>Europe has not kept promises on migrant deal, for us, that agreement has ended. Turkish Deputy PM
>Europe has not kept promises on migrant deal, for us, that agreement has ended. Turkish Deputy PM
What exactly are the promises Europe broke?
bow down to every demand of course.
Press F for Europe
If they do this we should close our borders also
Habertürk TV Canlı Yayın were showing the guy who got bittenn by a dog , national hero apperntly
Greek islands have nice camps already.
Audible kek
This is the part of C&C where you sell all tech buildings, set a barracks rally point at your base entrance and spam the dog button until the screams stop.
>implying we will not flood germanistan and swedistan with more mudskins
enjoy being a caliphate faggot
those fucking Turks are done
We can finally get rid of them
"do everything we say or we will flood your lands with mohammeds"
>*germans, swedes and french collectively lick their lips and bend over*
NATO kicks out Turkey.
Russia pwns Turkey.
Russia and NATO go out for drinks to celebrate.
It's time to start treating all Muhammadan arrivals in Europe as invaders.
I'll smoke to that
>they always were
Look up "Hijra - jihad by immigration"
Is Europe completely fucked now or could this trigger a massive right wing revival?
Does this mean we can start the impalling?
The EU wants them anyway. They didn't care about bargaining with Turkey and giving them more money because of that reason. And, of course, to get people used to the idea. You know, to acclimate them to their new reality. Not all will be happy, but most are content just living their lives, and as long this doesn't directly affect them, they won't act to defend their country in any way, shape, or form. That's pretty much a fact.
We are going to simply let them through, like we've been doing for 2 years already.
Just as an fyi, our islands have army and citizens doing their mandatory military service stationed there. Same goes for our boarders. Have you read or heard about any attacks in greece? That's right, we round them up and if a sandnigger acts up they simply "disappear".
Greece is going to be just fine on that front, the countries that should be worried already know who they are.
I'm tired of these fucking roaches. Who do they think they are? We should glass them off the face of the earth
Hey greekbro, when are we teaming up to remove b*lgar from premises again?
fucking infidels wont even accept the jizya
They wanted it to happen more gradually, as usual the kikes didnt think this through.
At first they were taking them in like it was going out of style, shortly after they realized they cant really cover up all of the rapes and killings and terrorism like they thought they could. Then they realized that the economy is imploding way faster than they thought, with all the gibmedats and the shrinking private sector and private investments drying up. Then they didnt really foresee Trump winning and reinforcing the right-wing revival before they'd solidified their plans.
So they told Turkey to stop sending them in, in exchange for money. Literal extortion, they didnt even try to hide it.
You know the rest.
>tfw you didnt trigger ww3 and scored a hattrick
When shit hits the fan, bulgaria, skopja and albania will find themselves in an interesting position. Let's leave it at that.
not a single german outlet reports on that.
why is that?
this would be rlly big news here.
gonna be a bloodbath.
Bulgaria first,
into Serbia.
Bodies will fall.
The sultan has spoken. Now bend over the muslim hordes.
>britain triggers article 50
>continental europe falls into anarchy and strife
Who could be behind this?
>turks gonna destroy europe
Boats torpedo when?
Consider what the arrival of over a million migrants started in 2015.
Go fuck yourself Erdoroach
I really love the Atlantic ocean
Yeah why might that be? This should really activate your almonds.
I think it'll get worse before it gets better. We need at least part of the left to stop siding with the immigration bullshit to really get something going.
They are coming all by boat now anyway
So he admits he is committing war via migrants
good, this will further destabilize the EU and catalyze the nationalist rebirth.
The Turks are invading via migrant crisis.
Send them in Erdogan, let's get this show on the road.
Can't wait til we burn that fucking Turk capital down.
Lets make Constantinople great again.
Denmark not being completely cucked
Time for war.
Reispoll me on erdogoat
Goodbye yurop cucks faggots
Hahaha! We're fucked :D