What was your journey like?
Are there any Christians here that actually believe in the Old Testament?
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i do and dont know what u mean mr.burger
Love how the animals immediately start killing each other
If you want to know if I still feel like giving a completely straight, non-homosexual reach around to another guy while tripping on LSD, then I do.
God ended the world once with water, next He'll do it with fire.
why not just water again? is it because a lot of smartphones are waterproof these days?
What do you mean? The stories predate written language. Oral traditions can have life by as much as 25,000 years as anthropologists have found. Jordan petersons: evil vs tragedy has a great discussion on the old testament stories.
reporting in
Also a Nazi
Noah's Ark was an Airship that looked like a Flying Saucer.
I think much of it was parable.
Why are you posting about Christianity with a Pic of some Jew Story? The New testament is the best testament.
In terrential downpour animals become passive.
There's an answer for everything.
Divine Idiocracy
The scripture is truth. You can only find salvation through Him
Do people really not understand what I'm asking? Can I please get a proper response?
>tfw God is literally worse than satan
Looks like I'm a #satanworshipper now
How did kangaroos get to Australia from the ark?
Also if you got every single species, sub species and breed of all animals wouldn't the boat be bigger?
I'm pretty sure every 2 of every insect species would be be a ridiculous amount of biomass.
Not necessarily. I do believe some things in the old testament have little flexibility for translation whereas other things are questionable.
For instance, the word yom in scripture is translated to day, month, year, season, period of time, etc. and is used frequently throughout scriptures.
Another thing would that could be debated would be translations for terms that are only used once throughout the bible, which makes it impossible for these words to be deciphered (due to lack of contextual evidence, references, etc.). There is a reason why multiple sects of Christianity will either allow or disallow same-sex relationships, allow/disallow the consumption of alcohol, etc.
Although the amount of interpretations is limited as opposed to what others claim about the Bible fitting any narrative that you would want it to. These individuals will typically confuse justifying a set of political ideologies via the Bible with the limited amount of translations/interpretations that people could come up with- that would contain enough evidence to support it.
This is why I consider myself to be a non-denominational Christian, and I would rather learn about different translations/ interpretations of each sect to determine my own view of the Bible.
Note: I was raised as an evangelical Christian, although during middle-high school I became an agnostic and would later become an atheist (ironically, I started to learn about Buddhism and was favoring the political/economical ideologies of Karl Marx), and once I got into college, I decided to challenge my views again. I became an agnostic once more, then changed to being a theist (I studied tons of religions such as Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, sects within religions, etc.), and I finally converted to Christianity after having a hostile view towards it (This was the last religion I considered converting to).
i actually dont think its logical that so much of pol is christian. how does that make sense, theyre just pandering to the alt right common beliefs
yea went from catholic to atheist to a christian who believes in old testament
>actually believe in the Old Testament
I suppose you mean the ancient creation myths that were transcribed into Hebrew from Babylonian mythology and ultimately canonized.
You'd be a fool if you think the Old Testament can be reduced to something a trivial as senseless mythology. There's some actual great history, philosophy and extraordinary literature to be found within the OT.
t. athiest
What convinced you the old testament was true?
Do you believe stories like the ark?
How do you rationalize that with so much counter evidence.
Not trying to be rude just really want an answer.
He intends to start it off with a solar flare.
Probably there was a big tsunami or flood in the old era.
These pictures were taken at the time of M9 earthquake in Japan 6 years ago.
Suppose you had to build an ark because God gets mad enough to break the rainbow and start a second deluge. You're the only one who knows about it because reasons.
You can put a male and female of each chosen species on the ark. Problem is, you can only choose from ten species - humanity not included.
What ten species do you choose?
What form will your ark take?
And the Old Testament exists so I believe in the existence of the Old Testament.
The whole two animals bit is a bit of a stretch, but the world flooding is very much a possibility.
OP I grew up like most people, didn't believe in the Old Testament, my family didn't believe in it though we were brought up Catholic. I saw it as some fairy tale.
It was only after going to college, eventually going down a long track of realizing how in the darkness humanity really is to what is going on, how skewed our views of history and everything are, that I began to see it as a possibility of being real, just that it only seems impossible if you have fixed beliefs on reality that do not coincide with that possibility.
Basically you need to break down everything you ever knew and re-build it back up, then you see it as a very real possibility and then you realize just how fucked up/disconnected we are today to have it fixed in our minds that the past is impossible.
There are a few of us here who are genuine and are trying to lead people to Jesus. Wont know if we have until the judgement i suppose. Jesus is Lord, love you guys!
