Leftists/Numales/Cucks hate thread
Leftists/Numales/Cucks hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I would link a Milo Stewart video but I might as well link its entire channel.
White men are cucks
*sips tea*
Where are you Adolf, we really need you?
Why are so many cucks gingers?
Tapper's a kike
He gonna see them natgeo tits tho
>In a republic
Of course a fag would say that.
wrong, that buy made me laugh
Be me, 20yold art student. Watch propaganda all day, have a gf but still party with a lot of lgbt and degenerates. One day pressured not to look too straight cause it "sucks", decide to get my best friend and I to have medical gay sex.
Got penetrated. Depression for 2-3 years before recovering. Had to leave my hometown, build a new life to get away from the shame.
Got me back to Nat-Soc, even harder. Started going to gym, got big, beard... never been this macho in my life. I now am full of hate for the system that brainwashed me into thinking that gay sex was just sex.
Became super religious. Training everyday for the day I'll be able to take my revenge on this horrible degenerate system.
Yes all men should be penetrated.
>Trump is the white nationalist
>Not Hillary "Super predators" Clinton
This is a Jew. He's not white.
>Dressed like a thief
>Looks like a mid-2000s skateboarder
Dude, once you get fucked in the ass, it's over, you're gay.
Fucking faggot.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
> youtube.com
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Fucking kill them all. There is not a single leftist in the world I would not personally kill if given the opportunity. Always shoot a traitor.
This guy is a local crazy leftist writer/poet
Here's his trip near the border
>You have two months to move out of your red state
So they should move to a purple state and turn it red?
>Canadian, Mexican, European and Chinese made products are better anyway
>Mexican and Chinese
The delusion is real.
Dogs are Trump's SS guys
Those words have no effects on me since I actually know what I like now.
The thing is I was kinda bored of fucking so many women, that I had to try something new.
I repented for the women and the gay sex alike.
No more sex before marriage.
Not like it's going to be hard for you.
desu this guy has more better hair than everyone on this board
Can someone please give this guy a hover hand?
that smug fucking face. gas.
That racist is appropriating black culture.
Cunt can't even bother to shut his yap for the damn picture
Because of his large amounts of Estrogen, user.
Projecting much, faggot ?
I bet you liked being fucked in the ass, that's why you were so ashamed
> fag does not know border protection is different than a cop pulling you over for speeding.
God these people are brainless.
don't you have a 2 foot baguette to stuff into your asshole? Why you being a faggot towards aqua fresh
>Watch out Nazis
>words have meaning
What will these crazy liberals think of next?
is she a real account or one of those fake Sup Forums accounts? either way I like it
>be black
>make good money doing software dev
>some old white faggot likely trying to get by on social security offers to pay for my groceries not realizing I'd have an easier time paying for his
This guy is dumb for playing the victim of muh systematic racism and I hate him more than anything.
fucking kek, what kind of propaganda can convince someone to get fucked in the ass? sorry faggot you got the gay gene
How embarrassing...
TRUMP 2020
I said cuck-etry dammit
Are there nu males in Salvador?
He's out there. Wait.
What is that thing?
That's not freedom of speech, that's mass murder.
Like a liberal could tell the difference anyways.
More from crazy PW
I live in Victoria tx where the mosque was torched a couple months back, and a suspect was caught.
>Lol spoiler NOT A WHITE GUY
Well PW decided to take his autism out on it and the church the suspect (hero) went to .
The guy is like in his 40s but he spouts out like a 14 year old mad at his parents
Dead now, killed by a somoli it was letting live with it
Nu males not really, but we have betas and emos.
>Did you just request labor from me?
Sounds like she needs to be put in her place.
Joel Osteen? that guys a definite scam artist who should be put down, fuck his "church"
>This is what our forefathers fought for
Hey PW
Would racemix the shit out of that girl.
I feel like it's a fake pol account but idk.
Rest in peace. I hope you continue on your path to righteousness.
I love when you post this. Never stop.
pretty sure it's a fake, japanon
>I disagree with this guy
>Therefore Joel Osteen must be a prophet and a saint
Kek, how do we exterminate the cucks?
why are you so mad PW?
>tfw countless Americans gave their lives for our freedoms and this is how people use it
All you need is 19:45
>There are more black men incarcerated than in slavery in 1850.
Gee, I wonder how that could be...
Underrated post
>Those Digits
Ces Bien
It's 00:44:44 where I am
>doesn't know the difference between the warden-ss and the totenkopfverbande
>Send me all your money go... Guys. G-d will make you rich!
If this cuck was in any sort of power the US would be in a race war by now.
Shame, really
>medical gay sex
I looked it up. She posts selfies. It might be real, or a tediously groomed fake.
May God give your heart peace, but not before you kill a lot of leftists.
wow. I almost miss being a degenerate after reading this post.
Ive fucked men, women, and traps, been fucked by men just for the lulz.
never once became and insecure retard like you. If anything actually having gay sex made me a better, less insecure person