It;s happening 'cause there are more niggers in Africa now then ever before, but they;re still niggers so they starve. simple as that
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mark my words this is the new scheme to shill for opening the borders even more.
the ride never ends.
Giving a man to fish vs teaching a nigger to feed himself, etc etc
The niggers in Africa need to stop killing white farmer's
>Why does it keep happening?
You better keep feeding them goy
Dont make your own babies, NO, BAD GOY!
keep feeding the african babies goy!
Its not like they are all going to stream into europe and replace you one day goy
there good goy, dont make your own baby just feeed the little schwarze baby
Because they're soil is red
>its so acidic they have anion exchange not cation exchange
>you cant grow shit there
Modern amenities + Niggers = More niggers
More niggers + Usual niggery = more dead niggers
>gib food
>poop out more niglets
You've met the ones that their families were civilized enough to move to and live in Europe without raping and robbing people, or at least not so brazenly that they get caught quickly.
>continent of niggers
>why don't these areas get past this?
Give a nigger a fish he'll eat for a day. Teach a nigger to fish and he'll steal your fishing pole.
Those poor children, all this is becuase of the British and French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italians, Belgians and the Dutch who raped their land in their Empire days
This is payback, and the white race deserves what is coming,
Whitey cracker devils will be finished >> 2 generations,
>Jamal: shit my family is starving. I better stop having children and farm the lands to provide food
50 years later...
>Famine 'largest humanitarian crisis in history of UN'
What, all that humanitarian aid for decades hasn't done anything to at least prevent a situation like this? Or is it because Africans keep having a gorillion children? Probably not right, just some unfortunate little situation right, just gotta do more for them innit.
well then
don't live there
don't have kids there
don't develop the area
They will come to Europe and they will breeeeed more and when the numbers are right, they will slaughter all of you
They're planning to ship them to Europe:
>Why does it keep happening?
What really triggers me is actual African farmers going broke becausr of UN gibsmedat deliveries.
We're literally slaughtering the capable Africans with skill.
>oh no they're going hungry, we have to send them food!
>they get food aid and proceed to have massive amounts of babies
>twenty years later
>oh no everyone's starving again who could have possibly seen this coming
It took Europeans over two thousand years to develop functioning representative governance. We had to pass through many phases to get where we are now. Places like Somalia never really went through phases like Egalitarianism and Nationalism like we did. So their cultures aren't fit for democracy and you have corruption everywhere even in the better countries.
>why did we feed the squirrels
Fucking roasted an entire group of people
Bravo, lad
maybe, just maybe there shouldn't be so many fucking niggers
Maybe if niggers stopped breeding to much, but muh dik
>Africa went from 800million in 2000
>to 1.1billion in 2015
Literally 37.5% growth over just 15 years, they are like cockroaches
As heartless as it may sound, the billions of dollars in aid Africa receives from more developed parts of the world is ultimately doing more harm than good.
Africa's population has already swelled well beyond what its established social, economic, medical, and agricultural infrastructure can support, and all sending them aid does is encourage even more unsustainable growth. Sooner or later it's going to get to a point where the first world can no longer afford to support Africa's population. It's only a matter of time.
Better for tens of thousands to starve now than tens of millions 20-30 years from now.
>Why does Africa have to suffer??
>Why is it always them???
If they could function without killing themselves and blaming everyone but themselves, that'd be a nice start.
They need to stop breeding.
Stupid niggers should be left to die.
They cause their own problems and we don't need them.
Real african coons walk around with flies in their face and don't even mind, like a cow.
Rhodesia proved this is a bullshit excuse to make excuses for blacks failures
>I've met Somali girls before and they are bright and hard working
Bulllllllllshit. Average somali iq is like 80
> 37.5% growth over just 15 year
Basic economics. you feed pigeons you get more of them, it's the same with niggers. The solution is: Stop feeding niggers. And less will starve.
I feel like Africa has been in a perpetual state of starvation for the last 30 years
We should follow the prime directive, as if we were a space faring civilization coming upon cavemen on another world. It's about time we accept the reality that Africans are just way lower on the evolutionary scale by every metric, and that by helping them we are stunting their natural growth.
basically this
This. The white colonists had no issues. The smarter sections of Africa like Ivory Coast have food. So what's Somalias fucking problem?
