What is emotional intelligence?
Seems like an oxymoron.
Reddit better bow down to weaponized autism
Fear us.
> emotional intelligence
tits or gtfo
Reddit doesn't understand weaponized autism.
Do they even know what FUN is?
probably can't understand that we're not all literally basement dwelling losers like they are; and actually know how to accomplish things in the real world.
Such a euphoric feeling.
Think of your EQ as a measure of how well you get along with others and function among them, compared to just your IQ
Does plebbit surprass us in autism level?Someone do a poll on that
Emotional intelligence is just a buzzword for dumb women to feel smart
The weak should fear the strong.
>weaponized mob of useful idiot
>barely useful to anyone including the user
It's a measure of how much you want to abolish all laws and borders when you see a picture of a dead brown person
So it's a subreddit for people who hate Reddit? What is even the point
I hate those self righteous faggots
We /federal intelligence agency/ now. My codename is Scooberg Jewberg
It's post-modernist bullshit.
They can't use reason and rationality well enough, so they rely on "emotional intelligence" to give their opinions a varnish or credibility.
I imagine that's a really useful attribute for receptionists.
yeah the cloud gazingg triangulation thing is next level though.
that did like activate my almonds. you gotta have some kind of background info to even know a ting like that is possible.
It's something women made up since they have no real intelligence.
They they think deepstate comes here for anything but the lulz.
They converted as soon as they got here.
These guys browse for fun on their off time now too.
How are people this oblivious I don't understand?
It thinks we are useful idiots? To whom?
>state run
>implying we all support Trump
>implying Trump is the state
>implying Trump could ever have been considered the state before getting elected
interesting how the President changes and suddenly we're a government op lmfao
Are people on reddit really that dense? Sup Forums has done collaberative pointed efforts for years and spawned a number of splinter groups
Emotional Intelligence = how often you disregard actual intelligence and conform to group-think.
If you are a good slave, you have high emotional intelligence.
Maybe if these plebs actually ponied up for a Sup Forums Gold Account they'd be able to get access to our central command HQ...
The autism level of this guy is off the charts,did he just make all that shit up?
lets not forget that Sup Forums isnt one person and that dissenting opinions gets highlighted because more people respond unlike reddit with its shadowbans and dislikes
little do they know that 9gag were the ones that stole the flag
Nice desu
>someone took the time out of their day to write that 5000 word essay
Our Lord Kek.
Was Sup Forums state run when we were calling Obama King Nigger and trying to prove the dindus had it coming?
>people on Reddit and everywhere else in the world completely forgot how to have fun
What is wrong with the world?
What I wouldn't give to see what the person who wrote this looks like.
Fuck that, we're the people's intelligence agency.
Plebbit is nonstop retardation. T_D is literally just a mouthpiece for Sup Forums to blast out the new discoveries.
Subvert yourselves.
Get out you fucking normalfag
>emotional inteligence
A woman wrote that shit? KEK. Next she will talk about emotional labour.
It's also because Sup Forums only has 1 board for politics with no option for creating your own so everyone is forced to talk in the same space.
>What is emotional intelligence?
pseudoscience made up by leftists who got triggered when they learned that IQ is largely hereditary
They're so afraid of it, they don't even understand what it is
>Civic nationalists
Play along until it's mainstream, then gas them all.
>Sup Forums has become synonymous with pol
Thats it boys, we've won
The Russian hackerman known as Sup Forums
To Drumpf/racists/kkk/nazis doh
>i am a former neo nazi and alt righter! pay attention to me
fucking hell
someone literally wrote a tl;dr copypasta version of "former tump voter here, cant let this guy get the nuclear codes" and reddit is eating it up
yes but tbqh, let's not forget that the "dissenting opinions" that get bumped are basically just "how can whitebois even compete" posts and other shitty bait
>fuck them and their memes!!!
>a measure of how well you get along with others and function among them,
So what you're saying is that measure of "emotional intelligence" should have a negative value?
>Why Very Smart People Sometimes Have Poor Social Skills
>4 Reasons Highly Intelligent People Are Often Socially Inept
>10 Reasons Why Highly Intelligent People Have Poor Social Skills
they brought up the hwndu thing.
Okay I googled it because you guys are funny but not helpful
You said it is something women are better at.
We are even better at their made up bullshit.
