EU to Open Migration Centres in Africa Because Europe ‘Needs 6 Million Migrants’

>The European Union (EU) is to open asylum processing centres in West Africa and countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean because the continent “need[s] six million migrants”, Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos has said.

>Speaking in Geneva last week, the Greek Eurocrat denied terror attacks are linked to migration and warned the “biggest threat” to Europe is “the rise of populism, nationalism and xenophobia”.

>Declaring “the 27 [member states] will need 6 million immigrants in the future”, Avramopoulos explained the Commission is going to open reception centres to recruit migrants, because an open borders approach would fuel populism.

>“We will open offices in all countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean and in West Africa. This is the best way to fight smugglers.”

>“Obviously, we are not going to just open the borders and let everybody in. This would be absurd and would only feed xenophobia, nationalism, and populism. Having said that, we must protect the persecuted and treat everyone with dignity,” he said.

>The former Athens mayor argued that “terrorism is not synonymous of [sic] migration”, stating: “As for the terrorist attacks in the EU, they were committed by European citizens. With one exception, it was never the case of refugees.”

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We need to kill some politicians

Someone needs to be flayed alive.

>Europe in 2050

>implying he would be alive
source: haiti

well they are technically true

we have given white women in europe everything, the highest standard of living on the planet.

how have they repaid us? by refusing to breed.

so now we need to replace european whites with those who will actually reproduce. in our current state of affairs, this can only be nonwhites

>prove me wrong, protip you most certainly cannot, also /thread

the kkes arent even trying to hide it anymore. which beings to a question, what would wiping out the white population bring?

>What's the problem with the population declining?
>How exactly will 6 million nogs help anyway?
>/threading your own post
So much wrong with such a little post, you get an F, shill.

>10.5% unemployement
>needs more people

When will this meme ends ???

/thread on your own post? Who the fuck do you think you are?

>technically true
Except Africans will not do anything except fill commie blocks in Parisian and other suburbs and collect gibs. Given the progress of automation, we will need fewer and fewer low skilled jobs the Africans are barely capable performing. Right now, they collect weflare or sell drugs, just like in America.

Europe could bring millions of chinks, but then they would take over just like in Singapore..or Vancouver.

>What's the problem with the population declining?
inverted social demographics are unstable

you cant have everyone be an old person and there be no young people

young people work and therefore pay taxes which fund the social systems that support old people.

no young people = no tax payers = government goes bankrupt = social upheaval

>How exactly will 6 million nogs help anyway?
they wont, but saying this is muh racist so we cant make this point in the political sphere. remember, they are all "doctors and scientists and astronauts"? yeah turns out 80% live off of welfare.

>/threading your own post
way to refute exactly zero points that i made, hence the thread status remains indeed /threaded

>letting a Greek Jew from a failing country tell you that despite the very obvious links to terrorism and Muslim migrants, people responding to something they disagree with are the threat

>Except Africans will not do anything except fill commie blocks in Parisian and other suburbs and collect gibs
see >Europe could bring millions of chinks, but then they would take over just like in Singapore..or Vancouver.
perhaps but again you have not refuted the point in the opening post that europe needs 6 million migrants. you have just said "take chinks instead of africans". while better for sure, you are still affirming his statement.

not. an. argument

>implying we need more people with all the automation happening AND EVEN IF THAT WOULD BE NOT THE CASE WE SURE AS HELL DONT NEED MORE UNSKILLED WORKERS

Look, I don't even mind refugees fleeing war and coming here. But even that is being abused by throwing away passports and saying you're 17. So what can you believe?

EU will go down hard and fast. I will for damn sure not invest any money any longer here. I am moving everything to US and Singapore.

Good... good... all going according to plan.

When you rise up and wipe my kind off the face of the planet.

>perhaps but again you have not refuted the point in the opening post that europe needs 6 million migrants. you have just said "take chinks instead of africans". while better for sure, you are still affirming his statement.

They can take away gibs for old people and force the ones without children to take care of them into poverty.

>social upheaval
This would allow for drastic measures.

Why didn't the rest of the Caribbean go full Haiti? Is it because Anglo, Spanish, Dutch, etc culture is superior to the frogs?

>implying we need more people with all the automation happening
while potentially true, you cannot put your eggs into a basket that is not fully woven yet.

you are right in theory but in all practicality, wrong with this point.


wow thats racist. did you know that they "they are all doctors and scientists and astronauts"?

oy vey goy you better not pay any attention to those """"""""migrant"""""""" employment statistics...



>Why didn't the rest of the Caribbean go full Haiti? Is it because Anglo, Spanish, Dutch, etc culture is superior to the frogs?
I'm guessing it was the proportion of nigs. Even on the island where Haiti is (Hispaniola), non-nigs and mixed people rebelled against nigs and formed the Dominican Republic.

>They can take away gibs for old people
old people vote more than young people and this has been the case for decades. this will only occur once full racial replacement has been achieved since niggers and mudslimes will pocket all the gibs for themselves

the childless women of today are fucked either way to be honest.

>This would allow for drastic measures.
one can only hope, how many guns do you have?

...or they could follow the example of Denmark and encourage their people to start having kids again. This is all about economics. With Europe's demographics in a state of decline there's not going to be enough young people to drive consumption driven economic growth. Why not just encourage your own people to start having children? It makes no sense.

>Kikebart source
Yeah right.

>one can only hope, how many guns do you have?
0 right now.

>this will only occur once full racial replacement has been achieved since niggers and mudslimes will pocket all the gibs for themselves

By then nobody will be able to pay for electricity and Europe will look like a Lagos slum.

