What the fuck is wrong with nuPol?

Has Sup Forums really gone this soft? Geert would have been called out for being an Israeli shill back in the day. You cucks.

Other urls found in this thread:



Nice try ShariaBlue. Go ask Soros for another #SpiritBaked cookie.

Well, he is called out for it.

FvD is the hip party now.

Better that than muslim - next attack

Is this a joke? Soros is pro-Israel.

Pic related has no other explanation.

Shut the fuck up you clown.

>gloablists are this afraid of Geert
He really is going to rule the world

>Soros is pro Israel
You really are a retard aren't you. Learn 2 shill better

I only care about LP

I hate everyone else. They are all traitors and deserve whats coming to them

Nice try Mohammed.

Geert and Le Pen are going to win and you are going to have to go back.

Whilst us hard working whites are gonna get comfy again.

Explain the pic with an alternate explanation.

Soros is pro israel you fucking newfag ultra shill faggot

reminder don't fall for jidf



That pic is old as shit and been seen by everyone already. It's not going to sway anyone from voting for Geert because it doesn't involve him at all. Up your game shill. False equivalences only work on sub 80 IQ Muslims and whites average 90-91 Mohamed.

geert the kikes loves homosexual pedos

This. All these (((nationalist))) party leaders are pro-isreal.

>Being this scared for your precious EU

Do you have an explanation or not nigger?

>being this braiwashed by the kikes
you will do mental gymnastics to convince yourself to support kikes

Are you going to quit changing proxies or not faggot? Your example isn't even pro-Israel. Tel Aviv is full of faggots and feminists. What's your point and what does it have to do with Geert?

Still vote for him though, everyone is owned/backed by jews, so you might as well pick the guy who most closely aligns with your views and has the best policies

Yeah dude, you're really stumping me here. Guess I should never vote again man because JOOS

gas yourself if you think the only path forward is to submit to jews.

>Better bend over to Marxist (((Eurocrats))) until whites are a minority than vote for a candidate that isn't 100% literally me, heh, nothin personnel

Geert has been called out for this, and he's still the best option. The only newfag here is (You).

nationalism brings out the best in every race

Sup Forums sold out on the Jewish front to Trump.
They hated the Democrats so much they literally kowtowed to Jews, who, are Democrats in every action they take except when that action would monetarily benefit them.

Sup Forums, and indeed Sup Forums as a whole is kill.

There are Jews right now wondering what the fuck is wrong with Europeans and why you're letting in all these Muslims. What the fuck is wrong with you? People are going to vote for what's right anyway.
That's a lie

>t. Mohammad

>that's a lie
Want to argue with me or just act like a fucking dunce user?

>t. jew

Are you aware that Jewish groups are at the forefront of making Europe (((multicultural)))?

Pic related.

wtf I'm voting for Hillary now


Best option. Get over it



they want to force all schools to brainwash kids about the holohoax

>y-you can't remove kebab with this guy he isn't perfect


Do you actually think you are being clever using this stale ass meme still?
I'm not arguing for Hillary you imbecile. I'm saying Sup Forums sold out when they hitched the lulz wagon to Trump, being that Trump is a Jew supporter.

The Jewish trick worked again. They brought hordes of Muslims into the west, now the goys love Jews in comparison. The gentile threat has been effectively neutralized. There shall never be another Shoah ever again!

>tfw no qt idf gf

There are plenty of Jews that are better than democrats. Shapiro is one. I'm not saying I'm a fan but we've all seen based Jews. Most of them are pro-Israel too.

>you can only remove kebab if you add kike

nu/pol/ is full establishment republican shitstains who think we must do everything to preserve isreal because da bible said so!

get off of my board you subhuman trash

>muslims dindu nuffin
>wikipedia said so

Kill yourself, Ahmed.

Goys almost deserve it for being so dumb


>We've all been fooled by Jews pretending to be on our side.
Jews are only on their own side.
You are a fool if you haven't realized this.

Soros sided with the UN about the settlements. He is not pro Israel.

Fucking Europeans did this to themselves and now you're telling them not to fix the problem because MUH JOOS DDD:

Fuck off leaf

Good, this means he has a chance at winning.

The Jew is everywhere, it is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

This is so true tho.
Never had thought of that

There were two options, Trump was the better one. But purity-spiraling retards like you insist on being useful idiots for the left.

Change proxies all you want (((user))).

Geert is a good man, he will be rewarded for his support of Israel.
A friend of Israel is a friend of God.
A reminder that if you're anti Israel you're anti God.

What's that? Trump filled his cabinet with kikes? and Geert Wilders is a jew? No they're white nationalist nazis and they're based you're just paid by soros hahaha nice try hillbot

Why would JIDF be against Geert, given that he is an Israeli shill?

yeh idk m8

i just go on alt-right blogs

Sup Forums is fucking gay and full of shitskins who love to suck alt light cock on youtube

nbd though whatever...not even any good memes around here anymore

Right and back in the day Europe wasn't being flooded by millions of Muslims you stupid cunt. Back in the day a nationalist, anti-immigration candidate would never have stood a chance in the Dutch election now he looks set to win it.

This isn't back in the day anymore, we can't just play about like we did before this shit is getting really quite bloody serious if you want to split hairs about who is and isn't an "Israeli shill" whilst your wife gets raped by shitskins because you couldn't just shut up and put up with what we have then fuck off and do it in the privacy of your own home you stupid Spaghetti Bolognegro.

Actually most Jews are just fine. GTFO Nazi LARPsquad.

>and what does it have to do with Geert?
he's a Jew enabler, you know.