Remember, these people really think drinking milk is some coded fucking message.
>tfw we're the jews now
>you gotta have some kind of background info to even know a ting like that is possible.
No, it just takes to be educated by your country's education system. Now, to be able to CALCULATE it, yes that does take a more profound knowledge on the subject.
But any person with a 3 digits IQ knows that airplanes have strict routes and you can look them up online.
My emotional intelligence will beat your bitch ass emotions to death.
>typical drumptard
It's a woman thing.
>Making up a 5000 word essay about the secret club known as the alt-right
Now THIS is weaponized autism.
Sup Forums BTFO
I've always understood emotional intelligence to mean being able to understand how the people around you feel, i.e. basic human interaction. It's as retarded as it sounds
We can do a lot of things, but we couldn't keep based Jammeh in power :(
>mfw redditors think there's something or (((someone))) pushing us or motivating us to use weaponised autism
Top kek, how can you accuse people against the global establishment of working for the global establishment?
But that makes no sense. if we're in fact all russian cia psyops, why would we use a public imageboard to coordinate ?
Of course we can imply that many agencies probably passively monitor this website, but it's ludicrous to think we're actually agents. How does one even comes to that conclusion ?
This is tinfoil-hat tier.
Masterful memeing, guys.
The donald is our embassy to the normies.
Keep Sup Forums on Sup Forums.
Just agitate on other r*ddit boards, but be subtle ffs.
/news and /worldnews don't ban for FBI crime statistics btw.
Shadileistein reporting in
Because MUH FEE FEES > logical analysis
Pretty useful for manipulating people.
Who is this Sup Forums that great website for intelectual debates is referring to?Can I get a quick rundown?
Really soaks my almonds over night in a bowl of water
fucking LOL
his entire pathetic life probably led up to this tl;dr pep talk on Reddit
i'm laffin
You motherfuckers are getting paid by the government? What the fuck. I thought we were doing this for our shared love of Adolf Hitler and the Aryan master race? You were supposed to be the chosen one!
We're living in best time line when being seen as acting on behalf of the government is seen as less reputable than being an anime obsessed chronic masturbating super shitposter.
i feel like >we display greater emotional intelligence in that we understand exactly what will cause emotional reactions in others, and that emotional displays here are generally sincere, whereas on there, people will literally just use emotional displays to virtue signal. people here are more personally emotionally guarded and thus are more likely to "boil over" and write highly sincere and impassioned posts, whereas over there, you might see something like
>hey buddy if you ever need someone to talk to just message me. wow, thanks for the gold!
"The worst the internet has to offer"?
Yay number one
I mean, there are a lot of shills here.
I wonder if CTR shills colluded with the CIA.
>internet hate air traffic controllers
>gov psyop
its like they've never even lurked
>all these autists sperging out about emotional intelligence
Are we being false-flag raided? Or is this just the new generation of Sup Forumsacks?
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a measure for how well a person is able to read a social situation and respond accordingly.
People with autism struggle to see what emotion another person is feeling, thus they have a low EQ.
It is entirely seperate for IQ and no one ever uses EQ as a basis for an argument.
Never underestimate the power of weaponized autism......
This is a beautiful image. Shadilay.
why the fuck is reddit so cringey. i hope these posts aren't ironically made by you idiots its just so fucking retarded how these redditfags try to rationalize everything that doesn't surrounded their snobbery.
>these people always winning about "free speech"
All education in the united states from kindergarden to university needs to be cleansed and fixed.
I thank God my parents are intelligent, red blooded Americans everyday because they would never have let me be this retarded.
>LARPing as a former Sup Forumstard
>writing a 5000 word essay to people who agree with him and wouldn't challenge him on a single word
>contributing nothing to his ideology
And we have the mental illness?
its true.. we all get paid by Putin himself to shitpost!
I don't think I've ever witnessed an obvious CIA shill, what do they post about ?
Are they the ones trying to grasp the inner workings of Sup Forums board mentality ?
On another note, it's a shame Kremlin shills don't post here anymore, it added a nice international flavour.
>1,488 miles per hour
Wait, you aren't getting payed for posting here? I get payed 0.30€ per shitpost. Comfy job desu.
Don't give them any ideas. The last thing they need is to gain compensation for their own needlessly hysterical behavior.