They will fail to integrate. They will fail to adopt our customs, our values and our culture. They will ghettoise themselves. They will undermine the social cohesion of respective states as the the culture of the host nation is eroded.

>20 million unemployed
>we "need" 6 million unemployable niggers

It's because we got so butthurt they slaughtered us while we had our back turned that we left them to rot.
Meanwhile in the other carribean countries, daddy USA was always meddling with their countries to scare away the commies.

they will bankrupt your social systems long before this and then resort to crime

you cuckolds will bend over and salivate all over that shitskin dick

>refusing to breed.
this is referred to more accurately as white men refusing to breed them
what women refuse to do is irrelevant

Holy shit, I literally envisioned this post in my head before I even scrolled down

FPBP my man

>as white men refusing to breed them
what women refuse to do is irrelevant
this is false, they have access to birth control pills and thus have full and total control over their own reproduction
once you hit 18 they should teach you about this sort of basic reproductive information.

you can only breed a willing woman unless by accident which is like 1 in 100 000

also fuck off back to africa NIG

it's like a locust plague

>they want 60 million by 2050



they want to replace the entire white non breeding population with multiplying shitskin slave class

60 million is just the tip of hte iceberg.

see for a full explanation

Why didn't they open them in South America? There's literal millions of educated EU citizens living here. Euro women begging for black cock.

I'd like to put his head on a stone in my yard an smash his skull with a hammer. Than carve up his body and burn it.

These people have to die first

Because das rasis.

>These people have to die first
yep, remember their names


just fuck my shit up

I voted BREXIT for a number of reason, I dont hate Polish or Europeans btw i love them

, but now i just want to destroy the EU for what its doing to Italy and Greece, Germany and all of Europe

Why does the EU hate old Empires?

Its not the niggers who are the problem, its the EU,

im now on a war footing with these guys and nothing is off the table.

Watch out.

Why do the globalists hate white people so much?


It's your fault, Jerry.

Beginning to fucking sympathize, Komeraden.

I'm a Turk

You've got to go back.

>Watch out.
Around a Kraut always watch out.
I'm kidding, Germans are okay, GERMANS.



get out of europe shitskin mudslime

go make roachville great again you fucking subhuman filth





>now i just want to destroy the EU
I want it destroyed as well. EU is actively working to destroy European people for the sake of (((international corporations))).

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




Get dogged roach.

A population of easily controlled dumb brown people. Whites kick up, we always have. When we see problems in our society we tend to hold the Government accountable. When Ungfufu from Uganda has a problem he kills his neighbor for putting a hex on him.

We're hard as fuck to control and we're prone to revolts that go from a whisper to a scream in a matter of days.

Brown people are easy to control with religion and gibs.


He's right. It's time to smash the fash

The goal is "Eurabia," lad. That is the projected form of their revived Roman Empire.

Do you even recycle?


Time to bring back the Fuehrer or Europe will die a slow painful death.

That gumball video was great.

>well, obviously we're not going to just do what we've already done, we never stopped doing it!

This picture is literally a smaller version of what's happening in Europe now.

jew whore

>Needs 6 Million

That number's familiar ...

Wait !!??

Ignoring the 800 lb gorilla that is automation. I ask why do we need 6 million new welfare recipiants?

Is it some sort of Kabbalistic number?

captcha: pierre curie

Hey Nige


When all of Europe and America is a 3rd world mess, the Greater Israel will reign supreme.

Fucking this. I just hope France and the Dutch elect the right people, then we can really begin to bring this abomination of a fedaralization attempt to an end

>(((6 millions)))

oh the irony

top greg

Where is this?

1 shitskin for every genocided jew?

>denmark gets people to have kids
>rest of the world just imports immigrants and destroys their culture


I googled left image and I want to kill my self.

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

It's cheaper to help them in their own countries.

Whites deserve to be destroyed. They have no backbone.
The constantly give the Jewish tyrants the benefit of the doubt, while the Jews are completely skeptical of everyone.
A naive population such as the whites isn't equipped to handle 21st century propaganda and brainwashing. They willingly give their life for the false hope of reciprocity.

This is fucking amazing.

Jesus Christ.

Fuck this

Fuck (((them)))

We are not falling FOR THIS SHIT ANYMORE


My blood is boiling

>We need endless growth to prop up the ponzi scheme known as the global economy, goy! You wouldn't understand, so we will make the decision for you. Go and watch some TV and take your mind off it

>posting a FUCKING thumbnail
>/thread-ing your own post
Kill yourself ASAP

So what if the original population that worked for hundreds of years to build this society gets replaced, the standard of living for everyone gets lowered and the continued suffering of the original population as they struggle to fund the migrants welfare lifes, the assaults and increase in crime, the gangs. ATLEAST WE CAN SUSTAIN THE SOCIALIST IDEA OF PAYING FOR OLD PEOPLE WITH A CONSTANTLY GROWING POPULATION, that is assuming that these refugees behave like they statistically think they will and not just go on to be a welfare leech for literally generations. Imagine the impact the government can have on the future of all of europe.

10-15 years from now and you will never, ever, be able to get these people out of your country. The idea of taking in people from around the world and funding them entirely on welfare is an EXTREME left idea. Communism is at least usually limited to ones own country. This is global. Anyone who can drag themselves to Europe has their future secured and funded.

Sometimes I think this migrant shit is about brain draining africa and other shit regions before they genocide the entire area.

(((6 million)))
What did they mean by this?