>Nigresses in denial about their love for BWC
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Good, fuck those ugly niggresses.
The best part about social justice is that it's perpetrators don't breed.
did someone get rejected by chad for the millenth time
I thought the best part was they are unintentionally bringing back segregation under a new name
well then date black guys
>why dont you have black friends
>why you like gangsta rap
>why you like drake
>why you sayin you date negros
>why you never date negros
>why you like datin white girls
>why you tellin me my fat black ass aint like all da other girls
This why black guys reject black women
Does the title of that article not realize how inherently racist that is?
what a trash nigger.
Didn't read. Non whites are always 100% egocentric "me me me me me me me"
fuck off
>approach black girls
>avoid black girls
>have the audacity to exist in the first place
American negroes seem like such a pain. Blacks and whites basically get along here, all the tension is with muslims.
>This why black guys reject black women
I hate the site return of kings but they had one great article about how fucked the black man is due to how batshit insane black woman are and it kinda made me sympathize with them.
Don't ever approach black girls.
> Nogs
Approaching girls in general is sexist, so w/e.
Why are we not encouraging this line of thinking?
>Hispanic male
I'm basicly fucked. I have to send out 30 messages before I get a reply. And she is usually a land whale. Just end it lads!
A Canadian who isn't a leafcuck? Wow.
Why is it always light skin niggas who the most uppity
I don't find black women attractive at all. Is that racist? I don't think I am. Asians are ugly too
>when you dont date white girls I get nervous
>when you dont date black girls I get nervous
>when you dont hang out with black people that means theres something wrong with you
wew this bitch is retarded
people find black women attractive?
That's true, is social justice the real red pill?
Like is Merkel bringing all the rapers in to galvanise Europe against them?
congrats. decades of social engineering and our prize are neurotic, navel gazing middle class black people. truly we've reached the mountain top that is equality in this country.
black woman are very unattractive, and i live around quite a few of them
Holy fuck this chick wasn't kidding about overeducated. She literally states all the reasons why she is attracted to BWC then blames it on her own internalized racism.
This chick might have actually been smart if she didn't go to college.
I want non whites to hate us more actively. I'm tired of pretending we're in the same group and that we should be friend or equal or whatever. Whenever some SJW idiot push for self segregation or the increase of hatred I'm fine with it. I just wished it happened more.
i ve never approached anyone on the basis of nationality
Sorry racist white boi you can't handle this
>nor would I want to. You're not even worth looking over my racer tendencies
being Pajeet is suffering
you negrophobe!
RACIST* not racer
Wtf. I need to know what happened to this madman
The key is to have a personality and interests that reach across tribal lines.
Dont be defined by your race, faggot. You should have enough interesting traits that you can appeal to any flavor of pussy you plan to smash
>t. White hispanic Chad
Black women rarely get approached by white men ever
You're ugly. I had tons of girls at any given moment from OkC/POF. Most being white/Jewish/Asian
Didn't go for other spics or blacks.
Just be yourself, don't act autistic. Don't talk about politics or religion.
One last thing, no names culero
>my racer tendencies
Yeah but if I want to trigger inter ethnic tensions being able to do that is of limited interest.
he became one with the poo
Few things anger a nigger more than having a light skinned high tier black woman on your arm and him knowing full well she will be gargling your cum in a few hours.
Especially if you are any shade lighter than charcoal.
my open letter to black chicks;
thank you for being down ass hoes most of the fucking time
Rest In Poo Pajeet
>overweight black girl
>brushing off """cute""" white knighting pipsqueaks
Wonder how she'd feel about being a phony woke liberal's virtue prop if it was hard-bodied hairy hunks doing all the approaching.
Kek. That's so fucking stupid.
What you want is to cause high level blacks and non whites within various organization to rise and hate white people. Unless you can turn this shit into a public display of anti-white hatred it's not interesting.
Black women are the only ones who will actually approach ME for sex. (I'm white)
>look at her profile picture
>full-on Kunta Kinte, bushnigger tier nasty unlike the 3/4 white model in the article pic
She wrote this articvle because she "Madibah" the fact that no white (or even mexican) men approach her online, but one of her hot, mostly white SJW riends was like:
>mmm guuuurrrl I can STAND IT when all deez honkey ass white model boys be all hittin me up online an sheeeit gurl ya feel me sistah?!!?
and Madibah here was like....
>y-y-yea gurl... tfw!
pathetic ugly nigger
I bet she gets tons of white bois
It doesnt make her hate white people.
It makes the poor niggers you just outcompeted angry that whitey just stole one of """"dey wimmin""".
And you can see the anger and pain in their faces when you leave with her knowing youre going to be colonizing her in a matter of an hour or less while they have to resort to low class thots or fat bitches.
The same is true for Tyrone
>muh dick
> I’m a single, overweight, overeducated Black woman living in New York City so I know.
Why is this in the news? Who cares? If you are fat, donate some food to the UN catastrophe in Africa. And Honestly, other patting yourself on the back for giving food or money to poor, shut the fuck up about everything else.
