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let it all burn
Monty Python prophets!
why timeline are we on?
It would be easier to just go by people's real birth genders.
Mate you do realize that Monty Python makes no sense and isn't funny when presented in a modern context right?
I'm fine with anyone getting an abortion if they really want one hell I'll pull the trigger if they want to die that badly.
I hope they do push this because it is a hard stop. Bioloical WOMEN need abortions. Leftists claim gender is not equal to sex when we all know it is. But now they are asking doctors to rewrite medical guidance and practice based on sex to accomodate their mental illness.
This is similar to when BLM pushed too hard too fast and then basically disappeared as a result of the alienation they caused. I welcome this campaign, it will anger and confuse more ordinary people who will gravitate towards our side which is probably more extreme than they agree with, but is better than the hellscape leftist alternative.
This is a fantastic blunder for our side!
What does this even mean?
Poles are weird.
All life is sacred
A woman pretending to be a man gets an abortion as an abomination
This sketch makes a lot of sense and basically explains todays society. Watch it.
Is it me or has this really gone too far by now?
I'm an American in Warsaw.
If you look at the original there was still no reason to be mad. The guy encouraged the tranny every step of the way and didn't even get a word nevermind a word of thanks. Trannies are too stuck up in their own world to recognize when people are being something other than passive aggressive.
My point still stands.
My point was that Monty Python is an accurate reflection of the modern world and actually comes off a little reactionary to anyone who suffered college.
Yea its true. if we toned down the Nazi worship a bit(not give it up) and made out the left are the crazier than us. Then we get more boots in our camp.
>it's my body my rules!
>no one can tell ME WHAT TO DO WITH MY BODY
>Don't want my taxes going toward abortion
If it's your body your rules, you can pay for your own abortion bitch. But then again I would like to see more abortion clinics at poor neighborhoods. They should give 7k to sterilize women or men if they want it. But the kikes will just use propaganda to get whites fixed on the guise that it ends racism.
live immitates art. maybe thats why our memes are so powerfull. they are art
>it's symbolic of our struggle against reality
holy shit this 100%
what did Kek mean by this?
Britbong speaking nonsense again
I thought feminists were all about "agency" and other overhyped post structuralist perversions of philosophy. Agency requires a rational being who can choose when and when they dont get pregnant.
>why timeline are we on?
One of the only timelines left
They are right, when trans men get pregnant they need an abortion too or wouldn't make the LARPing as immersive. Men can't get pregnant guys, I mean they can because it would sexist to say they can't but at the same time making trans men get pregnant makes them feel less like men so they need abortions too because men can't get pregnant but they can too.
Thread theme
All I want is the ability to get pregnant :(
I would sell my soul to be able to
>Every logical timeline has someone flip the table and start Armageddon.
>Retardo supreme timeline continues because the people who can flip the table aren't the people with the nukes.
Yes, spirit cookers need the aborted fetus.
My sister cant have kids and it really effects her as well.
I'm down if it means they stop flaunting it as a women's right
What are these "women" aborting?
Okay, one of you lurking plebbitors tell us how angry the women over at /r/gender_critical and /r/gendercritical are about this. Screencaps please. TY.
>guy makes fun of trans throughout their life
>trans still wants to fuck him
Wew, its just too much!
They all want Chad's thundercock
Immediately thought of this.
Abortions for males! It's called an enema, ya dingus.
Who do I vote for to make abortions mandatory for anyone darker than a French woman, the retarded, and the mentally ill?
A gerbil jammed up their ass.
(I'm gay, I get to make that kind of joke)
>Abortions for males! It's called an enema, ya dingus.
Underrated as fuck post.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
> youtube.com
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Planned parenthood hell bent on destroying the white race and white women
South Park did a fucking episode on this.
>mr garrison transitions
>im gonna fuck, get pregnant and get an abortion!
>didnt get my period, im pregnant!
>doctor: you didnt get your period because youre not actually a woman; you dont have a uterus, you dont produce eggs, you cant get pregnant, you cant abort anything
They could never get away with that in the current timeline.
Thank you. If anyone hasn't watched any of these, please do.
One look at the ugliness of the "person" in that picture is enough to make the most pro-life forces suddenly want the freedom to abort up to 40 years after birth
Seriously, in all of this just the fact that they'd use a picture of someone so ugly is stupefying. They don't even realize how retarded that thing looks
>one less nigger
>have a uterus
>get pregnant
>want an abortion
if you have a functioning uterus, you aren't one of those intersex deformities
You are a woman, and only the mentally ill think otherwise.
They are so mentally ill, they can't see normality
You do know that the whole Judean Peoples' Front bits along with that video were taking the piss out of leftist splinter groups within Labour etc in the UK at the time?
You might think that the current SJW/gender studies marxist sociobabble is a recent invention of 3rd wave intersectional feminism, but it's not.
It's come from somewhere, and it has actually been gestating in academia/the left for a while
>Abortion: A medical process of removing an unwanted fetus from the womb.
>Transgender: A person who has swapped genders through the use of hormones and plastic surgery.
MtF don't have wombs, thus can't get pregnant, thus have no use for an abortion, ever. You can pump silicon into your pecs, invert your dick, grow your hair and whatnot but on a chromosomal level you are still a male, you will never have functioning a functioning womb or ovaries. You will never have a legitimate need for an abortion. Your make pretend game with your body will never be accepted.
>doctor: you didnt get your period because youre not actually a woman; you dont have a uterus, you dont produce eggs, you cant get pregnant, you cant abort anything
Well I never figured they'd advocate for post birth abortions but sure, if it makes liberals happy I'd be fine with abortion of trans women.
>if you have a functioning uterus you aren't one of those intersex freaks
If only you knew how bad things really are.
Masculine Smart breasts
That's not insane at all.
you shouldn't have kids either.
>I would sell my soul to be able to
don't say that
Only women have the organs to have children
Are they gonna vacuum out their turds or what?
I believe all abortion should be legal, especially post birth abortions. No time limits
The amount of dumb shit feminists think of to complain about never ceases to amaze.
I'm sure a legislature or two will codify this and then someone will challenge it in some creative way causing mayhem. The challenge will probably force the courts to answer the question of what is gender legally, and determine how to define it. I can't wait to read that opinion; makes me wish Scalia were alive even more.
So... You want an embryo implanted in you just so you can abort it?