/afg/ Alt-Fem General - Hold Back The Night Edition

(((They))) used pussy to create the beta cuck problem we have now. If we can get females living by traditional values and gender roles, males will follow. Use (((their))) tactics against them.

A traditional alternative to (((feminism)))

These threads are about figuring out how to do this.

An /afg/ thread will be started at 7 PM EST every day

Thread theme:

Other urls found in this thread:


Today's main objective are memes.. Create and post memes promoting traditional women and values such as motherhood, virginity/chastity, marriage, etc...



An easier way is this: Make a fake female tinder account and swipe right on anyone who looks liberal. When they start talking about feminism, start to use emasculating language (Think bess kelb) and make em feel like pussies.

This kills the nu-male beta orbiters and their feminist ideologies.

I can post some convos from my phone.

Obligatory Nige

we can use these kinds of tactics too

OP is brb...

>taking a shit

I had some fun today....


is this the cringe thread


>mfw I come back from taking a shit to only 2 new posts


This is terrifying... pls stop

This is the nuke option its attacks the core of being female. Any women here yet want to give opinions?

every alt-fem is a miracle of the universe

Is there potential in this?

Stop making these stupid fucking threads.
You're not going to "flip" women to the right you stupid fucking shills.

Swear to god this site gets more retarded daily.

Yes but add a background colour 50% transparent behind the text like my pink ones above. Looks professional.

See catalog for other threads, bye.

thats really good

>t. dickless antifa cuck
Your right bro lefts just give up and let the globalist win. Neck yourself you retarded fag

>implying you're not the shill
>implying we can't redpill the young

true. I was just getting the idea out there

>almost quads

>implying the alternate female is not 2D


You mean (you) can't flip a woman to the right.


This kind of idea good?


kek seems to thing so

I like it. Uses their own gender politics against (((them)))
Also checking those digits

I like this and it directly addresses femanons message yesterday.

fuck off sub human


kek REALLY likes this idea

It's no coincidence that the pictures on the left are from britain

t. antifa concern troll

This is in Britain, too

I like this Europa imagery. We should consider using classical goddess imagery


That's awesome! But we need female opinions.

>not taking pol into the shitter with you

Get to it user. You know what you're looking for better than we ever will.

Redpill in the form of an hour and a half film would work I think. All you need is a camera, a woman and evidence. Just like the news

>not just living on the shitter

This channel is exactly what you're talking about in my opinion


femanon here, he's right, these are all trash, especially coming from you lot
a woman will naturally want this path if there are men who can provide for it
hit the gym you nasty shills

I think 'women' is a better world as it carries maturity rather than generic girl/woman.

Also be/me typo

fuck so close to 8814

>implying we aren't already getting /fit/

>also implying you aren't a shill

>be/me typo

Fuck me...

>women are capable of thinking logically


Let's ask some 2d women ;)

which is better?


You do realize this forum is 99.9% bitter, ugly manchildren who are furious that super attractive young women aren't knocking on their door asking to be a submissive housewife to them?

The idea that ugly, poor boys with awful personalities don't deserve female attention is literally beyond their capability to grasp.



Constructive suggestions appreciated.

>tfw the shills are always strong in these threads

(((they))) must be really scared of us, huh?

How do I find my own red-pilled qt gf?

How much money do they pay you to post here?
Fucking 6 replies, try not be so obvious.

"Alt-Fem where a woman can be a woman."

Singular makes it personal.

if you can't find one, make one.

Also, the standard church meme is always a popular answer to these

>If we can get females living by traditional values and gender roles, males will follow.

I don't see how closing the barn doors after the horses left the barn can do any good at this point. Moreover you don't seem to understand why they left in the first place. Address the root of the problem rather than trim some leaves and branches.

this. Can confirm women want this but men now won't provide it and it isn't even taught as an option to some girls. Some aren't aware this is what they want and so they go insane and act crazy (sjws, fake lesbians, angry wife ... divorce etc).

>anyone being scared of a loose congregation of nerds with skin problems fantasizing about a return to the 40's.

>not the 50's

How fucking new to your job are you?

Which is? Bearing in mind we are the internet and our super-power is memes :P

It is beautiful. We should spread it on twitter, I'll put it in my bio.

Women working pushes up price because of two incomes, especially for houses. No real option to come back from that except outside of cities.

No, the 40's.
How new are you fag?
Sup Forums wants blood. The 50's were peaceful.
The 40's is where all their heroes are from.

either post tits or get the fuck out you larping neckbeard cuck

I'm not dedicated enough to get dressed up and sit on a wooden pew on Sundays for hours

I just want a gf that isn't a libcuck

Hahahaha. If I thought you posed a threat I could have you killed by the end of this week. Believe me.

Luckily for you I am intelligent enough to realize how harmless and worthless you conservashit bugs are. Just a bunch of beta male losers talking shit on an online message board. Your fearless leader got punched in the face by one of our guys and all he did was cry and walk away.

t. brave new world


words to avoid:

any wording like this brings up the typical "ooh you're oppressed, rise up out of it you pathetic piece of shit"

Study the rhetoric and the connotation of words and only include wording/imagery associated with positive emotions. Emphasis on the word EMOTIONS. Bonus points for showing the other side as trash associated with negative emotions.



A voice of reason

the correct choice
A, but singular

This is our best so far: See:

>not willing to get dressed up to find a wife

Fuck you dude. You don't deserve a redpilled qt

I'm not willing to get dressed up to go to church

>could have you killed by the end of this week

do it.

This is good.

this could very well be memed as the WE WUZ QUEENS N SHIET for white girls

anotha one

I can't buy this over generalisation. Maybe in past but Sup Forums has attracted all sorts of observes and participants.

>(((They))) used pussy to create the beta cuck problem we have now. If we can get females living by traditional values and gender roles, males will follow.
I thought this very thought yesterday. Guys like Andrew Anglin are always saying women will follow, but it seems it's been men who've have followed women into Marxist thought. Just for pussy. Maybe love; I think men naturally want what's best for women. Being a strong husband who can offer guidance is still the best method to reverse the dehumanising effect of feminism and Marxism.

I "miss" seeing her face, and I wonder what she is looking at.

I agree with what you're saying, but the problem is that women acting like whores and not wanting to get married until it's too late and no man wants them is a big problem. This is about interrupting that cycle and fixing the problem before it starts.

Pussy becomes a tool/asset/weapon when you have the safety of contraception.

>seeing her face


I don't like these. Pls never use Stencil Std again okay. Awful font.
These are way cuter.
And I hate to say this but, try getting some diversity in there, not just white/blonde.

fuck man, even without it. Us males can be fucking degenerates if you let us.

Our reproductive impulse is spray and pray. Impregnate as many women as possible as fast as possible.

Women is about finding a male that will provide and protect

I don't like her face covered.

>implying the Alt-Fem isn't immediately going to be tied to Alt-Right

Diversity won't matter.

I get what you mean

I agree diversify a little or it is open to Aryan accusations.

I agree but the "penalty" for pregnancy for men is small but for women it's nine months of increasing strain. When she can have sex with no risk of carrying/raising a child her incentive to be cautious is removed and becomes male tier. For many.

Happy faggots?

>inb4 accused of feeding the kikes and shills

It's the only one you're getting

I'm not saying to use niggers.
Just stop only getting pics of your ideal aryan waifu in lingerie

Which is why if we get them when they're young and indoctrinate them the way (((they))) have with things like (((media))) and (((society))), we won't have to worry