why do liberals hate asians Sup Forums?
Why do liberals hate asians Sup Forums?
what's with all those asian threads?
Because Asians have homogenous countries, and liberals want to shit on that with globalization.
>liberal hates asians
Sup Forums and the rest of the world hates chinks.
>Every East Asian I don't like must be a chink
That girl's a streamer from Taiwan
Because they proved that people with different skin color can be succesful without leftists "helping". The anti thesis of liberal narratives.
asians are liberal
Because Asians BTFO the idea that immigrants are only prone to crime and poverty because they are inmigrants. They are basically a giant living hole in the natritive
W-whats a roof korean??
Asian countries lack humanity until they're beaten into the ground
Look at Japan - Before/during the war they did shit like vivisections and other war horrors, then we beat their asses in and now they're in line with America while remaining hard workers
Because chinks will stomp out the eternal anglo. And all lefty-"liberals" are anglo puppets.
desent read
decent read
'92 L.A. Riots reference, newfriend
God I hate these insects
They don't. In fact many Asians are liberals.
When I was deployed in Japan I had several dudes practice their English on me. It is very common over there, we call them "Gaijin Hunters". They'd ask where I was from, I'd say Texas, and they'd ask if I had guns, cows, or a hat. I always thought it was funny even if they were stereotyping, it was probably innocent honestly. They are extremely ignorant of everything outside of their island home and I got back at them by fucking tons of Japanese babes so we're square.
Because liberals have to be right about something. Fucking chinks need to leave.
Kek, because Asians are a success story for America. They aren't white yet come here and outperform even white people.
It makes it funny when I see Asian Americans bitching about racism and shit, they are honest to god some of the biggest pussies. You honestly have it made in America as an Asian yet somehow still act like whitey is keeping you down. If anything you being here is bad for white people since you take positions in schools and jobs that could go to whites.
I'm Asian American and when I see beaner tier groups like flips going to school and getting high paid jobs it makes it pretty obvious that racism is not a problem in America. Flips are fucking nigger tier and if they can get places anyone can.
They don't all look like that but I can attest to their teeth being bad. I don't think I ever saw a single pair of properly placed teeth. I guess they never invented braces over there.
fuck i was eating meat while watching this
because they proved it isn't white society's fault for minorities being poor
The city I live in is 35% slant eyes. I know how disgusting they are. And japs by far are the best of the bunch, here we only have chinks and Koreans.
because they have a work ethic and believe in personal responsibility
Actual insectoids that follow a hive mind mentality and do the most fucked up shit next to niggers.
They eat their own babies. That's blows the fuck out of abortion.
hot. I wonder how big her penis is?
>not china
they're all the same
Because they, like Indians, took all the shit that "Muh white oppression" threw at them and ended up surviving and thriving in it, rather than turning to poverty stricken ghettos.
No because they vote for the liberals
They consider crooked teeth as "cute" in Japan
Because ((they)) can't keep them in line and control them like the other good goyms