> $337 billion saved.
Good job GOP. I'll be watching for that tax cut.
> $337 billion saved.
Good job GOP. I'll be watching for that tax cut.
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why would a poor or working class person vote repub?
They will use that money to create jobs you moron. Rich people are naturally nice and naturally love their country.
>supply side economics
>They will use that money to create jobs you moron.
Screw that. I want my tax cut.
This is seriously as delusional as communism
cause hillary gave a shit about the rust belt?
The tax cuts will create jobs. Taxpayers will have more money to spend, and this will create jobs.
>GWB- We will create jobs, they will all come back because muh tax cuts!
they never came back
>Obama-we will create a plan to create more american jobs
they never came back
>Trump-I will be the best job president this country has ever seen
Neither does trump. they just voted for trump because they don't like brown people. the next president will be open borders. Even Kasish and Jeb were, it's inevitable
>He thinks he's getting a tax cut
No silly. The tax cuts are only for people making $200,000 or more per year!
>The tax cuts will create jobs.
>Taxpayers will have more money to spend, and this will create jobs.
Rich people having more money doesn't magically create more jobs.
watch ben shapiro destroy trumpcare
>anything that isn't agreeing with trump is fake news
why are right wing retards so cucked?
>Counties where a cherry picked fictional person would suffer a hypothetical downside of a policy they hypothetically would have supported
When will the left get tired of their "vote your own economic interests!" rhetoric? It's just about as cynical as it gets.
Exactly. Now give me my tax cut.
$465k per year? This is the kind of person who benefits from Trump's policies. So NOT 99% of Trump voters.
You're just barely in the top 1% at that income level I believe.
>You're just barely in the top 1% at that income level I believe.
Right. It's BS that I should have to pay $150K a year in taxes so a bunch of lazy fucks can sit home all day playing X-box, smoking weed, and eating government cheese.
you can't be happy with 200,000 k a year? what are you jewish?
please give me a job making 400,000k i will get off my lazy ass instead of working for 16 bucks a hour with a 4 year degree in IT
> Written by John (((Cohn)))
200k with a proper family of 5 or more in a high cost of living area with the taxes paid ain't exactly champagne and caviar champ.
>le trickledown economics meme
Medicare starts at 65. No one feels bad for wealthy people having to pay their own way
boo hoo right wing retards always weep for the wealthy
Wew lad you are probably easily supporting 12 grown adults with that.
What kind of 60 y.o only makes 30k a year?
most people in this country are poor of their own accord. Being a poorfag in America is embarrassing.
>Medicare starts at 65.
that's next on the chopping block
don't live in the rich fag areas retard. You can live wealthy in Columbus Ohio with 250k house in Pickering Ohio. That is a house in one year, so shut the fuck up.
i can barely afford a 3k car, god forbid you ever have to worry about becoming homeless, and yes i have been homeless after all my family dying and losing it all, having a mental break down getting fired. God forbid you have more tax's
FUCK trump and FUCK neo-con niggers
I was just making an example
t. Grove City fag whose family is from Pickerington
yea your family is from Pickerington so I know you had it good. Grove city isn't that bad, most high end places in Greater Columbus are 250k. lower end is west side at 30k - 50k
Maybe the $400k jobs don't exist in Cbus.
>trickle down
Already proven not to work in the 80s. Believe me France, the US already tried. It does nothing but line the pockets of the wealthy and no one else. Most of their money just sits in the bank and isn't used for job creation or raising anyone else's pay. We need nationalized single payer healthcare and a wealth tax to give a use it or lose it effect on the rich's money.
It's a simple solution, have a maximum wage cap for ceo's give that to the worker who makes 8 - 20 a hour. If can only live decent with 52k in Columbus Ohio.
Also meant for
There are we have IT, healthcare. Those jobs exist We have fucking Chase bank.
>wealth tax
They already pay more in taxes per month than you'll pay in your lifetime
tax's only went way down since Reagan before that they where way higher, wow I wounder where the working class of America came from?
