Reminder to stand strong against any jew or muslim shill on this board.
Reminder to stand strong against any jew or muslim shill on this board
Go fuck yourself you Nordic piece of garbage. Your free ride is over. It's to the frontlines with you and the rest of the purebreds.
you evil racist xenophobe. How does it feel to judge others when you have no right to judge. They are all humans and deserve respect. I swear.. so many white devils these days.
You can fight, but it'll just prolong your suffering, goy
>immediately triggered americans
lol @ >american
I am loyal to one flag, and one flag only.
The flag of my people.
We have an issue with dual citizenship that needs to be ended.
this culture invaders aren't my people
I've got an Amerifat passport, are you being antisemitic?
Why are there so many kikes here?
Are you Cornell too?
There are a ton of us at every Ivy league.
Jews put a huge huge emphasis on education, and Ivy leagues are a result of that emphasis.
But close the proximity to NYC/Westchester/LI also helps
I am loyal only to White brethren of European descent. No matter the country as long as they are white.
This. I care for none other than the sons and daughters of Europe, and their diaspora. Everyone else can die in hellfire.
gas yourself kike
Maybe we'll live that dream once the EU collapses.
Holy shit this comic is cringy.
Agreed. The iron pill guy is the cringiest meme we have. He looks like a faggier version of eminem and usually has stink lines drawn around him.
t. negro
>Pagan symbolism
>Picture of Charles Martel
wow its fucking retarded
You've shown me the way. White guy in his underpants, business socks, and wearing a hijab is super cool.
yes it's totally normal to look at a cartoon and think "this is a representation of what the artist thinks all men should always wear"
lol fuck off retard. no one is asking you to make more iron pill content.
I'm a non-white and I support Europe. Stay strong Aryans you will win!
>if you don't hate your fellow human beings because of religion or race ur a shill hurr durr
you don't understand. jews and muslims don't bother you, because your country is garbage and has nothing to give them. and also, "stand strong against" is not the same message as "hate", dumbfuck.
You are a top-tier fag if you don't like Iron Pill.
The problem with these people is they aren't actually 4channers. There's been a massive influx of traffic to Sup Forums centered around Sup Forums, and this is why this board has IDs and flags, because these people are incapable of ingenius posting, but rather come here to circlejerk eachother about their genes. In short; stormfags.
What is life without suffering you miserable jew.
Why do you think I take walks past midnight at minus 40. When the sight of death is near life is great, except for the leeche.
Jews and muslims are just that, leeches.
The christcucks are the fishes, the smaller ones, they like to be preyed upon.
The atheists are the microbes, they are there but they do so little that it's as if they were not there.
I don't think I ever saw a human. They lost their will to abrahamic monotheism for most.
both of your posts are complete cringe. you are not a channer, you are a poser and you are a very bad actor.
Using normie memes. I wonder how old you are?
lol what normie memes have i used exactly, poserfag? please enlighten me, make your appeal to authority complete.
I'm glad you are the arbiter of what is normal and acceptable on the interwebs and what is not. Please continue to dispense your authoritative speculations on what makes you feel embarrassed.
shut up fag
lol you're such a dumb retard you think that buzzwords and memes are the same thing. you're also such a dumb retard that you forgot that you were the one who originally tried to tell other people they weren't from Sup Forums because of what they believe
>The problem with these people is they aren't actually 4channers
what's it like talking yourself in a circle, dumbfuck?
You seem to misunderstand my malnourished little friend. I welcome the presence of aliens in my threads because I enjoy annihilating your disgusting and pathetic lines of thought. You on the other hand said nothing about whether I am an alien, but merely declared that my post made you feel embarrassed, presumably on my behalf. However I can see how you could confuse the two points of view considering that you are after all a white nationalist, meaning that you are mentally retarded and therefore incapable of basic argumentative thought.
Even if they bothered me, I would know better than generalizing an entire group of people.
I think it's funny how they accuse everyone who isn't part of their circlejerk of being shills. A bunch of mental midgets, that's what they are.
found the fagit
thanks for saying nothing again. you literally repeat what i say back to me in a jumbled word salad that looks like it's in dire need of peer editing from half the classroom.
Just keep memeing my underaged brother. One day Trump will unveil his magnificent cock for you to chew upon that you may grow strong and tall like he is.
Guaranteed replies.jpg
>i won't even hide it at this point, it's an addiction
i can tell just by how you arrange and communicate your weird shitty thoughts that i'm older than you. if i had to guess, you're probably 17-19 years old, and planning on going to community college.
remember when Sup Forums was Sup Forums
> I remember
>There will never be any more Iron Pill comics
Why even live lads?
>we will always have Evola and our Weights, user
check'd and kek'd, lad.
>t. Haman