The old testament? You mean the Jewish lies to cover up for their crimes against humanity. The Jews were never slaves they were the pharaohs.
1755 Lisbon earthquake in Portugal
Christians believing in the old testament would be like a muslim praying to Jesus.
Amen brother
Sounds like a good method to brainwash yourself into believing a bunch of BS.
This, I have slowly begun to see the hard coded truths in the old testament. Not to mention the fact that its full of red pills on the Jews and human nature in general.
Holy shit...have my upvote.
t. christian
A "flood" is an archetype that represents a structure become fragile and brittle overcome by time, the forces of chaos and decay, and so forth. The ark is the vehicle constructed to be robust to or even profit from the same chaotic forces.
In order to appreciate the Bible in full you have to learn to dissect the metaphysical meanings out of the images and stories.
People who fixate on prophecy and history are foolish. Every story in the Bible is illustrates living forces and the constant struggles between them. Thus, things like the apocalypse are always happening, it is just a matter of whether the opposing forces are overcoming or yielding. It is like a dam--the water is always putting pressure on it, but until it fails to supply enough resistance there is no danger.
all of this and THIS
worded it perfectly into a true art form, master of the speech craft
It's Torah goy
I'm not a Catharic Cuck so no.
Look at this nigger lion, you save his ass from the flood and first thing he does is kill a fucking unicorn what a nigger.
Also what's that rhinoceros thing on the right supposed to be
best girl, prove me wrong
And America is Egypt 2.0
The lion is just suckling some magic milk after a long journey.
Nohomo tho
I was raised Protestant, but I believed in evolution, climate change, and all the rest of the "intellectual" drivel. But I found a video of a Creationist by the name of Kent Hovind, where he debated three college professors at the same time, and silenced all of them every time he spoke. He raised way too many points for me to ignore, and my entire view of Holy Scripture has shifted from seeing it as mythology to almost always literal fact.
Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson are secularists providing evidence of a civilization ending cataclysm where the sea level rose 400 ft and it was a mass extinction event.
Nah, he just hates degeneracy and unironically wants to gas it. His definition is stricter than yours, but it's better.
No. Judaism (the Israelites' religion, whatever you want to call it) evolved out of Canaanite polytheism, as did a lot of the Old Testament. A lot of the New Testament also is psuedepigrapha, though it's a lot more believable imo since it was written a lot more recently. After all the Bible was written and compiled over a long time by men, not God. Men decided what is "divinely inspired". Some stuff in it could be wrong but I accept the basic teachings of the church (I'm Lutheran) as truth, it's just when you get into the nitty-gritty that people (Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox) really have no way of proving they're right.
While we're talking about Christianity I'd like to debate someone who's pro-life, I'm finding it hard not to support abortion/eugenics/assisted suicide.
Do you go to a Lutheran church? Is it acceptable to name the Jew? I'd imagine not.
It makes sense if you look past the Sunday school lessons and actually read the text with reference to the Hebrew and a little thought.
Biggest thing that grabbed me was the fact that all life is made of the same stuff, dirt and water. All the same stuff means DNA in my mind. DNA means adaptability. The flood makes sense too, but more importantly an in depth study of the table of nations, the nephilim, and a few other things. After about chapter 12 of Genesis, the rest is just the history of one small group of people God chose to make a covenant with. Of course, once Christ was here, those people broke that covenant.......
>the dragons flying off on the left
>the unicorn leaving the boat
>those fucking giga-rhinos by the tree
This. Especially considering all of the different shark species they would need on the ark
> I'd like to debate someone who's pro-life, I'm finding it hard not to support abortion/eugenics/assisted suicide.
Come at me.
There is no reason to believe any Christian doctrine. All of them are demonstrably false when it come to miracles and the magic. Confucianism will set you free. The tenets of Confucius are non religious and uphold the sanctity of social obligations, rituals and morals that religions lack. Dedication to the family, knowing your status in life, working hard and learning new things all with out dogma.
Zigong asked, “Is there one word that one can act upon throughout the course of one’s life?” The Master said, “Reciprocity (shu)—what you would not want for yourself, do not do to others.”
>Old Testament
How could you even believe the new shit without believing the old shit? Either you buy it all or fuck off.
Pick and choose religionfags are the fucking worst.
Yeah, I haven't been going very long and I'm not a member yet. It's Missouri Synod so they're much more conservative than the evangelical/state Lutheran churches, but I'm guessing they're all pro-Israel, though not for religious reasons. I'm sure Lutheranism is doing fine in the midwest but it seems to be dying out everywhere else, most of the people in both Lutheran churches I've gone to weren't younger than 70.
