Is this true?
Are we white people really the bad guys?
Is this true?
Are we white people really the bad guys?
Yes goyim
>Niggers are christian
yeah but what's their percentage of flying planes into buildings and ruining everything for everyone after that
Have those numbers been adjusted after the Homocaust?
Not really, even within the image itself.
The last line is contradictory, even if Muslims are 10% of Doctors that means you are 'probably' not likely to be treated by one, as you have a 90% chance of any given doctor not being a Muslim.
Because we actually filter out the nigger-tier Muslims, unlike Europe.
10%? No way that's true. I just looked it up and it's 2-3%.
Jews on the other hand are 15%
yes, yes they're
Well you might as well ask what's the percentage of white people hatching devious schemes to take over the world and starting diabolical conflicts that consume the lives of millions of innocent children.
reminder that "mass shootings" are defined as something like more than 2 people shot. In other words, 99% of mass shootings are done by gang bangers.
Like 40%?
Do you know who tamerlane is?
pajeets and anjalis dont count as muslims
The point is, two wrongs don't make a right. Now if white people are really incapable of stopping ruining the world for everyone else, they should at least stop histrionically playing the victim. If nothing else, it's degenerate and will likely result in their culling.
Wrong, make up .42 of US doctors, they are counting Muslims who have studied in US..Jews make up 11-13% the rest are Christians or Agnostics.
>Johns Hopkins Medical student....just did the demographics of the medical community for a paper.
More like
>10% of US doctors are Persians
There's a difference between Arabs and Persians okay.
>mass shootings
fake statistic
> minority populations have skewed propotions of intelligent people due to leaving all the dummies behind in their home country.
> Hey guys look how smart Muslims are
Is your understanding of statistics this shallow?
>USA selectively imports the well educated and wealthy from middle Eastern and societies
>"Uh, HELLO, they're not that bad. dumb hillbillys!"
Muslims make up 0.5% of the population
But account for most of the deaths in the USA due to terrorism.
Wordplay using ",shooting"
Citation needed. Also complete bullshit.
> Muslims stats guys, like come on, they aren't bad
Well, then what about African American crime stats, does that mean they should be deported?
> Oh come on, crime stats aren't accurate and shouldn't be used to label a whole group, bigot.
*Middle eastern and Cental Asian
H-1B visas - look it up
I don't see anything wrong with his assertion. US migration law is hevaily biased towards successful professionals.
2,7 % you fucking liar
>All three of those statistics are objectively false
Well to do foreigners send their children to study in the US. The well to do have higher average intelligence than average people. Statistics turn math into a lying whore.
>Muslims are 13X more likely to commit terrorism
>Majority of muslims are inbred
>Majority of muslim "doctors" are incompetent
The libshit obsession with muslims will never not baffle me
depends goy. white people or """""""""""""""""""""white""""""""""""""""""""" people?
>1% of population
>commit 0.5% of shootings
>Is this true?
I fucking doubt it. The number of blacks who are muslim plus Orlando makes it very unlikely.
I suppose. If school shootings by sexually frustrated autists is the only way a person can be "bad"
I thought muslims and mexicans were grouped with whites in fbi statistics?
”Liberal white” people are the ultimate evil.
Lets keep it at 1% of the population
No more sand niggers allowed in.
A ”liberal white” woman is a devil.
In the US? Probably. Remember, despite all the attention illegal immigrants get, our legal immigrants are usually the best of the best in their own countries. Think about it this way: if you've gone to school and been trained to be a doctor, would you rather be a doctor in Egypt, make Jack shit, and get snackbarred for having slightly different religious beliefs, or in the United States, where you'll make bank and be able to send your kids to the world to colleges?
That's also why most Muslim immigrants are actually more secular than average Muslims: they're the educated elite of their countries. Sadly, regression to the mean kicks in, and their kids are frequently disappointments.
>Are we white people really the bad guys?
If we were the bad guys there would be no niggers anywhere on the planet.
I found 10% twice and 5% once. It is probably referring to r&d and not practicing. There are a lot of doctors that go into r&d.
