>Size approx: 4,059 acres
>Price: USD 6,950,000
>Location: South East of Las Vegas, Arizona
>Has a (probably almost empty) Gold mine
>LINK: vladi-private-islands.de
>Ok lads, this is what we need to do to build a succesful kekistani state.
>In other threads we have already stated that the place should be a private Island and that it should be located in US Soil.
Ok, update: not in a private island because is like 50000x more expensive
>What you haven't realized yet is that the form of government should be A CORPORATION.
>Let me explain, Kekistan should be a company, and all its citizens should be employees of this company. This has to be like this because within a company employees produce value which is traded with other emploees. For instance, security guards at the gate protect the people who are inside the building, and the people who clean the WC do it for the security guards. This is a small example, but it is important to address that services are traded within the employees WHITOUT PAYING TAXES.
>Of course, everything that the company produces is taxed when is sold outside. This is the same as if the other country was setting a tarif on us. But there is an influx of money when we sell goods outside which is like an export, and also the company can establish policies so the employee who sells a good outside gets 100% of the income that the sale produces.
>This has to be worked a bit, but I think you can understand the basics.
>Ok, now, why a company? Because this allows other based Sup Forumsacks to be elected and get a working visa to live in the US, and if they do not follow the rules, or behave they can just be fired which is the same as being deported.
>Can we work on this idea?
> 19jRCiwV1sejxqNdDkdphkm8LobLDezQLe