along.
Let me guess he thinks immigration should be lower than just accept literally everyone, so he's batshit crazy
There is no falling back in line.
anyone who tries to only catches more shit.
he should double down. first he should read vox day's books because that dude makes some sensible points.
Why is a tech site talking politics
>poisoning the well
the Cucks want open borders, Not open thoughts.
He should play the race card
> Anything right of communism is batshit crazy
Lefties never change
Thanks for telling us what to think before we even hear a word of what he has to say fucking assclowns.
What ethnicity is he? He kinda reminds me of a half dutch half moroccan classmate i had back in high school
dumb try hard persian
his argument was literally "nobody wants to be a minority in their own country"
how is that batshit crazy?
Persian / Hungarian. Amusingly due to the first half, his middle name is literally "Aryan" (Iran means Land of the Aryans.)
It isn't, what he's saying is actually completely reasonable if you read his tweets. One of the things he retweeted is pic related. Actual racists say much worse things.
give your country up to niggers and sand niggers already
this comments are fucking gold
>I recently visited my girlfriend’s aunt, uncle and her nephews - the kids are the only ones who play video games in their whole family so I have a pretty good rapport with them. We’re sitting there chatting about stupid little kid stuff (they’re 9 and 11) and they start talking about bashing Jews and laughing about Hitler. I tell them no that’s obviously not something to joke about and do they know who Hitler was, and who did you hear this from, yadda yadda.
>They’ve learned all this stupidity from these dumb fucking youtube minecraft streamers and repeat it mindlessly. They (edit: meaning the kids) obviously have no idea how offensive they were being. We talked about it and I think (hope?) they have a better idea, but think about how many children are out here learning all this horrible shit like it’s normal.
>It’s just in this same stream of consciousness as John Cena jokes and fart noises and then suddenly you’re mocking jews and Christ this country really is going to fall apart in the next four years isn’t it?
A word like batshit is a clue to tune out
Even more funny, is that Jon was freaked out by that a bit a few years ago.
Sometimes, it really feels like some things are just meant to go a certain way.
Have fun losing. It's going to be a long eight years for them.
>don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again.
Jon is already so redpilled he makes me feel shame.
>fall back in line.
It was just a prank bro... nah, you can't fall back in line after these
- Foreigners dilute the gene pool
- Black crime in America is the same as in Africa (like, he fuckin' brought this up TWICE)
- Racial issues can be summed up via mixing different colors of paint
- Statistical data means nothing because Clinton lost the election
- Destiny wants to kill black people
- Black Lives Matter is a violent organization
- the richest black man commits more crimes than the poorest white man
- Tribalism is a valid theory
- Immigrants are destroying every single country they are let into
- America is gonna become Mexico
- Racism is over
- Muslims are organizing to make it seem like Christians are protesting abortion clinics
lel, Generation Zyklon rises
Soon everyone who was around for World War II will be dead and the jokes will come free reign like ones about Genghis Khan
The problem is that one day these jokes will stop being offensive
and then soon they'll stop being funny
and that will be the true tragedy.
It's not. The problem is that the next logical conclusion is "let's prevent that from happening". "Remove kebab" is not far behind. That's why liberals sperg out at the prevention of ethnic replacement
Cause they still need to vent. The amount of salt from the November election is unprecedented.
Gizmodo is gawker with tech.
After the great leg drop, Gizmodo became the lead gawker site and became even more SJW friendly.
He said there is nothing wrong with white people wanting to keep their countries majority white
>I see that Nazi PewDiePie dollar is good, let's jump on the bandwagon.
We have to defend /ourguy/ at all costs lads
Thought your ID said semen for a sec
>wow readers, look how unnaceptable these ideas are, be sure not to forget how unnaceptable they are and how you shouln't have them
wow, now I'm fucking depressed
You literally copy pasted this list from a 12 year old on neogaf forums
Rethink your life choices.
Jews will never stop over-reacting hysterically and attempting to pass laws against criticizing them, I'm pretty sure that will make it funny forever
Is this a meme? Please don't tell me JonTron's a secret Nazi. First pewdiepie, now this...
It's how things happen. Kids rebel against their parents.
Guess what many young people today believe in? Leftist shit. When they have/adopt kids, those kids are going to rebel because that's what kids do, just as their parents rebelled against their Reagan generation parents.
Beautiful thing, and Trump is here to lead the charge.
Jesus christ. This Baldwin guy must be having a really bad time finding a job if he's on SNL every week.
>Actual racists say much worse things.
No shit, given that there is absolutely nothing wrong with what he said.
Jokes about Genghis Khan are still. They're just missing Khwarezmians to be offended
>batshit crazy
Is this how the future is going to be with millennials? Their news sites are going to lead news stories with negative adjectives to guide your thought process?
>overplay your fucking hand and shit the bed when someone expresses legitimate concerns
>scream and cry and jump up and down calling them batshit and crazy and nazis
>normies look
>think "yeah I dont see much wrong with this. wait, this is what nazis believe? huh, maybe theyre not so bad"
>rinse and repeat
Sam Hyde, Pewdiepie, Gavin McInnes, Jontron, this is gonna be a fun, fun year folks
Their "fact checks" are a mix of disingenuous and outright false, how surprising (it's not)
The mistake was buying Destiny's bullshit "it's just a discussion, bro."
