The truth about JonTron

As someone with a genetics-related job (to be specific, I develop a web application biologists/geneticists use to do mapping and a variety of other things), the idea of there being a significant innate difference in intelligence between races is really, really unlikely. There is not a big enough genetic difference between races (which are generally ill-defined to begin with unless you're talking about a particularly insular group like Ashkenazi Jews or something) to cause a significant difference in a phenotype as ridiculously complex as intelligence. There are countless genetic and environmental factors that contribute to a person's intelligence, and the genetic difference between different human races is not nearly large enough to cause a significant difference between groups on average. Intelligence isn't the same as, say, susceptibility to Tay-Sachs; most (maybe all, not sure?) physical differences consistent between ethnic groups are related to a very focused genetic polymorphism (for example some specific gene having a particular mutation), but this doesn't apply to intelligence, which is influenced by countless genes and environmental factors.

Basically, with what I said above in mind, it makes sense to assume that there's an environmental cause any time we see a behavioral difference between ethnic groups. Even if we don't know what the cause or causes are yet, it makes more sense to assume that they exist rather than to assume there's a genetic cause, because we know the former to be possible but the latter is highly implausible.

Basically this whole topic is yet another example of ~rational~ Youtube folks being bad at actual science (because they're all a bunch of dweebs who just fetishize the concept of rationality).

Other urls found in this thread:

make a tl;dr

not reading that

The fact of the matter is this entire scandal is a way for a few butthurt young teenyboppers to feel superior to vast swathes of humanity because of their special snowflake genetics.

he was talking to this faggot last night

Ignore OP, watch this instead.

I am legitimately curious.

If intelligence is "too complex" to be determined by race, they why does it seem to correlate so well with racial groups? Are the tests just flawed, or what is the explanation?

Environment, not race, determines intelligence.



and environment determines race no?

Jared Diamond pls go

You should know just from being alive that this isn't true. We aren't born identical widgets that form into things, we are born unequal in capability across the board. Some people are attractive some are not, some are tall some are short, some are healthy some are sick, and some are smart and some are not.

Environmental or biological what difference does it make?
I don't like a certain group's behavior and I don't want their kind near me.

There's really nothing wrong with not wanting to be around the things you don't like.

How is pattern recognition, the basis for intelligence, all that complex?

No one gives a shit about how many words a person ends up learning. If that's what you're including in your definition of intelligence, no wonder you think it's complicated.

Take Raven's Matrices and you'll see how simple pattern recognition is, and how some people just SUCK at it.

he looks fucking retarded.

If you really think all that is caused by genetics then how do you explain black people who are more attractive, tall, healthy, and smart than you?

Socio economic factors

how do you explain perfectly symmetrical pearls when they are 1 in a 1 000 000?

checkmate statistics and racists

Correct, but as discussed here intelligence is not a determinant factor genetically, at least not along racial lines. Those countries you listed which show marked differences in IQ are universally impoverished or are countries in which education is simply not important.

I am not saying of course that economy is solely responsible for the presence of intelligence in an overall population, but it is certainly correlated more strongly to it than racial statistics.

Darwin acknowledged it. James Watson acknowledged it. But I'm sure some permavirgin anime fan knows best.

Actual Biologist here:

>muh computer model contradicts reality and I'm sticking to my computer model.

Faggots like you are the reason science is such garbage tier these days.

Perfectly symmetrical pearls are engineered. The oyster is induced to produce the pearl when a contaminant (a bit of shell) is introduced.

Yeah, ok Moshe.

How your field is even classified as a science is beyond me.

Who the hell are you kidding? You're a goddamned nut posting racist diatribes on an anime forum. I'd estimate that a majority of Africans are more intelligent than you.

>I'm a geneticist
>different intelligence between races is really not possible
>because races aren't even well-defined
>except for Ashkenazi Jews
>who are by far a superior race to all you goys-- er I mean anons

Whatever you say, Mr. (((Geneticist))). Whatever you say.

>I'm not saying of course that economy is solely responsible for the presence of intelligence in an overall population, but it is certainly correlated more strongly to it than racial statistics.

If intelligence differed between races wouldn't the more intelligent race perform better economically?

Environment determined race which determines intelligence retard.

thousands of years evolving in the cold hard terrain of europe vs the warm vibrant africa....

who comes out on top?

>Technically, humans share an incredible amount of DNA with chimps. You have no way of proving that chimps are less intelligent than humans.
This is your brain on communism.

Kill yourself kike.

>Perfectly symmetrical pearls are engineered.

yes and they are extremely rare.

you just made my point for me. thank you.

