KEK general - $$$editon



>Hear me out
I can't speak for other countries, but in Norway it is a near zero effort to register a religion, and you get paid yearly for each member in your organization.
>$90 for each member.
>In Norway alone 100 000 nor/pols could be memes into joining for shits and giggles. All you have to do is go on your government-issued homepage and deselect Christianity and chose KEK
>$9 000 000 achieved
>buy land
>spread religion to other countries
>buy more land
>Launch our shitskincleansing crusade from The Kiloyear Empire of Kek (KEK), doing a quick pitstop in Antarctica to claim the lebensraum and oilfields that surely will be available due to muh global warming

Good stuff

Other urls found in this thread: Proposal.pdf?dl=0

If someone registers a religion and it arrives in Italy, I'll be glad to join

I tried doing this and making it a real religion a few months back and my plan was to have anons pool money to get a bronze statue built and "donate" it to somewhere that would display the kek statue

everyone called me a shill and said it would ruin meme magic or something

I hope it gets done, but its hard, I have the "Church of Kek" addresses on all the website, if you want help or any anons have ideas, let me know.

How do you get a religion stated as one in Norway?

Kek wills it

Find a translator.

It is supereasy, and they basically can't deny your faith as long as there's two or more registered believers.


Read it, sounds easy, but needs user to dox himself to the Norwegian Gov't.

Also needs an address and someone 23.

I think it could be done, but really how much money would this realistically bring in?

this is just some nice music

user, you should find one other user and get the letter written, we can help with beliefs and doctrines later.

Join the discord, this will be one avenue of income. There will be plenty more coming.

what is the discord?

Can we make the official language of the island Persian in honor Jon tron rip in peace?

Not sure, but question to the OP, this only applies to Norway citizens correct? How many Norway citizens would actively try to pursue this?

Im currently working on becoming a millionaire. If that happens I will need a non profit to avoid paying taxes. The church of kek is happening. I hate that fucking flag though. Kek is so much bigger than Sup Forums.

Fuck you no way.

Bumping for the lulz

What does the non-shooped photo look?

PSA: Kekistan flag is a surveillance tool. Green maga hat too.

Thread locked in 3...2...


Sort-of, you just have to live here. There are 22 000 members of the Swedish Church here, who are not citizens. They get $2mil yearly. (and tonnes of mudslides)

I imagine several tens of thousands youths would join up quite quickly if there was something in it for them.
>gibs(kek coins, medals)
>a rank system
>access to exclusive chat app for kek-cultists

Are planning on bringing this up to /biz/ I think they can help us out.

I'm doing a funding proposal as we speak in the discord chat, maybe you can join it next time you see it. Not sure what the link was. Proposal.pdf?dl=0

*emperor voic*

do it


>long and hard
>colored ribbon



Gimmie step by step commands to know what to do and I am in.
I am dumb eastern yuro, you cant expect me to put an effort into it myself.


With a militaristic structure and honor code that must be held or banished I'd be down.

Find out if there are government gibs to religious groups in your country. This might be just a scandinavian(commie) thing, but I doubt it.

Don't you guys also have barrels of oil just floating up at the coast, just begging to be used for virtuesignaling by feeding poor African children?

Norwegian politicians give away $3bil yearly in human aid, or 1% of the budget.
We also do our part by sending Norwegian ships down to Libya to pick up desperate female brainsurgeons and brilliant promising kids from Syria(picrelated), just the kind Europe needs to work in the coming years to maintain the boomerpensions :^)

This. I'm legit willing to put down half a mil on an island but only if we require mandatory military service for every male citizen. I want us to be prepared when we invade nearby island nations and annex them for land and resources.

If it worked for Scientology, which is recognised in the U.K., The Church of Kek, why ever not?

I'm in, but I demand to be in the upper echelons and amongst the most inner of circles. Glory to Kek, may his jimmies be eternally unrustled.

We just need a foreign beneficiary, or someone to train us in irregular warfare until we can get a logistics base set up. Rhodesian style.

Fucking make this real. I want another fucking meme war.
Meme Crusade needs to happen ASAP.

This gives me a great Idea. Find a Nazi captain. Get a dredging barge. Load it up with migrants from France with promises to smuggle them into Britain. Get out in international waters and open the bottom.

Here's the thing, lad. It's real. And she has a sister.

This. We'll need an honour code, I'd sign up for military service, a voting system that prevents a 50% attack by normies (or strict checks to prevent infiltration), and English spelling is default setting.

We could raise money by making an official cryptocurrency? I wish I were, but I'm not even joking.

After we get our code of honor, we HAVE to work in counter espionage and interrogation techniques, otherwise we'll be infiltrated by some government and implode due to internal rivalries

There's Elk Lodges and Moose Lodges, as well as Masonic Lodges.

Why not Kekian Lodges?

I could do some architectural design on what a Kekian Lodge would look like and it would allow a realspace meeting place for us to gather and praise Kek, as well as plan community projects to maintain a good public image.

