I think that the Netherlands and Canada should unite to form The Kingdom of the Netherleafs. Praise Kek

I think that the Netherlands and Canada should unite to form The Kingdom of the Netherleafs. Praise Kek.

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You stay on your shit continent and we'll stay on ours. You're welcome for the liberation.

Sure, I'm down.

I just want a leaf in our flag.

Anglo-Dutch union when?

Oh, okay then sure.

>You're welcome for the liberation
>Implying Canada made any difference
>Implying we wouldn't have been better off now as part of the reich
Day of the rake when?

And Trudeau will be your King/Queen.


Not just any leaf, that's a MAPLE leaf. Get it right, dutch bro

>Implying we wouldn't have been better off now as part of the reich

If that was the case the 1st Leaf Division wouldn't have mopped the floor with your pathetic dutch SS troops. Nazi Germany was rad, certain occupied territories not so much :^)

Hark een eind heen, mafkees.

why not might aswell

we toothpaste leafs now

Now now no need to try and puff your chest out like a burger.

Lots of Germanic Canadians. Tons of Dutch Mennonites. Let's start with a dutch colony in Canada, then create the new Reich.

Fuck off Canacuck-proxy, no one wants your faggy leaf

I'd rather merge with pic related.

Please no

Ewl it's a Yasser Feras lookalike


Absolutely haram.

That's an ugly flag.

Why would the Dutch do that? Absorbing Canada means absorbing more niggers, more Muslims, and more chinks.

Give me Nethermark instead (netherlands+denmark)


Fuck off you kike.

Now you shut your filthy mouth right there heretic

Sadly that's the most impressive thing he's done for our country

Stay away, we are all Hitler.

Pretty sure any Amsterdam tourist trap sells Dutch flags with a leaf on them

Heh, it'll still be the Canadian leaf on it.

(Except not because Cuckdeau is a failure who will never fulfill a single promise accept except for culturally enriching Canada.)

Those things are alright, better cold than warm.

Dutch born wife likes them. There's these weird sprinkle things she puts on biscuits once in a while too. I guess we're out because I can't find any of it.
Found a picture of exactly what I was thinking of though.

So this is the thanks we get huh? I cant believe you dont even know your own peoples history.

Canada literally did nothing for liberation.

>while the important people were off fighting the actual threat

It seems leafs can't into history.

>Leo Major single-handedly liberated the Dutch city of Zwolle


> Nippon (Japan) literally means "the sun's origin", often translated as the Land of the Rising Sun.
> almaghrib (Morocco) literally means "where the sun sets"
Those names are normal, because in ancien times they didn't know America existed and thought the earth was flat.
> Japan: serious hardworkers, honorable people
> Moroccans: lazy, dishonest, weak
Names kinda check out.
> Now Canada has at least tried to make a flag that means something because they have maple trees.
> Netherlands where has your identity gone? your flag means nothing, at least add a joint or some prostitutes to it for context.

I had some netherleafs in my ass crack- but some ointment cleared it right up.

Dutch SS troops were shit m8.

This trend of shitty colored stripe flags has got to end. Flags she have way more meaning than that.

Where do all these flag pictures come from?

>implying Europe is a shit continent
Go back to Asia, Pajeet.

Good question

>Where do all these flag pictures come from?
I'd guess for Japan it's a red sun rising in a white sky, for Morocco it's the sunset (yeah the sun is green don't ask, maybe has to do with islam)

It wasn't always a shit continent.

t. a leaf
Your old flag used to mean something.
The leaf represented the natives, whilst the rest of the flag had the various European ancestry represented.
It not only looks stupid, it literally is a non-White flag


>the cuckstamp represented everybody

Even before the leaf our (true) flag wasn't just stripes.

True, but it wasn't Europeans that ruined Europe.
The Netherlands are only bad because of drugs and foreign degeneracy.


I have no problem with this. Neatherlands is based

Unless you are French that is not a cuckstamp, we are British and we were always British. The Commonwealth is just greater Britain.


oh hey it's the kebek fag again

don't you have feminism, multiculturalism or big state agendas to shill for? Don't forget to collect your welfare check, courtesy of the rest of Canada.

Exactly my point, it didn't represent everybody so that's why it was thrown into the trash

100% thought a leaf posted this. The fuck guy? Canada is and never will be based enough to consider such a faggy idea. Kys, dutchbro

They're the colours of William the Silent, who led the Netherlands to independence in an 80 years' war.

We also were the first to have a tricolor and have one of the oldest flags in the world.


Well I live in Montreal, but my family is originally from Quebec City, so...

Being anti-cuckstamp will do for now

now it just represents the snowindians

>Doesnt even know the Canadians were going to systematically destroy the city of Zwolle with all its inhabitants.
Leo Major saved the city from its own people, the city was undefended, and the SS headquaters there abandonded

If the SS headquarters was abandoned, how did Leo Major get into a firefight with SS officers there?

The headquaters was abandoned, that doesnt mean there werent still troops there as in stragglers.
Still very impressive on his part, its just they were going to bomb my birth city to shit.
And Germans being terrible is a meme.

Nederbec Republic When? You can bring the WEED LMAO but forget about the non-whites

100% Dutch Canadian here, there are a ton of us already in the farms around Vancouver, and on Vancouver Island.

>come home, dutch man.

The fucking coat of arms literally has the Fleur-de-lis you dumb frog, who exactly doesn't this represent?

Dutch university in Langley, Trinity Western.

Hope you don't mind muh Jesus and muh Calvisism though.

Yeah, the Germans were pretty hardcore, but Leo Major was even more hardcore.

Yeah, but you have to take out your magnifying glass to see it, while the dominant feature of the cuckstamp is the British flag

>Yeah, but you have to take out your magnifying glass to see it, while the dominant feature of the cuckstamp is the British flag

Are you four?

Yeah he was a badass, there is a street named after him here in my home city ( Zwolle ) and he visited here a couple times he was honoured here.

>Wanting to unite with the country that elected Cuckdeau

>thinking I'd fly a union jack as a flag representing my people

Do you think I'm four?

The sad thing is that he's not very well known here. If he had been an American, there would be tons of movies about him already.

Why do you need representation? You lost New France and you're not even your own country. You're already represented in the coat of arms along with the Scots, British and Irish.

What the fuck else do you want? You're living in a former British dominion.

>these are the "people" calling me four years old

>these are the frogs who think this is an argument

You said you weren't represented, you were proven wrong only to say "IT'S NOT BIG ENOUGH!"

Yeah, you're the mental equivalent to a four year old it seems.

If I tapped the light switch in your room, would you feel obligated to tap it 12 more times?

You don't have the right to be in my home, let alone tap my light switches. Get your own home then you'll be able to tap light switches.

Thanks for Île-Royale by the way.

I respect our historic friendship Netherlands bro . unfortunately most on the kids on pol don't have any idea what it is all about . where would we establish the new capital though ?

fuckin kys gook

>the guy who wants to keep Canada Canada is the gook but the cuck who wants to subject us further to European cuckery isn't

Really doesn't get my almonds soaked in a bowl of water at all.

implying this isn't a hypothetical larp ?

Go larp somewhere else faggot, and do it better.

netherlands n canada have a jerk off session on a shitty island every year or so, your not special

and who is you historical ally Samoa ? fuck you and your desert island

Can we trade the population of Quebec with an equal number of wooden shoe folk?

If so, we've got a deal

thx bro

This is the stuff you'll want to get her. Top shelf.


>not a ganja leaf

Sorry, OP, but Canuskistan belongs to the Pollacks. If anything it'll be called Polanada.


>One Canadian (Leo Major) liberated more Dutch cities than the Dutch did