Did the reddit fedora meme singlehandedly kill the modern atheist movement?
People don't seem to be comfortable admitting they're atheists anymore because of this association.
Did the reddit fedora meme singlehandedly kill the modern atheist movement?
People don't seem to be comfortable admitting they're atheists anymore because of this association.
>what did you say christcuck
It's worse, now people say "I don't believe in God but I'm a spiritual person"
Seems like it.
I'm not a christian but I believe in Kek.
Even edgy teens can handle only so much nihilism before they retreat into either authoritarianism or tradition.
Jesus, Jon Tron must've gone full 1488.
(((They))) did it to themselves and they're declining world wide because of it. They're right behind islam for being the second most hated groups of people in America. Fuck (((atheism))).
I'm honestly more sad about the fact that I can't wear a fedora.
People expect to just be able to call someone edgy or a dweeb and invalidate their arguments.
Maybe, but I would always unironically tell athiests they were going to hell and will be raped by a pitchfork
atheism isn't a political movement. It is a lack of a religious belief system.
Show me proof. A picture of a fedora or a katana isn't proof btw
atheists have no argument
The fedora meme started to mock some stupid pseudo intellectual humanist quote
I fucking hope so. Im still salty they ruined fedoras forever like toothbrush mustaches
Atheists and DUDE SCIENCE RULEZ LMAO people are all cancerous.
It's more because claiming that god doesn't exist is just as retarded as claiming that he does.
though not as retarded as claiming that a very specific Abrahamic god exists and you just happen to be the 0.1% of the population who's going to heaven
So glad that "I fucking love science" died.
No it's just butthurt. Non-religion is still growing faster than any religion.
I tell them they will be reincarnated as a tree that will cut down and used to make paper for a bible.
citation needed
What the fuck
So isnt degeneracy and this mindless science circlejerk, no clue why though..
Source or not an argument. Ive read recently the exact opposite that atheism is experiencing a decline.
>commence tip off
>atheists have no argument
Yeah because god of the gaps is a great argument, dumbfuck
Atheists win arguments and the burden of proof is on you
Where's your source?
Neither are right
Athiesm isn't in decline, they just aren't reproducing as much as religious family so their grow is slower (which means as a percentage they are declining)
Percentage decline =/= Declining numbers
>>Did the reddit fedora meme singlehandedly kill the modern atheist movement?
No. People in the real world don't care about stupid memes on the internet.
>>People don't seem to be comfortable admitting they're atheists anymore because of this association.
Maybe so wherever you live, not so much where I am. It's more that being an atheist is no longer seen as being some sort of big deal anymore so people don't talk about it as much.
>and the burden of proof is on you
says who?
>Atheists win arguments
what argument have they won?
>god of the gaps
it's like you think arguing with fUndies means you've destroyed religion. try arguing with a catholic or a traditionalist
Or a bowlers hat
Religion isn't fun to argue anymore due to the advent of PC culture. That's all the atheists want to talk about now. Also, a lot of the atheist figure heads (i.e. Sam Harris) are now HUGE cucks because they feel the need to oppose Trump. Atheism has conditioned them to oppose Trump because he represents the right which is in-league with the religious right (Christianity) here in America. They're inadvertently enabling Islam by supporting the left. It's pretty fucking annoying.
t. Atheist
Let's try arguing with a catholic or a traditionalist.
>prove that god exists
His or her answer is
>hmmm uhhhghu hguasdujdhixf
Normally I ignore these but this one deserves a (you)
No trigger discipline. I'd shoot him on sight.
Atheism was infiltrated by the left just like the green movement, the women movement, the black movement, etc. Atheist activists became "useful idiots" and the people with a brain left.
At this point the movement is just another puppet and a tool to attack the conservative western white patriarchal heterosexual christian society, in this case the christian part in particular.
The fedora is not a reddit meme but a reflection of reality, it is what passes for the average atheist activist these days.
Neckbeards ruined the fedora for those of us handsome enough to wear one.
Alright fucker, you get one (you) for the effort, but that's fucking it dipshit. I don't give out (you)s like candy.
Thoth will eat you. That's what birds do with frogs.
Yes, because the whole reason people got into it was as a fashion statement. When it became uncool, they scurried like rats to their next degenerate fashion accessory, like "Refugees Welcome."
fucking kill yourself
also posting pic related bc i cant get over it
atheism is anti science. period.
>I saw this leftist on youtube who said races don't exist
>I think it's an atheist therefore atheism is anti science
Great argument shit-for-brains, you don't even know what the scientific method is.
I'm an agnostic atheist and support the resurgence of christianity in the west as a way of rejuvenating it culturally. So no, I'm still comfortable admitting I am an agnostic atheist.
god dangit
I just ignore spirituality. Apatheism.
That's dedication. What a fag.
Is this real?
oh wow that's actually schway af
>Non-religion is still growing faster than any religion.
Um what? The largest amount of atheists = white libtards who are a genetic dead end anyway.
Does China count as atheist, tho? They shouldn't because everyone knows Chinese don't have souls anyway. It's like saying that all dolls and woodcarvings believe in Shinto or something.
He wouldn't look that bad if he changed the belt tee bee ache, high waisted pants and boots are fashionable at the moment
Its just a tactic used by people that cant arge, the same happens to everithing
>Republicans are dum people on rural areas
>feminist are blobls of fsat with blue hair
>Democrats are hypsters with no clue on how the reality works
stereotypes dont work, they make you blind
They've rebranded as secular humanists.
To avoid the militant atheist tag.
Fucking brilliant bastard. 10/10
Turkish Atheist
JK they dont exist
Why is this man-roving harf-Asian posting in my thread?
>I believe in Kek.
See, you have no arguments, but you felt like posting anyway. Is it because of asspain?
Not sure but I wouldn't be surprised considering some of the shit he is saying
No, the banana guy really killed it.
Gas yourself.
Pop science is a necessary evil, and science is great, its that it's been infiltrated by hyper leftists and subverted by kikes, science as a method of progress and discovery is what's propelled mankind forward so rapidly that we can't even catch up culturally.
I'm in the camp both sides hate, but I feel is the most logically consistent - agnostics. There is no evidence of God. There is no evidence against him, or any iteration thereof. Claiming he's real or not real is inherently bullshit.
>finding a way to look down on both sides
>feeling unwarranted superiority
>fuck yeah
Nope, people just don't fall for our neckbeard bait anymore.
Still no God. Religion is still just a means by which certain sects of people (READ: Rich, Educated individuals) have controlled the minds, actions and wallets of the masses for hundreds, thousands of years.
fuck you
really wtf man
It was probably because of Atheism+.
You know, the one feminists created and then used to co-opt every single atheist into being feminists.
Assuming I had a mother.
Maybe in America, secular views are prevalent in The UK.
More importantly, would you rather an athiest or a muslim in your country?
not bad
As a chemist, the OMG I LI3K SCIENCE SO COOOOOOL people can suck my arse
That shit has been around forever, fedora.
Christcucks watch out!
>I've never replied to these. My mother beat cancer. She is the picture of health. trololololol.
Pretty nice brickwork
Most are retarded, but its a gateway for normies to get a taste of knowledge and discovery, and maybe move into real projects and actually learning enough to say, read an abstract. Even if just a tiny percentage of them become worthwhile, it's still of huge benefit.
And it makes people more responsive to funding experimentation of their own free will, rather than by government mandate.
No. There are more atheists here than Christians. Most people here laugh at you if you admit to still believing in fairy tales.
Fuck that got me good