>Who the hell are you kidding? You're a goddamned nut posting racist diatribes on an anime forum. I'd estimate that a majority of Africans are more intelligent than you.

not an argument though

>Genetics can cause people to have diseases higher than others OKAY
>Genetics can cause some people to have more athletic ability than others OKAY
>Genetics can cause some races to have slightly more or less intelligence than others HOLD THE PHONE NO

At least be consistent.

Those stats seem dubious. When I was in high school, all the rich kids got well above 1200, I would say the interquartile range for them was 1400-1590. The SAT is a joke, enough prep classes and you get 1400+ easy.

Shmuley the OP thinks evolution isn't real, though. Somehow we evolved in different environments under different pressures but no differences except color of skin. That's literally his narrative. This makes sense to him because we share a lot of DNA with them, just like with a banana--also our equal, according to the OP's logic.

OP claims that if you take an African and put him in Nebraska he will eventually become a nebraskan . Well OP I got news for you we took a bunch of niggers from africa and put them in America and after 100 years they still act like stupid niggers even though they are no from the same geographic location as the rest of us.

How bow dah?

he's a shill from Shareblue. they're trying a new strategy, trying to seem "rational" instead of just trolling and name calling.

Wow you develop a bioinformatic web based tool? You must know a lot about genetics m8 :')

>"the only group that can be proven to be genetically superior are the ashkenazi jews"

lul you almost got me to respond seriously you motherfucker.

That's certainly possible, but even in populations which are more intelligent on the whole we see market differences in economic prosperity. There is definitely a correlation between the education of a populace and economic success, to be sure.

That can't be the whole story.

The fact is your typical African's left nut contributes more to the world economy than your average Swede does. What does Sweden expertise in again, making children's toys?

scientists have been wrong before

SAT scores results match up with IQ. Fact of the matter is that the richest American nigs score basically the same as dirt poor American whites.

This, what a transparent rat-faced kike.

>>Perfectly symmetrical pearls are engineered.
>yes and they are extremely rare.
Do you mean they're extremely rare in nature? Oysters cultured for pearls yield about 10-20% "perfectly spherical pearls."

>The fact is your typical African's left nut contributes more to the world economy than your average Swede does. What does Sweden expertise in again, making children's toys?

Im waiting for an argument over here

>only jews and goyim exist

OP is ignorant enough to make this thread without mentioning the latest GWAS and GCTA research


That chart is prob when the SAT was capped at 1600 youngin

Lol. Why do you shill with your long ass story. Read the bell curve you faggot

>Do you mean they're extremely rare in nature? Oysters cultured for pearls yield about 10-20% "perfectly spherical pearls."

yes but how many oysters produces pearls?

see you have to see the bigger picture my friend.

>What does Sweden expertise in again, making children's toys?
I think that's the Danish.

What do Africans contribute? Famine and AIDS?

So, you think genetics is the only thing that determines the person you are? If someone with the same music skills as Mozart happened to born in a place where they can't devolved those skills, they wouldn't be Mozart. Social factors influence these things.

Remind me, how much of our DNA is dedicate to racial features? 0.16%? I remember it being bellow 0.

>social scientist laughing at an actual scientist
That's a good one, user. This should be a YLYL thread.

How is biology not a science?

>I remember it being bellow 0.

what did he mean by this?

Yes, genes explain almost everything including even the creation of environments where a Mozart could appear. Where is the nigger Mozart? Even with affirmative action and free everything you don't see it.

Diamonds and shit you buffoon. How should I know? Just put two and two together user. Sweden is a country full of useless layabouts who spend all their time spouting political opinions on the internet, whereas Africa has hundreds of millions of hard laborers. I know which one I would sink into the sea.

If you think you know genetics, you don't know anything about genetics.

For one, you don't seem to realize that a promoter can control the expression an entire battery (group) of genes, and that a mutation in one promoter sequence of DNA (which, mathematically, would seem to be a very small difference, due to the number of base pairs involved), could actually cause a comparitively HUGE shift in phenotype.

dude how fucking short is this guy every time I see a picture of him he looks like a midget

>unless you're talking about a particularly insular group like Ashkenazi Jews

Are you retarded? Why can't you answer whether you mean in nature or not?

Round pearls are very common these days and have been for the past 100 years. Sure, perfectly round pearls are rare in nature, but what is your point? Literally nobody has them, so there's nothing to marvel at. Round pearls are entirely an engineering feat.

Pick a different fucking analogy.

These studies are irrefutable. Sup Forums should know them.

look at the problem in reverse: if environment determined us, we'd be able to roll Mozarts off assembly lines
hardware != software

>genetics the only thing

Let's not strawman, here - I made no such claim. I would agree that if you have a higher income, two parents, access to a world language, and that kind of thing you will be more able to succeed in life. That does not discount the fact that we all start with unequal genetics.