>nationalized healthcare
Because finding a doctor on your own is too hard for a stupid nigger like yourself?
they also make more in one year that I will make in 5 - 10 years so who gives a shit if u pay more. it's literally like taking from old lady's and from a kid.
>Redistributing wealth
>By keeping money where it belongs
>paying the state to take your money will create prosperity
Except the glasses at the bottom don't actually shrink, they grow.
So death panels and long waiting times and no actual attempt at reducing the actual cost of healthcare, i.e. the AMA controlling the supply of doctors. Gj commie. Get a staph infection and die from waiting.
it's either own a car or healthcare? so fuck you? but yes Obamacare sucks , trump care will be worst.
obamacare is republican can (romney)
we need real nationalize healthcare like the leafs
>he thinks less than a million a year is rich
o I'm laffin,
>muh poor boomers
Fuck boomers, based Trump
Maybe if this fat old cunt could take care of herself.
Physically or financially, she wouldn't have an issue.
yea she did, she was gonna make it so they could afford college and get degrees, so they dont have to work in a factory their whole lives
wasn't this debunked? that's not from the CBO report
it always amazes me how right wing retards shit on their own
> literally trys to sell beds.
ryan is such a dork.. he looks like eddie munster.
Taxation is theft.
"coal country" actually got fucked by Obamacare which made health coverage in a lot of companies go from "free" to "twice your fucking salary" in the jobs they had to get as an alternative to the ones that got terminated
Take more of our illegals you retarded leaf.
the more the left screams and hates this the more I end up liking it
Keep the knee bent, Ryan.
Money he earned in private enterprise vs some cunt who made it from bribes / donations and working in the public sector. Hmmm
(((right wing)))
Try again kike.
These shitty shill images.
Tickle down economics doesn't exist. It is a democrat buzzword.
why is poor white trash so stupid? They always vote for the candidate that will cause them to suffer the most
>it's a socialist retard acts like low taxes for everyone is bad because the "evil rich people" also profit from it thread
private enterprise taking money from Saudis and Russians
The minimum wage will only create inflation. If everybody makes at least $15 an hour then that means those $15 are worthless because everybody fucking has $15. You are not solving the problem you are only making it worse. Democrat economics are bullshit.
>blacks have been voting democrat forever
>had only made their lives worse
Ayyy lmao
And they don't use most of it. It causes lack of cash flow which is bad for the economy.
$4.5 mil is nothing on his assets. Hillary made more from Saudi donations alone. Shit man, put some effort forth.
>I have to keep others poor to make myself feel good
t. right wing retards
>cost of healthcare
It only goes up for the government, not individual people which it will go down for as it's paid for with taxes.
It's like so much money is spent on Social Security which is funded with payroll taxes, you yourself aren't paying a whole lot in payroll taxes.
sorry but making 200K even with 1 kid is basically living at poverty level.
Why is this being Trumpcare, Trump had no say in it what should and shouldn't be in it, this should be called Ryancare.
you're right most of his money comes from russia which is why he is subservient to them
Anyone else glad we're just sending a lot of our illegals at the dumbass leafs? Let's speed up the crash of their socialist party for a quick laugh.
The only people who should be poor are those who don't work. Also tell me about make work jobs.
What entitles you to his money?
>money he inherited via private interprise
fixed it for you
Taxes come from the people, even from a business that shit is affecting the workers, Jesus man.
And just because you're paying the costs and it "seems lower" since you forced everyone into the collective, the underlying costs of healthcare are still rising and nothing has been done to curb this. Jesus Christ, were attempting to patch a symptom and not the cause by nationalizing it.
The only people who should be poor are those who don't work.
Now you're making my argument .
go away obama leaf
every fucking time
case closed
The is no doubt that trickle down will work in today's economy considering the incredible amount of transparency we have today. CEO's will be held accountable. If not, Trump's intimidation has the power to shake em dry of their shekels.
The world has changed a lot since the 80's
And he deserves it more than the government with its bullshit death tax or estate taxes.
this is now an ana thread
hi ana. can u believe what a fat fuck alex jones is?