Daily reminder that if you neither Greek nor Italian you have done as much as shitskins in terms of developing the European history
Daily reminder that if you neither Greek nor Italian you have done as much as shitskins in terms of developing the...
I am greek
How much does that DNA ancestry thing cost?
depends on the test, I think 23andMe is a couple hundred dollars but have never got it done and don't know exactly.
Industrial Revolution. You're welcome.
Daily reminder that if you are neither germanic nor celtic you have done as much as shitskins in terms of developing the European history.
t. the retarded motherfuckers who are letting NGOs ferry niggers from the shores of libya directly into italy
This. Rome was stagnant as fuck technologically.
And how are greeks related to that? Modern day Italians built european culture, while modern day greeks are just turks in denial.
what about the Anglos?
I wouldn't bother, they do incredibly rudimentary searches and they don't share databases so it's a fucking clusterfuck. Also no one in genetics knows how to analyse the data.
Almost took the bait. Better luck next time.
So you can't actually get actual DNA ancestry results which are relatively accurate?
what about Uralics?
>destroy all traces of Nordic civilisation
>hurr durr why do nords not have civilisation
The eternal med strikes again
we wuz vikangs and shit
Love fe Greece to Italy. Recently visited Rome and loved it. Italians are such nice people!
We wuz romanz n shiiet. Look at you now Mario.
Have you ever used a train? Yeah that was us.
Haha, whatever you say, turkish rape baby.
Its strange that my fellow mongoloids live in central Europe.
ITT- people who disregard history after 1500.
Does history after 1500 mean nothing to you?
shitskins gave us paper
>implying modern Greeks and Italians are of the same ethnicity as ancient Greeks and Romans
>TFW you're both Greek and Italian. And then even German too. Fuck off untermenschen.
Ok, can someone please tell me why people do this test? 23andMe, after you send in your sample, has the right to keep the information they find and sell it to other parties. Your whole genetic background is sold to third party companies. Why even pay for this shit?
>this is what mongols actually believe
Depends on quite a few factors, but they'll be reasonably accurate up to 6 generations. For a lot of people that's enough, but it's only like 1820s after all. They might give you a general idea past that, but it isn't something totally credible.
we wuz snow kangz
Anglos did good too. But OP is right.
Stop bullying Germania Superior right now.
>but it's only like 1820s after all
Well that's nothing at all then..
I'm 3% Greek/Italian according to 23andme but the rest of my ancestors are white and purely Anglo/Potato nigger and have always lived in Britain/Ireland. Anyone know where this random percentage could have come from? Did Romans intermarry with Brits or am I just a rape baby?
I've also heard many Roman soldiers weren't Roman at all. Can any of you Sup Forums history fags help me out?
Top kek, Mario. We Anglos have contributed more to Western civilisation in the past 400 years, than you pasta-niggers did in the previous 1000. Rome was a long, long, LONG time ago, m9.
>inb4 muh Renaissance
You're just lucky the muzzies stole and preserved documents from Antiquity as well as they did. Otherwise, you fuckers would have had nothing to plagarise and would probably still be living in the dark ages.
Well Romans colonized your island so it might be from that.
British "education". Rome was a technological marvel of a civilization which had made advancements in metallurgy, construction, infrastructure etc that wouldn't be seen for over a milllennium after its fall. You literally have to wait for industrialization to see a return to the degree of urbanization and economic complexity of the Roman Empire.
Could you be any more butthurt, Lewis Pajeet Johnson?
no need to out yourself with le muslim preserved knoweldge meme, your flag was enough
>being this retarded
I remember watching a documentary about the Renaissance and they were talking about how some of the stuff the Romans were doing in terms of construction and engineering was only just being rediscovered again during the Renaissance.
Tru but I heard they viewed Anglos as dirty untermensch not worth procreating with so I'd be surprised.
They conqured England and Wales about 2000 years ago. The Romans hired kraut mercenaries who weren't very loyal to Rome. Bringing non Romans into the empire is part of the reason why they fell.
You forgot the English, the third coming of civilisation.
That's probably what the smart people who could read and write thought. The random people/soldiers/diplomats/rulers/whatever who went there from Rome probably saw some cute barbaric chick and fucked her.
t. someone that even without NGOs plotting against his own country still managed to turn it into a muslim no-go zone all on his own.
you had a great great great grandad/ma that was a med.
it's not that hard to figure out you fucking bong.
The Anglos weren't there yet. They came after the Romans left.
But where are SLAVS?
Really activates my almonds thx
Nope, Anglo-Saxons didn't settle Britain while it was a Roman province which ended 412 and Saxosn started showing up 430s at the earliest. But Romans did hire some Saxons, probably not anglos though, as foederati soldiers and some of them may have settled with romano-british wives since some brit women have been found in Germany with roman brooches.
Still to reiterate genetic tests are extremely tenuous and the degree of accuracy of them wouldn't be tolerated in academic studies. It is more likely you had a semi-spainiard, frog or some other med ancestor as recently as 1800s.