Kenyans are the best distance runners on earth, Jamaicans some of the best sprinters. This isn't by chance or by training only, they are genetically advantaged to excel at those things in ways other people can't. Genetic inequality doesn't stop at the neck, it exists in mental capacity, too. I can't understand why people would accept genetic variation in physical characteristics but are so adamant denying mental differentiation.

Shitty javascript monkey think he knows about genetics.

I was speaking about results when they were capped at 1600. And guess what, they're capped at 1600 again. 2400 was a failed experiment.

Race is real.
Race matters.
Any other position faces harsh reality.

he looks like a fucking 12 year old.

Godness, Ok, I expressed myself poorly, like, 0.something, 0.16; 0.6; I don't know if that's true, that's why I asked for confirmation.

>Shilling YouTube celebrities on Sup Forums


That's a shit TL;DR.


There are way too many factors and too much chance at play to make policy on intelligence. Genetics does not give us a clear picture.

Red pills anyone?

We probably could if experimenting on humans were deemed ethical.

>what is an education system

interesting, ill side with you over every study ever done on this topic and what i see with my own eyes

so you are essentially saying that in nature there are things that are extremely rare?

and if you use that rare occurence as a norm then you would be intellectually dishonest?

that is my point my friend.

So you're a programmer working for scientists, not a scientist.

Any high throughput analysis isn't run on web based applications but on dedicated remote HPC computing clusters. If you were talking about 15 years ago, I'd say maybe, but genomics studies are not done online, ever, due to the sheer retardation of trying to up/download hundreds of gigabases of nucleotides for just one line for analysis and people nowadays compare multiple genomes.

Now that we've established that you are a technician or programmer in a lab and thus not a scientist, what does your boss say? Where are your citations to prove what most geneticists already know to be true incorrect? I'll wait.

I don't care what your models or equations say, if you can't show me a publication backing it then you are probably wrong and full of shit.

t. published actual geneticist

Typical liberal response, wheres the proof?

>geneticsirelated job

>web code monkey


More source of research pls and bear in mind that this is just economic - using "Family Income" as a factor doesn't accurately describe where they live, where they go to school, etc.

Science is complicated and while it's fine to speculate it is important to look at these figures critically and accept that there might be some nuance/inaccuracy.

Care to explain why IQ is around 40% to 75% inherited or should I just disregard your opinion now?

>As someone with a

>Brain and head size are determined by genetics

>Folding in brain to increase surface area is genetic

Intelligence has a large basis in genetics

So if blacks are less intelligent because they live in the inner cities, then why are the inner cities breeding grounds for people less intelligence?

Inb4 the water.

I'll take what is culture for $100

Well all the evidence says the opposite
So kill yourself

OP never posted again. sage

What is NAXALT fallacy? Didn't you have to take a stat class?

>Where is the nigger Mozart?
Argument from ignorance.
But I see your point.

Both user, genetics and the Environment working together.

>Science and statistics are only right when they agree with me.

It's a pretty safe bet that if they have money they live in a better place than someone who doesn't have money. I'm just saying.

>I can't understand why people would accept genetic variation in physical characteristics but are so adamant denying mental differentiation.
Because people like you blow up its significance. People don't lie about their height (that much) because it's very obvious if you're lying, but literally everyone thinks they have a 130+ IQ, which is fucking rare. In light of these trends, I'm convinced that the impact of the g-factor is overstated when it comes to population dynamics.

I think I agree with most of what you say, but I'm just explaining why people would resist your message.

>why are the inner cities breeding grounds for people less intelligence?
>lib: muh oppression
>fash: jews chinese and pajeets were oppressed and now have many shekels
>lib: they succeed in spite of racism
>fash: why can't nigs succeed in spite of racism?
any good way to bash the fash here?

minnesota transracial adoption study proves you wrong

Arguable but it's been shown that outside factors alter how genes are read and used. I mean a huge example would be malnutrition but it opens up a whole confusing and really muddled world of genetics since how things are "read" is more complicated than what we think.

There is importance as to what the genetic code is, but how it's transcribed, how often, that's just as important and it's still a nascent field of science.

The point of my argument is that if we take the bell curve for white people, we can also say your relation to it is a "NAXALT fallacy"; you're just on the opposite side of the curve from our supposed brainiac African. Which is precisely why your ideology is so absurd.

False, look up twin studies. Blacks that grew up in adopted white families still had same average IQs as ghetto blacks.

>I develop a web application biologists/geneticists use to do mapping and a variety of other things), the idea of there being a significant innate difference in intelligence between races is really, really unlikely.
>CS babby thinks he knows genetics
nice try retard.

Do education systems allow children to be abducted and forced into the sort of situations that would breed a Mozart? Would make for a great Black Mirror episode but would be deemed largely unethical. Ultimately helicopter parents are going to want their children home every afternoon so they can project their problems onto them.