>Personally I think Kekistan has a sandnigger name and needs to be renamed, but I'll let you decide.
Let's vote on a name change for Kekistan
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought it sounded gay too. Should be something like Kekdhesia, Kektopia, Kekmerica
Or some conglomeration of states or principalities. The ______ ________ of Kek
>Kekistan has a sandnigger name
>a pseudo-nation made to honor the long-lost Egyptian God of Chaos represented with a Frog has a sandnigger name
>crypto-sandniggers populate Egypt
Really gets the ole neurons firing.
-stan is a persian suffix for place. I doubt egyptians used stan, but an ancestor of a semitic word for place
The choices are shit. i like Principality of Kek.
Memetic Principality of Kek
I hate Germany
Most Stan-countries are turkic and pretty far from Egypt.
Really we need to let kek decide with digits. I would personally like Kekia
yeah, I should have mentioned that you can add your choices in the comments section if you don't like the ones in the poll, but I didn't because I'm a sperglord
I vote for Kektopia
The Kek Republic
Kekistan is fine. Stop obsessing over petty shit.
Wait wait I got it. We need come up with something so that our "USA" = "KEK"
>Kingdom and Emirates of Kek
Like this as well.
kek shows he approves
Kekist Corporate Republic
This. Kektopia is great
Stop this normie cringe Pepe shit already you stupid faggots.
Kingdom of the Empire of Kek
The Kek Republic
The United Anarcho-Capitalist Confederated Republic of The Servants of Kek and Memetic Warfare for Global Peace.
Kekvaria or Kekvana
Totally Omnipresent Principality of Kek
Brit post best post
The United Territories of Kek
someone said kekbec (cause quebecers are based af)
i kinda like Quebkek.
though they'll call us quebkexico i'm sure
The only vote I want is for all of you kekfag cancerous fucks to go back to /r/the_donald you pathetic nigger
Sup Forumslitzania
they have a good point user
if a major happening is inbound on the 15th we should be free to discuss these ideas for growth in the future.
>tfw these wild ideas may become our only legitimate contingency plan.
So what kind of government are we looking at for this thing? Is this going to be a theocracy based around meme magic? Is this going to be a dictatorship? Who's going to be the first one?
Knowing that might influence the kind of name we want for this thing.
The Theocratic Leldom of KEK
They believe in fucking ancient frog gods and shit this board up with their stupid spam and shit like Styx and all kinds of cancer
Fuck them. Worse than christfags.
I agree the zealotry and proselytization needs to stop. But if you haven't silently accepted that kek is our god here and that his meme magic rules the world than i don't think you belong here on this board.
this shit runs deep user
Dude fuck off with this your kek meme magic shit.
No way am I "accepting" this stupid newfag cancer shit and don't you dare tell me I don't belong here.
Guaranteed I've been here long before you kekfag Reddit fucks started coming here to post your stupid faggot ass memes
Polonia or Keklonia
OP here at work, it seems that in the poll, leaving the name as kekistan is the prevailing vote, but those digits are impossible to ignore.
>I agree with what some of you said, the poll is shit, sorry for being autistic, it's my first time making one of those polls.
>Tomorrow I will be making a better poll, including all the names in this thread, as well as an 'other in thread' option so we can settle this shit once and for all.
3rd world commie shit hole tier
The Great Republic of Kek
capitalist pig child fucker tier
It all reeks of Alt-Right Reddit faggotry. It should be counted as spam at this point, I'm tired of seeing this stupid shit shilled to the point of no return.
you forgot azerbaijan
Memètiques Sans Frontières
I like it, Kekistan sounds ironic and it trolled op.
Polonia is poortuguese for Poland so that would be weird
Nice. Still prefer Kekistan, though.
Oh.. I didn't know. Thank you for pointing that out. I still like how it sounds tho, fuckkk.
I like it
I like The MPK too
I really thought this shit would be gone by now but it just keeps keeping on.
Kek Republic will do as fine as Czech Republic.
another poll few days ago decided the official name will be Memetic Principality of Kek
and decided Kekistan would be a name for everyday use
United Digits of Kek
I like Kekopolis
Wow this one is good and ID: amsmNCDJ has a big penis allegedly
Wait wtf my ID changed
Sargon keeps rallying the normies. And they keep using using 'Shadilay' as a greeting, which is incredibly cringy. Maybe they should all gather in one convenient spot.
Memetic Principality of Kek got trip sevens in a thread just like this
Kek doesnt deal in democracy, he deals in dubbs
> In'Shadilay brother
> Sup Forums is a board of peace
> behead those who insult Sup Forums
Its SUPPOSED to sound sand niggerish
Hah hah! You got 2 diggits! That mean KEK supports you're idea!!! LOL!
Oh LOL I should of use this pic instead! It has green frog man to!!
State of Kek.
I smell a civil war brewing.
Islamic Republic of Iran
i vote binland :DDDDD :---D
Kingdom Of Kek.
Patron saint
Capital city
Zip code format
>Regions identified by d.u.b.s/t.r.i.p.s
>Shadilon = 00
Containment zone for autists and 'special people'
Do you even know what memetic warfare is? The point of calling it Kekistan is to mindfuck the opposition
Kek Republic
Sounds more like our currency's name
Blimey, these dastardly doubles keep blessing the Trumpians! Does this mean Kek really does love them? Richard, it seems, has already made up his mind. But for the rest of the Top Gear team, one final test is required
can we name it equality? Then equality will become a symbol of hate.
>this land is historically ours
>its written on this malaysian handweaving board
>if your resist we have reason to selfdefend
>Kekistan is here to stay
Fuck off with this shit already
Keep it Kekistan. It shows how diverse and tolerant we are.
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
>KOK for short
Nah m8
>kek = frogs
>pol = politics
>Tripoli is the capital city and the largest city of Libya. Tripoli, with its metropolitan area, has a population of about 1.1 million people
>kek + politics = Kekpoli
how about Kekpoli