My body is ready

How perfectly British. Do you debate what jewel is in Lilit's wedding band?
Kek is Chaos, the End of Pride and Death of Structure. He doesn't have "inner circles."

there is no 'u' in honor

that's a metaphorical statement as well, honor is not about 'you', honor is about us.

I'd be willing to split the difference with honor/colour, but we're not putting a fucking u in honor.

Updated flag

>putting in

To gain influence or vote you must prove your allegiance to Kek and the colony, only those who serve the kingdom can gain rank.

'honor' looks dumb, and looks like it would sound dumb. Honour, fervour, armour, colour. If it has meaning and worth, go to the extra effort of hitting an extra character. I really must insist.

not On-Uhr

fucking filthy brits, can't even speak their own language correctly

Who is she?
It's for research purposes.

honour looks dumb

see for why

Look, we can do things the correct way, or the way that makes your pint of beer 20% smaller.

It's not 'on-or', it's more like 'ohnah'. There's a reason why Wikipedia refers to American-English as 'Simplified'.

If we're going to form a colony, we may as well look intelligent and presentable in the eyes of the civilised world.

just speak Esperanto
or Latin

Gross. How many countries did the inventors of Esperanto colonise?

>the country to end islam ends with -istan

well played.

see I'd vouch for speaking Latin.

also, American English is just as, if not more, presentable than your Queen Worshiping shitspeak slang.

m8 if you're going to do an island nation do it right.



>speaking a language invented by a Jew

This is much better. The op flag is too busy with two symbols. This about kek, not Sup Forums

so Japanese?

this....has actual merit
would make Anime easier

the other option is just 'English' and both honor and honour are accepted.

Fortunately we've now adopted The Kingdom of Kek, formerly known as The Principality of Kek.

I've yet to see an American speaking Latin, you'd do well to try, fruitless though it may be. Why not chose a language that evolved, but stopped before it degenerated? English looks nicer anyway, less Zs where they needn't be.

what better way to spite them?

maybe we should just speak Hebrew.

>t. American who speaks Latin


Either change the name or half of Sup Forums is out. No one wants to live in a -stan. Turn a -stan into a glass parking lot, sure. But live in one? Go fuck yourself.

shouldn't we speak German since youknowwhy?

Kekopolis it is then.

The Kekopolitan People are a proud people.

>formerly known as The Principality

Since you want to be firebombed?

Please, I'd rather we not associate with 'Metropolitan', it conjures up imagery most faggish.

Confederate Autistry of Kek.

are you kidding me?

Kekopolis getting attacked would prove our need for a well stocked and maintained military.

Just imagine headlines of Kekopolitan Forces saving US Forces from the next Middle Eastern Clusterfuck.

>How'd the Kekopolitan's keep the Muslims back?
>They released hordes of pigs into the city and rained pig blood down from the skies.

sauce plz

>3 Islands
>3300 Acres

>off the shore of shitposting capital Australia

Kek wills it

it's linking to Platopolis.

problem with "The Kingdom of Kek" is then we're a monarchy, which goes against Kek's will.

Konfederacy of Enlightened Kekists would work, granted we're having to butcher a language to make our sportsteam's name read "Kek" and not "Cek"

also we're going to have to have a city, its the only rational way in which we're able to survive

whatever we name ourselves will basically be a Citystate.

You can have this link but you must cede the Falklands to Kek in perpetuity.

Salesman by trade. I can help run the missionary efforts in third world countries

>"autism" the general
you underaged faggots should consider suicide

I recognise your motion and propose 'The Realm of Keks', then we may still have Knights of the Realm, but I do agree that notion of monarchy is to be avoided.

>have to have a city
Cities attract rats, Jews, and other vermin. Decentralised model villages based on Bourneville, Portmeirion, etc connected by narrow gauge railways and fibreoptics are the clear choice in a shitposting based economy.

citites save on space
we're not going to be able to find a large enough portion of land to have a rural lifestyle for all of us unless we seize all of Alaska.

Knights of Kek would be our SpecOps.

I'd also recommend Civil Defense Forces where all citizens are trained not only as a militia defense, but in riot control as well.
Our riot control would involve pikes.

I also highly recommend using the m4/m16 as our standard battle rifle for the time being.

>rural lifestyle
m8 we don't need the farmland. You could fit 250, 000 shitposters into 20 square miles without living like niggers.

TROK wouldn't have riots silly, our biggest danger is boat people, or parent country being pressured to (((shut it down))).

Personally I'm rather keen on a city set up amongst the treetops.

Bumping for possibility of establishing white ethnostate or at the very least a Christ-friendly theocratic political entity that has the views of Sup Forums

We should take over Utoya again and establish Kekistan there


We will need a Navy and Air Force to defend our island after we buy it. We wouldn't want a Falkland style incident where the Normies invade.

Glory to Kekistan!

You call that a roundel?

I think this forms part of a greater effort to unify members of /pol and the wider Kekiverse.

Here's a discord (I may be sleepy to begin with.)

Glorious, nabbed so fast.