Destiny is a Highschool Debate tier liar who interupts and uses appeals to emotion, but luckily this means that if you go into a "discussion" knowing he's going to pull shit out of his ass you can stomp his shit like Mistermetokur did here
>the tables will turn after the fourth reich is established
>Why is a tech site talking politics
Because ALL these fucking blogs are run by hipster English degree students who wanted to write about politics but couldn't cut it so they used their jewish nepotism to get jobs at companies like Gawker and Buzzfeed and write about shit they don't give a fuck like tech and gaming and try to force politics into these articles.
Welp, he apologized
But by saying he wants more white people, hes unconsciously saying he wants less black people. So by the official definition of racism, jontron is racist. No need to get upset user
Jesus, leftists fucking suck at memes.
This is why you shouldn't ignore video games even if you don't play them. They are a good gateway to the youngsters
>August 2014
How about you fuck off?
"I don't agree that black lives matter" Jon "aryan safari" Jafari
Asians are so safe wtf
Oh please, there will be Yids claiming they were in Dachau 200 years from now
He's been saying this stuff for a while and argues for it convincingly, pretty sure he's legit. Pewds is just trolling humourless SJW bullies that want to censor all wrongthink from the internet.
He started talking about this shit a few months before they started attacking Pewdiepie for it
Let's hope he doesn't cuck out like McInnes did
Not a shred of pride for a guy who calls himself a "Proud Boy"
Fucking Asian privilege.
>Their "fact checks" are a mix of disingenuous and outright false, how surprising (it's not)
Ironic, considering the source of the study cited in your pic doesn't exist. The only study done in 2006 by the Bureau of Justice is in regards to the victimization of Americans by race and income and nothing about homicide rates by race. I guess these are the kinds of "alternative facts" that we can expect from you stormweenies.
McInnes is a hipster faggot ironically pretending to be a conservative since no other hipster does that.
I thought Gawker went bankrupt?
has anyone ever found the source of that stat? I can't find any pdf with income/race stats of perpetrators
Reminder that some girl, probably an Asian bred with that faggot and his kid from the sounds of it has already made his dad a bitch
Gawker died but its sub sites live on. Speaking of which what is going on with Nick Denton? That fucker better be on the streets begging for money.
>"we should be allowed to preserve our culture"
>"this person has some batshit crazy thoughts"
Oh look, it's this guy again. Get off the proxy destiny and admit you're a faggot kike
while you aryan white guy shitpost on an anime board and will never procreate
>Khwarezmia did nothing wrong!
Because it's a child of Gawker, and even though the mother died, her children must wreak havoc and try to exert influence in its sphere.
they drive them into our arms
>I can't find any pdf with income/race stats of perpetrators
That's because the statistic is fake. its obviously made by an alt right loser who realised that blacks commit less crimes than whites, so xe decided to fake a stat to prove their point
>nigger hate is now normalized
Pack your bags, darkies.
Jews will NEVER stop using WW2 as the ultimate "Get Out Of The Ovens" free card. Don't you know that mental trauma is genetic?
hulked when?
Please stop raping children, Ahmed.
How long until white nationalism becomes a mainstream political movement?
>Speaking of which what is going on with Nick Denton? That fucker better be on the streets begging for money.
last time i checked, he showed up at some tech conference and ranted about how peter thiel is a meanie
I'm not even upset that they're going after Trump, I would expect as much from the media. I'm upset that people are acting like it's comedy gold. SNL is not funny and NEVER has been. The classic skits? Needs More Cowbell and Down by the River? Complete drivel. "HAHAHA THEY SAID THE THING"
There's a reason why every comedian who gets success on SNL leaves SNL.
So what you're saying is that we need to completely wipe out the jews?
I have 7 kids faggot ass hans
I find similiar numbers for victimization stats, meaning even rich blacks are unsafer than poor whites.
>anything that isn't open borders is batshit crazy
It's like they're trying to awaken gen Y & Z with these constant youtube celebrity hit-pieces. I fucking love it.
A year.
This. Was looking for these stats today, and the only thing i found REMOTELY similar is a statistic where rich blacks steal more cars than poor whites, nothing on homicides though
US fedgov doesn't put out direct statistics of offences committed by race, for (((obvious reasons))). You need to do some basic derivations on the primary data that they do provide in order to get such figures. Shitlibs invariably claim this means the data "doesn't exist" and can be ignored.
muslims don't back down to jew pressure
>blacks commit less crimes than whites
>last time i checked, he showed up at some tech conference and ranted about how peter thiel is a meanie
I just read the article you are citing. It's funny, Denton never admits he is wrong. Ever. He is much more like Trump then he thinks despite hating him.
why are you so butthurt that your bullshit is being called out for the fake news that it is? I thought you valued truth and logic? You should be thanking me for correcting you so that you now have the right information to base your beliefs off of.
He's gonna helicopter around the compass and throw himself out at the ideology he's over when politics stops being entertaining.
Have you missed the last year? White nationalism is the new norm.