Or muslims
So you want to give them a pass on bombings? Half of a percent in mass shootings? Really great source, glad I can fact check that so easily. Does that count last year, or the last fifty? Same with your doctor quote. Are we averaging that #, like it appears your (fake) shooting percentages? Because fifty years ago we probably hadless than a single percent of Muslim doctors in the country.
Don't post fake and gay shit like that here, because it's obvious it's fake. Try harder, your thread sucks.
I mean r&d AND practicing doctors combined are 10% muslim
That's half of a percent btw
>Compares rich Muslims to poor white people
By these numbers 1 out of 2 muslims is gonna snackbar
>>USA selectively imports the well educated and wealthy from middle Eastern and societies
>>"Uh, HELLO, they're not that bad. dumb hillbillys!"
Unless they're refugees fuckwad. The refugees have IQ's that's less than a donkey.
>what's the percentage of white people hatching devious schemes to take over the world and starting diabolical conflicts that consume the lives of millions of innocent children
You mean Jews, right?
I wonder what would happen if you did this on a global scale and factored in bombings.
Sand niggers are too scared to start a ruckus here because they know Americans get giddy every time we get to blow one away when they start chanting their mudspeak in public.
You're an obvious shill and no one believes you.
Oh yeah tell me more about the millions of Syrian refugees the USA is taking in
Oh yeah, because Jews started WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
So, half as likely to be Doctors
And slighty less likely to fix you vs shoot you.
Sometimes I think these memes have ridiculous numbers just so we can look it up. Othertime I think people are stupid.
Arabs in general have a high intelligence potential. Islam, being very dogmatic and inflexible, has made it extremely hard for religious Arabs to cope in the quickly evolving modern world. When they figure out their religious shit, Arabs will be world reknown as top tier intellectuals again.
You don't want to start down that rabbit hole, you may not like what you find.
Just walk away now friend, just close the browser and go watch a movie. Trust me. Just walk away.
No, I get it. Jews started all the previous world was to exterminate people not like us which is why we have to start a world war to exterminate people not like us in order to stop them. It makes perfect sense.
>1% of population
>0.5% of mass shootings
>pointing to american muslims as an example of the entire 1b world muslim population
american doctor muslims would be genocided by middle eastern muslims for not being muslim enough
>Arabs in general have a high intelligence potential.
Sup Forums is right, its always a fucking leaf.
What about the percentage of muslims who believe sharia law should be implemented in western countries today? Or the percent of gays killed by religous extremists in the past two years? Funny how to make the argument against whites you need to include all that shit that happened decades ago.
Fact remains Muslims have killed more than christian extremists in america since 911
We simply don't like them.
We don't like how they look. We don't like how they act. We don't like their religion or how they sound when they talk
Doesn't matter if 100% of them were doctors
We will survive without them
I'll put this one under "I pulled these stats directly out of my asshole"
>50% of muslims are serial murderers
>kicking them out is a bad idea
This is more of immigration control comic than an anti Christian one.
*stopping spreading civilization for everyone.
Every discussion today seems to be about economic utility. One might prefer to be a bit poorer and have what he perceives as better neighbors.
Right. I'm sure the little fact that the Germans and Russians were industrially slaughtering eachother 70 years ago is totally irrelevant and has no meaning whatsoever. We're living in a different world, man... one race the white race!
>Is this true?
They play nice as long as they're merely making up 1%. Wait for that number to increase and see what happens - or open a history book for spoilers.
Nesting phase,when they become more than 8%it's the tie you wished you had taken the example of any other country with a muslim population over 5% and started killing them by the thousands...for fuck sake you burgers came up with the 45 cal because you needed more stopping power for the snack bars in the Philippines I know history is hard but it's your own fucking history try harder shills
kek. Study statistics.
You don't get it.
They agitate and finance wars.
They profit off of wars. They use thier financial and cultural power to get countries into wars. It's not about extermination, it was never been about extermination. It was just about amassing money and power.
Take Libya for example, or Iraq. The decisions to take them down didn't come from Bush or Obama, they came from somewhere else.
You don't want to believe me. I know. But 90% of the time the trail leads back to the bankers, who just happen to be a certain group.
Whitey is a dumbass for falling for it over and over and over though. I'll give you that.
