Lauren Southern vs. Rebel Media ??

"Going Independent:

It seems odd that she'd part ways while Rebel (Ezra, Gavin, Faith, etc) was in Israel. Was she pissed she wasn't included or was this set before they left and did she plan to announce this while they were covering their trip?

Other urls found in this thread:

no one gives a fuck about rebel media.

who fucking cares.

fuck off with this attention whore.

(((Rebel))) chose to go anti-AltRight and Lauren realized that a significant portion of her followers are White Nationalists.

she made an appearance on an alt-right show

and was subsequently cut

she is now attacked by shills from all fronts

>I stand by Lauren

She's a dumb blonde that is easily replaced. Nobody cares.

Rebel has been compromised. They're pushing the jewish agenda which is fundamentally counter to the libertarian/nationalist goals of much of Rebels audience. Unsub and mock them... Gavin is a pawn until he gets out from under the jew-thumb.

bro this bitch is a man

and i fapped to her WTF!



she will start wrinkling and decaying soon.

rebel media are making a business decision getting rid of a poster-girl getting ugly soon...... dont take it personally, faggots

should have ditched faith while they were at it

shareblue and ctr are out in force to shill lauren

many such cases! sad!

>easily replaced
Like anyone watches Rebel Media for fucking (((Ezra Levant)))?

>Like anyone watches Rebel Media for fucking (((Ezra Levant)))?

that would be like buying Playboy for the articles

She defended Spencer on Dave Rubin too. Shekel Kings Ezra was likely not pleased.

She's too good for them honestly. I used to watch just for her, now I unsubbed.

>implying only ctr don't like this average alt lite slut

fuck off back t_d you even talk like them


yeah sorry sargon didn't realize your centrist ass was here too.

she's a coalburning roastie, who gives a fuck

My future ex wife doesn't need Rebel

more right than you, or sargon you fucking alt lite cuck

back to the shed

clearly — just saw the VOTW ep she was on. That plus leaving Rebel and defending Spencer on Rubin is a plus.

>caring aboot Canadian Jews.

No thanks.

being redpilled is a process.

she is going through it right now.

typical shills will relentlessly attack women going through that process wile simultaneously shitting on women for being "followers"

we are not all born redpilled

yeah she is being redpilled and shills know that

I hope a Muslim throws acid into her face.

>I hope a Muslim throws acid into her face.

with all that edge how is the earth NOT flat?

>Going Independent
She means "getting fucking sacked"

no what's happening is she's losing relevance and appealing to further right people to try and desperately gain it

Rebel can easily afford to get a younger, more attractive woman and hand their views to her

you don't ACTUALLY think those are her own ideas and thoughts do you lmao

>any dissenting opinion is a shill

literally out of T_D textbook, fuck off back there please

*shits on your face*

yeah her vid has 300k views. rebel vids have 7k

she sure is irrellevant that is why she is being attacked relentlessly.

She left rebel media so that she could work for

Southern has the core fanbase, drive and attitude to run her own business

Not even joking I think she'll do well as long as she doesn't go full e-celeb and actually makes a stab at operating a media company


yeah its almost like

now wait for this

you get a man with actual intelligence and viewpoints, and political knowledge. And then you take that man, and make him tell a pretty girl what to say, because people like watching pretty girls

wow woah


Go away.

She's a lot closer to full fash than she lets on

Ezra is toxic, I'm glad Lauren is going Independent.

yeah like how sargon, AA, jontron are totally popular for their looks.

lauren sure gains popularity for her looks but rebel is absolute shit and she will do better without them.

stop being buttmad

>yfw you realise she's 21.

I never liked him in all honestly

at first I thought she was just attentionwhoring

but now that all the shills have come out of the woodwork it seems like she might be onto something

how does she have 383 thousand views, where are those views coming from.

There aren't even near that many Sup Forumssters

who gives a fuck? she's just some cumdumpster that parrots what the rest of the alt lite says. If I wanted to hear the same old shit I'd listen to Goyvin McNiggis. At least he makes me laugh.

What did she leave? She refuses to answer that.

Qué te pasa imbécil?

250k Twitter followers + Alt-Right news + Picked up as a trending video

Not particularly difficult.

She left because they tried to put words in her mouth (i.e. make her read out something she didn't agree with)

They're just doing a spin-off because they think she'll do fine solo.

(((words))) ?

Are they involved?

Ezra *cough* the fucking kike *cough* Levant

What the fuck is wrong with her

>Deep pitched voice to a puke inducing extent
>Has the facial structure of a well fed southeast asian boy especially when she smiles like this


Good on her then, hope she gets a white husband to cuddle with.

But her future doesn't look that good, she is literally begging for money.

Lauren is only 21. Bitch is young as fuck.


What am I doing with my life T B H

she's aged poorly.

must be them whitey genes

she actually is a man

Rebel is owned by kikes, and they want to steer conservatism into a harmless pro-"Western values", pro-Israel, pro-Zionist wars, "civic nationalist" thing.

Lauren Southern finally realized Sup Forums was right all along, and now she's free to say whatever she wants without getting a call from the cabal telling her "bad goy, don't actually point out this anti-white shit these Jews are pushing". She won't have to censor herself anymore, which is good. Now get ready for (((them))) to start character assassinating her.


>she actually is a man

don't be transphobic

Or could it be that we are tired of the constant advertisement of her own channel?
Fuck off with that shit.

>Now get ready for (((them))) to start character assassinating her.

In fact you can already see it in this thread.

Random shit about her being "a man", and other shit that makes no sense.


you are simply wrong

Do we have any back story on her? I feel like she's just jumping aboard the train for beta white knights and attention

>Or could it be that we are tired of the constant advertisement of her own channel?

Where? She just started it so that's why it's being talked about, I've never seen it being advertised here.

It's being posted on Sup Forums several times a day since she left rebel media. That's called advertisement.

I read both her and Gavin's books, she is more redpilled than she lets on.

Or it's called talking about current events that are relevant.

Personally I didn't follow her stuff that much, but I want to see what she can do without Shalom breathing down her neck, so I'm fine with seeing a thread on Sup Forums to talk about it just happened. Stay mad Swedecuck.

>about it just happened

about it since it just happened*

It's called shilling. And LS is just another twat who wants to attach herself to a movement for what it will profit her.

"Hey boys, look at me. I hate liberals and like guns just like you do"

Absolute horseshit.

Didn't see that one coming to be honest, thought he was one of the "good ones"

Stay butthurt kike.

You're obviously mad that girls can have success promoting right-wing/nationalist politics, even independently meaning they're likely to spread more, and she won't have to censor herself to please (((shareholders))) and (((editors))).

My guess is that Ezra wanted her to go to Israel, so she quit so Sup Forums wouldn't make fun of her.

So girls can't like what you like now?

Way to support the movement, retard.

>Unattractive female right wing Youtuber confirmed

Go back to /r9k/. No one wants to hear your pathetic basement-dwelling manchild bawling.



You redditors are worse than actual /r9k/fags.

You have to go back.

Good riddance. I don't know about Ezra Levant desu. He plucked this girl out of college and sent her into super dangerous situations one after another. I think Lauren is too young and naive to understand how irresponsible this shit is.

They went from following me for 2 years to blocking me because I retweeted something by a guy with the handle having 14/88 in it. Wasn't anything block worthy either. Motherfuckers are snakes and I used to enjoy their stuff because they were the only conservative leaning opinion here.