the state of Florida goes to congresswoman Gabbard...

the state of North Carolina goes to congresswoman Gabbard...

the state of Pennsylvania goes to congresswoman Gabbard...

the state of Ohio goes to congresswoman Gabbard...

President Donald J. Trump will be a one term president. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has been elected the next president of the United States. We are currently awaiting a concession speech from the president.

Georgia too.

Dumbfuck will probably get impeached and resign before 2020, but Pence will suffer the consequences. Ryancare alone is going to kill the GOP.

You're completely retarded OP and I hope you die poor and alone


>blue texas

>he still thinks there will be enough illegals and Muslims left in 2020 to elect a democrat

>People are still denying an inevitable blue Texas by 2020

This is the reality Trumpfags. Prepare for the end

texas was blue in the olden days

It will be again.

Demographics show Trump losing 100%

It really is.


I almost liked her and then the dumb cunt is anti gun

In DFW alone. Cucks. Fucking. Everywhere.

>implying guns don't kill

In Houston it's the same. It fucking kills me. Lefty handout wanting statists.

As they're supposed to, you fucking kike.

>liberals actually think they're getting the rust belt back while doubling down on social justice bullshit
>fucking Texas especially when illegals are getting deported
I chuckled OP

>liberals actually think they're getting the rust belt back while doubling down on social justice bullshit

Rust belt will never vote GOP again once Trump is done

something something nuclear codes

blumpf btfo

I'm a political expert and I predict Hillary has a 95% chance of winning in 2020.