.. but never mind that, you're a good goy.

Pic related

>there were two options.
No, there were at least a dozen Republican candidates and Trump was probably the least qualified of all of them barring sleepy black fellow.
>Purity Spiraling.
Nice buzzword you fucking gaylord.
Some of us simply find it annoying when the uneducated masses pick the least qualified person for the job.

Whatcha doing, OP???

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

> youtube.com/watch?v=lfgIOlDRZSw

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




>Actually most Jews are just fine
this thread is literally jidf pretending not to be jidf

Oh no the irrelevant fringe is threatening to leave

Nice paranoia, I'm sure it together with your unconvincing shilling will get you far.

That's bullshit, jews are scum but the fact stands that muslims and niggers are worse. I miss the days when they were our only real concern.

Fuck off #CruzMissle. Rato lost because he sucks. Trump beat all of them and didn't even need our help dude. Rand meets with Israeli lobbies twice a month too.

You know that you are in a hasbara infested thread when you see SA kike.

Oh no he like israel, TIME TO IMPORT MORE MUSLIMS GOY!

Because their goal is to divide the goyim so that they cannot form a coherent resistance to their Marxist diaspora. If white countries get redpilled on Jews being the ones pushing Islam immigration, multiculturalism and authoritarian globalism and that Israel enabled them every step of the way while claiming a double standard for themselves, then even Christcucks will get skeptical.

Israel has very little global power outside of their massive lobby in the US and their diaspora shitting up Europe, they're very easily isolated and they know it.

Better to have the goyim blaming each other while their countries go to shit than have them all value the nation-state over foreign interests.

These threads are designed to split opinion so that doesn't happen.

No one in the primaries was Hitler enough for your unrealistic expectations, faggot.

Trump won because the left refused to shut up about him ever.
He got more coverage by a factor of 10 than any other candidate.
Liberals elected Trump, and in time, Republicans will come to regret this.

Such an unrefined argument.
Thinking I love Adolf because I realized that Jews are the real problem.
Hitler was an idiot, he and he alone is responsible for his many many mistakes, but that does not mean he was not ideologically correct that Jews cannot be Germans first, or in our case Americans first.

We all read the Wikileaks. They planned to torpedo him with negative coverage after the primary and it didn't work. Now fuck off Gaysich.

He quite blatantly talks like a leftist, a bunch of shills have latched onto this shit as a perceived weakpoint and in fairness they're not wrong.
Kikes set fire to our proverbial house and many want to immediately retaliate against the kikes or badge check anyone that comes to help with the fire when the fact stands that we're stood in a burning house and are neither in a position to exact revenge or pick and choose our help.

>and in time, Republicans will come to regret this.

Go to bed Kristol, you're a mess.

I love these threads, it's like peeping inside the mind of a deranged paranoid-schizophrenic at war with himself.

>I hate Jews
>I'm a raging Shabbaz Goy Jew Enabler
>but if you point this out imma call you a JIDF shill you fucking JIDF shill
>fucking Soros that dirty kike
>b-but we must protect Israel because they remove kebab
>and Jesus Christ is saviour!
I'm a nigger btw

luv' deez tredz

>and it didn't work.
Oh it worked, just not the way they intended.
It gave him the legitimacy he needed to actually win.
If they had really wanted to ruin him they would have snubbed him in every broadcast.
Just watch man. You cannot stop the demographic shifts happening right now. In ten years, Republicans are going to regret electing him when they cannot statistical win executive elections anymore.

A better analogy is that kikes have set the entire town on fire with third-worlders and Muslims. We can't help put out the fires on a massive scale to save the town if we refuse to put out the fire in our own houses because we're pouting that the water tank 'isn't filtered enough.'

Vengeance against the Jews will come, but it's not going to happen if we can't even work together to fix the immediate problems.

See shit like this is why we can't afford to pick and choose our allies, a nigger is currently living in, and posting from, Denmark and you stupid cunts still think the jews are our most pressing concern?
Sort your shit out.

If he follows through and delivers for the working class he's going to run the table in 2020. The left is sinking themselves by pushing social Marxism. Anyway, Trump is our best shot at slowing the demographic shift. What, you think pool boy wasn't open borders.

>Republicans are going to regret electing him when they cannot statistical win executive elections anymore.

Kek, thanks Charles

I know, it's tragic. Wanna learn about the hardships of being a coon up here in the far north is like?

I should do a little AMA, The Northern Nig-Nog Spills The Beans, or some shit like that.

Don't even bother, as I said earlier in this thread he's blatantly a stupid leftist.
Fact is Trump was the only candidate who made a point of being anti-immigration which is why pretty much everyone who wasn't hated him, if the demographic shift is allegedly his biggest concern and yet he thinks any other candidate would've done a better job then he's blatantly a concern trolling leftist.

Going full GTK means you lose elections and never gain any power. If you retards are not shills (which isn't likely) then you just need to look at how David Duke did in his elections versus every civic cuck party in the EU.

Attacking the most viable pro-Western candidate because they are not perfect is beyond retarded

Why are you niggers trying to slide this thread?

This thread is about Geert Wilders, not Donald Trump.

Of course (((Soros))) is pro-Israel you fucking idiot, (((he))) is jewish.


Didn't even read the thread. Don't soil the altright rising!

Forum for Democracy and PVV/Geert Wilders are bros

Sup Forums believes screencaps over what Soros actually does.

The hilarious Israel FEMEN funding cut had a fair few screencaps tbqh.



I've seen him get roasted plenty on here. More based kosher nationalists for you kids!