>your journey
I was into Hebrew Roots/Messianic Judaism/straight up Judaism for a while. I researched a bit, especially on r/academicbiblical, and decided I could never take the Old Testament as historical fact. From what I've read the Orthodox don't either. I looked into Orthodoxy for a year or two before I settled on Lutheranism.
When an animal is suffering you put it out of its misery, letting it continue to suffer until it dies is sadistic. Why would you have more compassion on an animal than on a human being? If someone has a terminal illness, or a fetus is going to have down syndrome or something like that, why would you not put them out of their misery? I don't like it and I'd rather they found a way to cure stuff like that in the womb, but until then I see no reason to bring someone into the world only to suffer needlessly. Btw I only support abortion for stuff like that, not just because the mom doesn't feel like having a baby.
But how can you believe the world was created in 7days, and how it goes against evolution? Please explain because I am seriously struggling with this.
The world was flooded. Whay exactly does that mean? How much of the world was known to a desert tribe? You need to stop trying to judge a 4,000 year old story by 21st century standards.
That's actually a really good way of framing it. Thanks.
Nah anyone who believes in the Old Testament is giving in to their undeveloped unlearned brain. We all experience a euphoric unexplainable (at this time) bliss like state that lasts a few minutes at most and most people believe its god. Its a brain malfunction at best senpai, you want god? Build an AI
Only protestants believe in the old testament. They're basically jews.
A large portion of it is historical and backed by archeological finds.
Because the new shit is more chill after God's anger management therapy .
Satan is a gay version of God.
>Sharks in the ark
U wot?
Anime faggot
The Bible, like all other religious scriptures from around the world, is a very valuable thing, but you need to understand it was written to conceal esoteric/occult truths underneath analogies and poetry. The writers never meant for people to take it as LITERAL and INFALLIABLE. Of course if you understand the esoteric truths it points to, you would also understand that there are many more straightforward works on the same subject that don't hide under ancient analogies so there isn't much point to obsess about this one specific book.
>esoteric/occult truths
>there are many more straightforward works on the same subject that don't hide under ancient analogies
Like what, leaf?
Stop listening to the long-held belief that "Jews are just like us, except they follow the Old book."
No. They follow now the Talmud, and chose Rabbi tradition over the very commandments of God. Christ told the Jews (then called Pharisees) that if they did not follow him, then they did no longer believe in Moses. Today's Jews lost their chance as God's people the moment their ancestors murdered his Son. The Jews follow the Talmud, both Testaments are now for Christians, who were what the Jews were meant to become. Those that didn't became...Jews.
>Old Testament
You gotta problem smart guy?
The ark is a metephor for a dna databank. Ancient civs. Could not describe it in such words
>The ark is a metephor for a dna databank
Leviticus 20:15-16 commands, “If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he must be put to death, and you must kill the animal.
So what did the metaphor mean by this /pol
Also do puppers have original sin?
I believe the part with the Jews whining to God to every time they stubbed their toe.
Basically any hermetic writings, esoteric buddhism (even mainstream buddhism is a lot closer to the true teachings than any other mainstream religions), the ancient Greek philosophers (if you read them with the understanding that these men were initiated into the lineage of the esoteric teachings of their era), and more recently in human history, guys like Franz Bardon have written books that basically lay everything out in plain English, for those who have the wherewithal to understand and practice, and guys like Manly P Hall have laid out in encyclopedic fashion the underlying truth and connection between all of the world/history's spiritual teachings.
I dont follow....
Do you know what original sin is?
The answer is yes.
Could i get a quick rundown?
Yeah, I do. That shit don't make sense, yo.
how can pupper have original sin when they never ate of tree of knowledge of good and evil, bible thumbper btfo
Isn't the Genesis, the Ten Commandments, and a considerable portion of the religion's history in that section of the book? It wouldn't make very much sense for them not to believe in at least part of it.
because this time Lucifers turn
I had sex with animals I don't have aids, should I kill myself?
Why did God make humans so sexually deviant though? I never understood this
Lol you Christians are such an embarrassment to civility, keep on worshipping the Zombie Jew.
Basically this. The Old Testament is the Christian Testament, the Jews have added so much random stuff that you even if Christians only followed the Old Testament it wouldn't look anything like what the Jews do today.
because god in the bible doesn't exist, it is a good book with morals and metaphores though. but some of it is GARBAGe hah