Poles must reject fake state of Ukraine

Ukrainians (Russians with identity crises) are celebrating Katyn and Wolyn genocide of innocent Poles.
Kiev coup was financed by Soros and backed by Obama/Hillary/McCain/Nuland/Kerry
Ukrainian nationalism is fake and artificial and used by Soros and Globalists just like BLM in USA.

Poles must reject anti Anti-Polish and anti-Russian fake state that is run by Jews and crypto-Jews

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Shut up, serbia

> implying that literal memecountry is even remotely relevant

Banderists are NOT welcomed in Poland!


Don't pretend we can't find exactly the same type of faces at a pro-Stalin demonstration.

>mountain nigger
>not a meme country

Russians and Poles stand TOGETHER against crypto-Jewish run regime in Kiev.
Fuck Bandera!

This only proves that Ukrainians are a meme nations and schyzophrenic russians btw. Same crazy politicaly engaged grandpas, hail stalin hail bandera whatever go drink my vodka;

>schyzophrenic russians
Basically that

It's true, same vodkanigger mentality.
But slavs be slavs and will always fight.

Stay true based Ukraine. You will have a place in the new non-cucked Europe as a nation at the table. Pland will do well to upport you against Russia trying to make a new front on their doorstep.

I wonder...

why did Ukrainians decide to rebel against Russia only now, but didn't in 19 century or 20 century?

Or at least those rebellions were weak

Or can this crisis in Ukraine can be interpreted really as the first step of a crisis in... Russia?

Wolyn was crime against humanity.

"Polish towns and villages were torched. Polish priests were axed or crucified. Churches were burned with all their parishioners.Isolated farms were attacked by gangs carrying pitchforks and kitchen knives. Throats were cut. Pregnant Polish women were bayoneted.Polish Children were cut in two. Men were ambushed in the field and led away. The perpetrators could not determine the province's future. But at least they could determine that it would be a future without Poles''

Is that you Hillary?

kek, you misunderstood me. I'm just laughing at meme country taking shit about other meme country.
Ukraine is ubercucked by jews, you are clueless.

>Artom hurry we will be late for antypolish march!
>calm down Andriej, we only have 4 polish toilets to clean and then we will head back to Ukraine, btw where is your wife?
>she has a customer at the moment, we will pick her up on our way back

To be honest most of Ukies are really great people, those retards from western Ukraine are just pathetic as fuck. Fucking mongrrels, if they are so strong then how did ruskies take Crimea from them?

Fuck niggers

Because ''Ukrainian'' identity hardly existed before Bolshevik revolution.The ''Ukraine'' was originally name of Russian geographical region.For example when Russia formed border with China they call it ''Green Ukraine''.
It was during Bolshevik revolution that (((they))) decided to divide Russians in three groups and give Little Russians (Ukrainians) and Belarussians (White Russians) some kind of identity

I wish more people knew and talked about this. It pisses me off every time I hear someone talking about Russia and acting like they are the sole aggressor with Ukraine. Obama is on fucking video mentioning putting Ukraines new leader in and Soros NGOs are of course plastered everywhere.

Who was behind coup in Kiev?

Soros =Jew
John Kerry = Jew
Nuland = Jew
Obama = Negro
Hillary = Feminist
Samantha Powers = Jewish husband
Poroshenko = part Jewish
At least 3 leading Ministers in Kiev = Jews with Israeli passports
Multiple high level Jews in Government since 2014.

So Ukraine is ruled by pro-Nazi crypto-Jews. Maybe you should just pick one propaganda line and stick with it.

Crypto-Jews who USED Ukrainian Nationalists so that they would drive Ukraine under (((EU))) and (((NATO))) control

Of course this scum don't care about nationalism they just USE them as puppets like they do in Syria with Rebels or in USA with Black Life Matters

You live in a beautiful house well protected from the shitty neighbourhoods. There are two communities living in those neighbourhoods, one who openly hates you but is so retarded that it will never reach your golden place, the other that is more neutral towards you but who will inevitably request some of your lands. It also happen that the two communities hate each other. Who do you chose to help ?

Pro-nazi retardes helped by jewish smugs manipulators makes total sense, sorry.



Isn't Russia about to annex the rest of Ukraine, then the Baltic states, and huge swaths of Poland shortly thereafter? Why wiould Poland ever want to be on the side of Russia?

Real Ukrainians BTFO Jews every time.



M8, your country is gonna be cucked by NATO next year and you are going to NATO's ass even without Jewish lube.

The Ukraine war was just sad. Lots of useful idiot nazi militias joined the ukraine army and lost to the russians. Putin was even hesitant to aid the separatists until the humanitarian disaster unfolded and Russian public began demanding action.



Reminder that the ukrainian state and Katyn are both results of the (((communists))); traitors to Russia, Belarus, Malorussia, Georgia, Finland, the Central Asian States, and enemies of all God's children. Anyone who matches under a good flag or a picture of (((Lenin))) or (((Stalin))) is an enemy. The Black Hundreds are the True Patriots of Russia.

It was all (((their))) plot since beginning, using old divide and conquer tactics

Can't tell if retarded of RIDF proxy