Social media is gonna be death of US
>can't approach black girls
>implying I would do that anyway
>implying I'm not happy to see them segregating themselves
>implying implications
If I didn't know any better I'd say that's just pro race mixing bullshit.
Oh wait, that's totally what it is.
Foment racial tensions better.
Why are white, Asian, and Hispanic women so racist?
Very shameful.
>white boys
Chubby black girls want my dick. It's tempting because some are clean and smell good.
she didn't say anything about Japs though, so you can still go for her
you lucky devil
Robert Deniro?
Oh wait... he's "Italian" and therefore also a nigger... nvm
>remember white guys don't mix with black girls
>look at picture
>shes ugly as hell
we all have to tell ourselves lies sometimes.
just avoid em. no one actually wants them for a reason.
>sjws declare racemixing racist
There's some interesting stuff in that chart besides the OP pic related.
>black females respond least to black males
>black males second only to indian males in lowest response rate overall
>asian females hate black males
>indian females hate indian males and also asian males
>native abo males do pretty well across the board (a lot better than i assumed)
Sorry I offended you. I will make sure to never talk to nor hire a black person ever again.
>niggers are against race mixing
This is a positive development
I'd fuck one on the condition that we do some fucked up Thomas Jefferson roleplay.
Open letter to niggers, please stay away from me and my family. You are literality violent animals.
i love that the nigger author used a less unattractive nigress for the big picture on the story instead of a picture of herself
black women really are fucked beyond repair. You know (officially) 17 million black babies have been aborted? These are the same people with #problack in their twitter bio. Fucking lowest race in america.
>You are white so you're probably racist so I'm not interested and I will not acknowledge, understand, or believe my own irony no matter what way you might present it to me.
>Real females
Pig disgusting.
This dude knows. The worst kind of girls about catcalling and shit like this are the average/ugly women that want to be associated with having pretty girl problems.
T. Madiba
Why does the meme persist on every porn site that females want BBC somehow when every single poll of dating websites/actual women shows that they utterly reject the idea of dating some black dude?
Isn't she the racist for assuming that all white men are racists?
> I’m a single, overweight, overeducated Black woman living in New York City so I know.
>black people complain about being underprivileged
>then they complain about being overeducated when they do get somewhere
What the literaly fuck do they want?
>girl is half breed
Black people cant be racist.
well black guys usually dont like black girls, so if they reject white guys i dont think they will have many options left
She's trying the push-pull tactic here.
>look I have so many white guys into me but their racist n shieet
Sure babe. Keep fishing for one.
Sounds like a real catch.
>black women are so desperate they ready to fuck an Indian to avoid Tyrone
>If you don't want to sleep with me you're racist
>If you want to sleep with me then you're fetishising me and therefore racist
No, I am racist and you fucking love it.
You'll need to shoot me before I stop hitting on black chicks I caught me some jungle fever my dude
So she's accepting boyfriend applications from whites but only if they prove "day ain't racist?"
What is she-the female Chris-Chan? Who gives a shit about this stupid cunt's pussy when there are 3.5 billion other women out there?
>tfw met a Ghanaian lass, black as coal, begged for the BWC, and got dicked up and down all night
>calls me routinely for the BWC
>loves the oppressing touch of the white man and can't get enough of the colonising BWC
>feels good man
Kek is this what they mean about white privilege? I almost always get replies hasn't to be a coefficient of at lest 7:1
Its the logical conclusion of identity politics. That's what separate us from cuckservatives.
>Implying I would ever approach a chimpanzee
GOSH I wonder why she didn't use a picture of herself rather than a model for the article.
k i n k y
why'd she put a picture of a pretty young woman under the title when she could've used her own picture?
really makes you think.
>why dont you have black friends
well because I live in a predominatly white area
not say that it is all white but as far as Blacks go there
isn't many and I do have like 3 black friends
>why you like gangsta rap
gangsta rap? first I don't know what that is and
second i don't listen to alot of music to begin with
when I think of rap I think Will Smith that is how
old and white I am
>why you like drake
drake? I heard that before, isn't he the guy from
Degrassi: The Next Generation?
>why you sayin you date negros
I don't remember saying that? and I can't say that I have
>why you never date negros
like I said I live in a predominatly white area
there aren't alot of "negro" girls around
I would have a better chance of dating a navative amaerica
or Asain girl then I would a "negro" girl
>why you like datin white girls
like I said I live in a predominatly white area
so girls are usually various shades of white
>why you tellin me my fat black ass aint like all da other girls
fist off try to speak like you are intellegent and have some
formal education saying things like "aint like all da other"
makes you sound stupid if you are going to speak with
me do so like you have a brain in your head
You better prove you're not racist by fucking me white boy!
Mods need to start banning people who respond to shill threads without saging. At least gives them reason to think why they're posting.
>1 post by this id
Racarooo tenderancy!
I think it's because the women who *do* like black men won't shut up about it.
>Black girl complains about racism while being racist.
Water is wet.
Wind is windy.
>me approaching any negress
cry me a river, bitch.