More British "education". The Renaissance started with the re-discovery of Classical Greek and its heritage, only a minority of which came to us through Muslims; but the marvelous developments of that age went far beyond that initial rediscovery.
Learn a proper language and come have an Italian high school level history course, it should fill in the dreadful gaps left by your """A""" levels.
Mostly scots, not anglos
>if you're not a shitskin you have done as much as shitskins
I don't get it.
You know your country sucks when you have to dig up 2500-year-old achievements to justify your existence as a legitimate nation. Shitalians are pathetic. They just can't accept the fact that the past 500 years belong to Northern European Protestants.
>lowland scots
>not anglos
They are, though.
given the size of your Empire, your cultural impact was minimal outside of the nigger shitholes you conquered
the French revolution in comparison had a much bigger impact, which probably has to do with them conquering something more than local fauna
>says the paki infested pathetic shithole
r-rule b-b-britannia!
Italian academics are a joke, you've got american, french and british teams actually out there discovering hellenistic and latin sites because you don't have the ability to expand on archaeological science or marine techniques. Your history is being unearthed by better men, and they've been better men since 400AD.
yeah fuck german fertilizer chemistry, without which the amount of ppl living on earth today would not even be stustainable..... kek
Hi? Sorry?
> history
That's cute. Now shut up back there, nordics are piloting the future.
reminder that no and reminder that if you live south of the rubicon you're probably half berber
if you're greek you're a roach by default
>given the size of your Empire, your cultural impact was minimal outside of the nigger shitholes you conquered
>What is America?
>What is Canada?
>What is Australia
>What is India?
>What is the English language?
>What is Greenwich Mean Time?
>What is parliamentary democracy?
>What is common law?
>What in Anglicanism?
Go to sleep, Giuseppe. You're embarrassing yourself.
Really got my noggin joggin
thx nigel m8
This. Many of their (((churches))) and (((cathedrals))) were built over important cultural and religious centers of the north.
Eternal anglos have been owned since Cromwell and the bank of England, shutting down every promising mainland power for (((special interest groups))) for centuries (from Russia to Prussia to Napoleonic France, etc etc). They are a political force of evil.
>your people [the English] had no impact on history
Imagine unironically thinking this while writing in English.
>>What is America?
>>What is Canada?
>>What is Australia
>>What is India?
former nigger infested shitholes, learn to read abdallah
>>What is the English language?
a lingua franca imposed by an ex colony of yours which completely surpassed you in any way
>>>What is Greenwich Mean Time?
not cultural
>>What is common law?
an irrelevant system of law outside of your country and the ex nigger shitholes you ""conquered"", most of the world uses civil law aka a French variation of Roman law
>>What in Anglicanism?
see above, completely irrelevant outside of your colonies sphere
Greeks and Romans are interesting to read about in history books, but wha the fuck have they done besides prolong crime and Orthodox/Catholic superstition in the modern era?
>Tfw Britbong 'education' is so shite Burgers have to educate you on your own country's history
Thx senpai
>quarter italian
>quarter bong
>Half iberian
Pretty good spread.
Don't mention it.
To be fair, I'm really interested in British history. Muh heritage and all that.
we wuz romemes n shiet yo i swear on my mama im not a sicilian arab rapebaby
I kek'd irl.
Anglos dominate and they are nordic rapebabies, Hrólfssynir who speak a frenchified version of our language.
we wuz nothin n sheit i swear on my wife son im beter than sicilians
Spaniards are also master race
>He thinks that English became one of the most widespread languages in the world thanks to HIS country and not due to the US and A monopolizing western mainstream culture trough technology, economy and entertainment in the last 50 years.
All you achieved with the commonwealth was invading third world hellholes that quickly turned into a shitfest as soon as you gave them their independence back. The only good colony you managed to start was also the first that kicked you in the arse and cucked you out from the 1st world power position. Rule the waves my ass, the only thing you ever ruled was the top positions in "worst dental hygiene by country" charts.
Haha Greeks are faggots. There was good Romans at least.
Can confirm, was a member of an archaeological dig at Ostia Antica this past summer
Vsevolod Ivanov made some badass art to give us an idea of what European civilization could have been like before the (((Roman))) hegemony that still plagues us today.
I think European history is much more ancient than what the hegemony tells us.
>US and A
It's "US of A," also can I have some more caccio e pepe? There's none near me like there was in Rome.
t. invented Israel
>still fighting between meds and nords
>we wuz romanz
>we wuz vikangz
Very good job, goy.
Its cacio e pepe, with one "c", unless you want me to bring you the present tense of the verb "hunt" with some pepper sprinkled all over it.
Muslims didn't transmit shit, that's a fucking meme to find some virtues to the violent sandniggers they always were.
Most of this knowledge was kept intact by the catholic Church and the Byzantine Empire and was "rediscovered" in western europe when the greek intelectuals moved to the italian peninsula after the ottoman conquest.