>they know
>they know
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't give clicks to these niggers.
So they will lead traffic here then shillposting will increase then they will get redpilled as all before them.
"The grotesque, frowning, sleepy eyed, out of shape, swamp dweller, peeing with his pants pulled down because-it-feels-good-man frog is an ideology, one which steers into the skid of its own patheticness"
Shut it down!
>not peeing with their pants fully pulled down
kek what kind of savages are these people?
"Trump is Pepe"
It all makes sense now
1-3 are actually surprisingly accurate journalism, a solid 51% of it is true, better than the majority of articles I read about Sup Forums
4 onward she goes total retard and misses the point entirely of course
Lol, this bitch just needs to take one step closer to us, and she'll be looking in a mirror only to realize that she helped cause her own downfall.
Sounds sad he's not one of us
Trump 2024
>When my father died after I left college in 2004, the last of my family’s wealth evaporated. And ever since then, I have lived well below the poverty line. (Even now, though I work as a Professor, this is true). But I had the benefit of an education.
Wealth doesn't evaporate, she probably spent all that shit in less than a year; her or her mother. And it's funny how she self-identifies as a professor.
yes, we have skeleton key
no, it's not where your microwaves will find it.
we have no plan on its usage, other than to say
Trump will have a 3rd term
Trump president for life
>Dale Beran
ain't that a guy?
Money can literally sit and do nothing and still make you more of it, as long as it's in a bank
the professor probably needed to take several trips abroad to 'find herself' and spent it all.
So fucking close
Christ, I just assumed it was a girl from the writing style and whining about feminism. How the fuck can anyone with testicles write something that pathetic? This "guy" must be taking estrogen or some shit
You can tell the guy stopped coming to Sup Forums in 2011 as he had some valid points up until that point. After this he just resorts to shaming tactics.
>Sup Forums vs gender
Classic projection. It's really SJW's vs reality.
Finished reading, and saw your comments. Damn:
>That is your brain on feminism
They know, but can they stop us? Winds have started to blow our way.
The only reason they made this article is so that their fanbase can feel important, because we are that fanbase's conservative counterpart. Surely you guys must see this?
That's why we use archived versions of their stupid articles.
Who the fuck would want to be on (((their))) side. So boring and lame
I did save this incase anons in the future needed it.
Also praise kek and fuck these lib cuck tabloids who only serve their globalist monkeys.
Someone who's got basic morals and decency, for one.
Nigger, archive that shit so you don't give them hits.
It's a courtesy to anyone reading your OP.
It's polite and good form.
It's easy and fast. No effort needed. And it doesn't make certain websites appear popular.
Really love any reporting about gamergate is just "lol, I don't understand video games or video game journalism but here's a joke about virgins".
>ignoring or not knowing what the ((())) means
please go the fuck back to rddit. you will be a depressed cat lady in less than ten years, you've been warned.
So this.. is the power.. of Sup Forums memes
Thank you kind sir. I can now see how funny your post was. Well done, I'll make sure to upvote it after I get done replying.
Dale, is that you?
I actually liked your article, it's refreshing to see a differing stance on the known subjects.
I'm a gull btw
>Trump’s younger supporters know he’s an incompetent joke
Why do they always start articles with the assumption we feel the same way about Trump that they do?
to regard those who disagree with you as human is problematic.
> Born from Something Awful
This place started from M00t's high school class and irc hangouts. That's the newfag demographic. Always has been.