Shitty Cultures
Have a nice day.
look at OP's picture and look at this picture and youll understand why the famine exists
Because after second world war we were thought that racism is evil and there is only one race the human race.
Read IQ and The Wealth of Nations by Tatu Vanhanen. He doesn't even argue for destruction of African population but rather that current means are inefficient since they all rely on the assumption that all ethnic and racial groups are of equal potentia of inteligence.
What? There's red dirt all over Oklahoma that gets farmed.
so everything will become like africa
but who cares?
we will be dead at that moment, guys
everyone who actually worked left the fucking country to get free gibes in Europe. They left the women and kids behind to fend for themselves.
This is Germany, Sweden, and the EU's creation.
>more farmers (white) getting killed
>more farm equipment and lands not being used
>constant influx of foreign aid food due to overpopulation results in even more overpopulation
Is it something that takes thought?
This is such a simple concept. I don't understand how people refuse to accept it and continue to live with themselves.
they are animals
cats multiply even when starving, for example
Because they just keep fucking breeding,
Because we just keep fucking feeding them
Koko the Gorilla is smarter than the average African. Figures.
Corruption and low IQ levels is the reason why these countries are still living in poverty, sure the one or two girls you might have net might have seemed smartish and hardworking but lets be hones they are not an accurate representation of their people.
To give you an example I am Mexican American first generation, I am whitish, I have an IQ of 113, speak 3 languages and voted for trump, would you say thats an accurate representation of the Mexican people.
The standard of living of the average african, and their population have grown over the past 50 years or so. Their population is just rising so fast that they can't keep up. Even though on average their lives are getting better.
I'm studying Nutrition and Dietetics. They're constantly making us study Africa for obvious reasons. I can guarantee you without hyperbole that every single one of Africa's food problems is because they won't stop having kids. Most of the black poverty in North America is for the same reason. Whites aren't bad at having kids, we're good with money. Same with the Japs. You give a panda 20 bucks he'll come back with his own successful business and a fancy car. Mandatory African castration. It will fix everything.
Jesus Christ. Every other nation in the history of this earth has learned this, they will too.
If I recall correctly, we actually gave them seeds to grow their own food and they ended up eating the seeds.
>South Sudan
More war
Libertarian paradise
Is it surprising the most troublesome hot spots in Africa are also the most dysfunctional?
So straya dosent have any food.
Do they feed on epic bants?
>be hungry Yemeni nigger
>family hungry, kids crying
>should probably get the men together to look for food
>decide to fuck and cum inside my niece instead
Just fuck my earth up
An dam yo bix nood yong bap sheeeit cop das racis mofugin
This is 100% guaranteed to escalate throughout the 21st century. People simply are not willing to listen to reason and make sensible decisions about population and agriculture. Translation: Billions are guaranteed to starve unless we implement a global solution, which isn't going to happen. Most of the people will be 3rd world Asians, Indians, and Africans.
I guess i was wrong about white boi after all, i'm gonna stop fucking white women and take a nap to think about myself.....
I am Umfubu, a small tenant farmer in Sudan.
Today I sowed my fields with seeds that I spent the money I had saved for my son's schooling to buy. I hope that the weather will be good and the money I make selling the crops can help me better mine and my family's lot in life. My sick wife cannot help me in the fields, so my sons work. The work is hard on them. We have no medical help here, so if I am unlucky I could be rendered totally unable to work through no real fault of my own, dooming us all.
Let's say I am lucky and this doesn't happen. Let's also say I am lucky and bandits that the central government is powerless to control don't come and burn down my fields or steal my tools. Let's further say I'm REALLY lucky and the army, which is just a glorified gang, doesn't "requisition" them (and my son) for the endless war. Let's say that the weather is good (because there is no irrigation and no water storage or any of the other millions of things that farmers use to mitigate poor weather) and the crops grow. After a season of backbreaking toil my crops are sprouting out of the ground. I am one lucky son of a bitch, the only farmer in Sudan probably who actually brought his crops to market.