Here it's a 4-person minimum. And usually they happen in nightclub parking lots because some nigger stepped on another nigger's Jordans.
>because Jews started WW1
WW1 was a direct result of Germanic peoples not being permitted to have a unifying state.
Direct result of ritual humiliation of Germanic peoples by the league of nations.
Jewish communism.
Literally Bin Laden.
No, I get it it white people are innocent to the point of naivete, but intelligent to the point of genius. Once again you have really made me think.
You do realize Afghanistan was about the opium? As for the rest of the post... let me just tell you. The most humiliating thing about WW2 for the Germans was probably getting half their men killed and half their women impregnated by Russians. The masterrace wins again though I suppose.
Or maybe actually the most humiliating thing was not being able to compete, not the fruits of their defeat. You never know with these crazy nazis.
I mean, if you want to use those same statistics, then you kind of need to acknowledge that black people make up a disproportionate amount of homicides.
>You do realize Afghanistan was about the opium?
No, because it wasn't. Read less Michael Moore bullshit. Sometimes the truth is just evident, Afghanistan was invaded because that's where Al Qaeda largely operated at the time.
>The most humiliating thing about WW2
Seems you can't fucking read, I was listing the proximate causes. WW2 was the RESULT of humiliation at Versailles, not the CAUSE of the humiliation.
>>Or maybe actually the most humiliating thing was not being able to compete
>builds the most heavily industrialized nation on Earth from pure ruin in 20 years
>not "competing"
It seems you've become addled by all that tea you've been drinking. Cheerio old chap, and do let out the hunds.
Is being german or russian an ideology or religion? Islam is.
Show me the verse in the book of german that shows that you need to kill non germans to be pure.
Are germans and russians slaughtering each other today? No theyre not, Muslims are though
You have no argument
Muslims > niggers
>I am shameless in my complete ignorance of history
HA! You sure got me. Oh I feel such a fool.
You have to be an absolutely inane simpleton not to take away the message of my post. If Germans and Russians can go from killing eachother by the teeming millions in a human lifetime, so too can whites and nonwhites. Especially considering whites and nonwhites have never had the scale of mutual violence that was exhibited by 100% ethnic Europeans in WW2.
>I'm a sissy buffoon but I get away with it because I'm British
I'm sure that long German cock feels right good up your toit little arse there laddy
>Muslims are 10% of US Doctors
I know it's true because you provided a source and citation.
Oh wait.
>American education
This actually means they are under-represented in mass murders.
If I told you blacks were 12% of the population and only 1% of math Ph.D.s, it's not that 1% of blacks are math Ph.D.s; they would be under-represented as math Ph.D.s relative to their population.
>commit 0.5% of the mass shootings
>60 years ago nazis were the problem
>40 years ago chinks were the problem
>20 years ago communists were the problem
>today muslims are the problem
In 20 years you might be the problems. You need to wake the fuck up against our real (((enemies)))
Didn't you hear? That guy wasn't a "true muslim", so he doesn't count.
the standard is simple really, if I cannot exist in your country without being murdered or kidnapped within 20 minutes you can't come here
i dont care if your fucking einstein,
Oh shit, are we reviving old school Sup Forums maymays?
this is so false it actually hurts
The communists were jews you fucking idiot.
Stupid muslim turkish rape babby.
Tell me why did russians and germans they kill each other?
Why do muslims attack westerners? Each other? Why do they hide behind pregnant women and use children as human shields?
The russians and germans stopped killing each other because each went through a radical shift in government. If the world of islam did the same they could go the same way, i dont deny that.
Ignoring that theres a problem in the muslim world by pointing to past agressions from 70 years ago by european countries wont make it go away, and wont improve the situation
Well because during the present conflict Muslims have killed a few thousand Westerners, while Westerners have annihilated millions of Muslims.
>top tier intellectuals again
before islam arabs were violent self indulgent degenerate retards who contributed little of value to the world. some of the degeneracy got v& when they were cucked by mohammad. the rest either didn't change or got worse
>one post by this ID
>pol btfo
>reposting faceberg flotsam
>write my thread for me
.5% of masshootings
Oh please.