What stage are you at Sup Forums?
Racial realism
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If you aren't at least third from last you need to leave pol right now desu.
Also this needs to be memed harder.
I pee standing up.
have at it comrades
>making noise
I came here at the third stage. I'm currently at sixth.
What have you done to me Sup Forums?!
100% full 1488.
t. Studied psychology right up until I learned that scientists, who supposedly are only interested in "the evidence", have systematically destroyed the lives of every single person who points out the obvious objective facts that:
1. Ability and intelligence vary
2. Half the population is below average
3. Races are not "equal" on literally any quantitative measurement.
It's sad how this is all an accepted and well established fact for animals but then suddenly when it comes to human genetics we turn the other way and stick our heads in the sand.
Also Related
This is why women should not have voting rights
I think these scientists are just skeptical to believe it is race and race only. Unfortunately, there are many other variables that correlate with race. Class, for example, correlates with race. Class differences could lead to the quantitative differences between races, not the races themselves.
I wouldn't be so quick to criticize the academics. There's a reason they're not making that causation link - it's not a strong one.
It's really just denial.
Humans share ancestry with other animals and intellectual differences can be measured within those genetic pools quite easily. We only ignore the facts when it comes to humans because we don't want to accept the reality that equality is a farce.
brain meme = iceberg for morons
needs apathy again at the bottom.
Are you me? I got out of Psychology for the same reason.
We can control for class, user.
No, brain memes are better for expressing full thoughts. Iceberg is just a random list of things.
more icebergs
I often wonder just how much of the scientific community is actually at stage 6. Would it be at all surprising if it was over 50%?
My problem with racism is that it's essentially needing an excuse from (((scientists))) to get niggers BTFO'd.
Why do you even need an excuse to not want to live around niggers?
>no NGE
that's a direct contradiction. how can fascism be non-statist?
>civic national socialism
You forgot the part where you convert to a religion, despite the fact you don't believe in it to lead by example to bring back order.
Neon Genesis Evangelion?
If you have to ask you don't need to know.
>tfw 14 but not 88 because Hitler was a retarded and national socialism is just communism where you only kill rich Jews instead of all rich people
>death metal and black metal that low
>harsh noise and lowercase bottom level
My fucking sides, RIP.
The one in my digits
19 years spent pursuing Theatre and Music
Now what the fuck am I gonna do during the war
the real bogpill
I'm at the who gives a fuck stage. Life is too short to obsess over muh race.
YOUR life is short, but the Western civilization can't survive without our forethought.
Ministry of Culture
Most of the big-time revolutionaries were humanities students- not STEM
>Class differences could lead to the quantitative differences between races, not the races themselves
You've clearly done no actual investigation into the subject and are just pulling Marxist, pseudo-scientific talking points out of your ass as a substitute for an actual data-driven argument.
The reality is that class differences are a symptom of genetic inequality, which is obviously affected in large part by the selective pressures our ancestors underwent while seperated in radically different environments for tens of thousands of years.
>Monarchy powered by human sacrifice
Don't we already have a God Emperor? We sacrifice pedos and degenerate to feed his uneding power instead of children, but it still counts, right?
Okay this one made me laugh
What is radical Buddhism? Can I get a quick rundown?
Watching porn should be above having sex and having sex with your wife.
One above 1488 tbqh I cannot understand how they honestly get people to believe there are no genetic differences between races. El retardo!
don't think so
Pretty good.
can someone make tldr version?
The last political redpill
Haven't seen one of these threads in a cool minute.
Biologically, Race = Subspecies.
The two most distant are the Bantu and the Indigenous Australian
yeah right after your mom finishes running down my dick ;)
tl;dr plebs don't understand racism
oh i wonder what edgy stuff you would like to put at the bottom
My best are Unknown and a bunch of African ones. Also Bhutan and Suriname.
Calvinists are just greek style gnostics that believe philosophy and take the bible out of context to make it appealing.
>Old Text Adventures
>/vr/ cult classics
welp, guess I'm a dork
Why is this in reverse order?
not very well thought out
>tfw listening to Lustmord somehow makes me "level 9"
You meditate
Not white but full 1488.
I found the keywords to get these images, just "enlightened mind" or "enlightened being" and they're all like this.
>floor tiles
Top kek
>from fuck Drumpf to lynching
Holy shit kek
A twist starring Ted Cruz' story arc and the truth about aliens
6! I'm a working female, but I'd be so much happier being a homemaker, and not feeling lesser because of it. Feminists ruin everything.
When you can't tell the truth about race and intelligence, it seems like you can't tell the truth about anything else.
Any discussion about education reform feels useless when not talking about race and intelligence. There is so much concern with how certain racial groups are underperfoming, compared to whites and asians. So their solution is often to drastically change the material, despite the fact that whites and asians can often handle it just fine.
lol my nigga destiny is SMASHING on Sup Forums right now
Also, I know a lot of people here will balk at this, but can we please stop associating racial realism with 1488, Hitler, and Nazis? You can believe in racial realism without believing in these other things.
To be honest, my views are moreso libertarian, and socially liberal but also nationalist. I feel like any honest discussion of race starts to lose all its credibility when it's associated with nazis.
>post rock below prog rock
All you other niggas are plebs
Okay, Doug