Because I am a small tenant farmer I need to eat most of those crops myself, but I take the tiny fraction that I can afford to sell many kilometres on foot to the nearest village. With the profits I can invest in my small business.
Not all of Africa is subsistence farming shitholes. Parts of it are relatively developed. Where the famines occur are the places where farming is nearly impossible not because the land can't technically sustain it but because the combination of no infrastructure, no security, and the entire economy being literally on the knife's edge because tiny profit margins meaning it can collapse in one bad season, makes it impossible.
It really is disgusting especially how countries like Nigeria are exploding. They'll probably be as big population wise as the US in my lifetime.
What could go wrong?
Its actually a capitalist's wildest dreams. No need to design for obsolescence just sell your normal shit to them and watch as they find new ingenious ways to come back to you asking for more.
Don't even need a marketing or sales department at this point.
The solution is to bring those 3rd world populations to 1st world countries in droves so they can turn the 1st world countries into 3rd countries while at the same time the remaining populations in the 3rd world countries multiply so they can send more people to the 1st world countries.
Niggers down in africa follow a very clever modus operandi that is have niggers like crazy put 'em on a boat and send them to europe if they are lucky they would have someone to send them money and get them in europe if not have more niggers and repeat thill succefully get into europe.
Someone skilled enough should replace birds by "the poor".
Well you voted for Trump so you can't really be that smart
The ground around me is red and we have produce half the sugar Mexico uses. Are you being fucking serious?
>Not one mention of (((charities))) perpetuating the starving African meme to keep the shekels flowing
C'mon son.
You're being too generous.
Thats racist.
You're racist.
All people and cultures are the same.
Democracy is easy you just have to paratroop in guns blazing killing everything and everyone in your path to slay the evil demonic dictator and all the people will rejoice as freedom reigns down upon them. Just look at Iraq and all that freedom we gave them.
>enriching yourself by setting up a (((foundation))) to raise (((awareness))) about global issues but do nothing about it
There's a special place in hell for those kind of people.
Won't they just rampage and completely destroy all of Africa's wildlife then?
You wouldn't want to kill the golden goose, now would you?
wow black men really are incapable of just working for themselves to better their lives aren't they
well. the one thing Nigeria and India have going for them is that they've got lots of english speakers so we can peek into their shitty universes in forums like nairaland.
The dirt in Alabama red. You telling me that nothing grows in Alabama?
Then stop fucking feeding them, the more you feed them the more they breed and the more food they need. Its a retarded fucking cycle.
Flood the fucking place with birth control pills not food.
Oy vey of course not we are (((good global citizens))) just trying to make a better world
>for ourselves of course hehehehe
In the wild more lions eat gazelle, the gazelle die out, not enough to sustain the lions so they die off. When the lions numbers fall enough the gazelle get a chance to grow back.
We're basically chucking the lions more food on top of the gazelles they're eating so there's so many fucking lions the gazelle numbers can't sustain them if we were to stop.
>Africa is literally Avatar with a shitty ending
They have raw resources, which can be traded for chemical nutrients. You can grow plants 40x more effectively per unit of nutrient in hydroponic systems. This is why the produce you buy in Walmart is hydroponically grown in Mexico.
They'll think those are seeds and plant them in the ground.
The last cyclist in Africa
Give a nigger a fish he'll eat for a day. Teach a nigger to fish and give him the tools to do so, he'll sell the pole for drug money and eat the bait.
Give a nigger a fish, and he'll want you to fry it for him. Teach a nigger to fish,and he'll want $15 an hour + benefits to do it.
Aren't those cultural marxist pukes who populate organizations like the UN constantly telling us that niggers are the smartest geniuses who have ever existed?
While the rest of the planet is already in the space age, these shitskin subhumans can't even figure out crops.
You were starving shit stains thousands of years ago, just like today.
Can't you Americans just like start a war on terror against Africans and like bring (((democracy))) and (((freedom))) to them?
>Knowing how to farm
Come now leaf, don't make me laugh.
Some cunt is going to steal that bike.