Mediterraneans are not wh

>Mediterraneans are not wh...

Other urls found in this thread:

Is it true that 40% of German schoolchildren are muslim?

I don't know, though
I have the hope that ((they)) keep manipulating the stats

Not yet, but the birth rate clearly states that it's going to be the case soon

The root to all your problems is the holocaust myth.

You must do all you can to dispel it.

That's a sick fucking beard / mustache on the right.


These aren't mediterraneans these are balkans.

it's probably more and if not it certainly will be in about 5-10 years

>Sup Forums is a board about politi-

>the holocaust
Wait isn't that the thing that never happened ?

This Sup Forums is about politics meme needs to die.

Really made me think

I want an Italian with a thick cock to love me and plow my boypussy so badly

You can have one, lady

Who cares if they're white, they have contributed more to history than any nordic nation.

They are Cretan, the black headgear with the dangling bits is a dead giveaway.
Plus there's a Greek flag in the background

Minoans are based

>He is falling for the ''Mediterraneans are christianized Arabs'' meme

When are you going back to your Mediterranean country? Well, you don't. Enough said really

Nobody does. Meds are just well bleached niggers

White people have no cultu...

>1-3% African
>2-5% west Asian
>2-5% North African
>White people
Whatever makes you sleep at night

t. Bolshevik proxyfag

Lebanese are White, Jews are White, everyone is White.
>boleshweivk proxyfag
What? Sort yourself out

yes cretan greeks