>Trump wins
>think law enforcement comeback
>see video
I'm done. Fuck this nation.
>Trump wins
>think law enforcement comeback
>see video
I'm done. Fuck this nation.
Other urls found in this thread:
>At what point did you give up hope for your country?
I didnt.
That was pre-election in Berkley faggot
did this just happen? i bet you we could find out who those asian people are and get them expelled/fired/arrested
>implying it still doesnt happen today
And its only gotten worse nigger. Weve awoken the beast on inaugaration, if not election night
I'll never give up hope for America, this country is proof you can win against the odds and then cuck it all up for no reason.
Even if America falls, we aren't done. We will rise again and then cuck out and fall again.
It's because he's in no danger whatsoever. That 5,2 bitch probably weighs 90 pounds and is punching her hardest which is like a normal person giving you a friendly punch on the shoulder. He's practically ignoring her completely. If he was actually in danger from them they would crack some commie skills most police hate them too and are waiting for any excuse to bootstomp them. This is actually funny as it makes antifa look astoundingly weak and pathetic.
When I learned about the Immigration Act of 1965 and the subsequent failures of every single congress to reinstitute the policies proceeding it.
This little Asian lady is an elementary teacher btw.
>what is assault
Dude everyone knows who they are already. That's Yvette felarca. Shes this retarded anti racism activist who organizes violent rallies through her organization By Any Means which is basically just an even more pathetic version of antifa. I say keep her around because she makes leftists look retarded as fuck. If she gets too annoying then stomp her head in because "self defence"
Watch the full video dude.. Eventually the cops had to step in because they ended up pushing him to the ground.
Correction I said Elementary she's Middle school teacher. That's grades 6-8
>didn't give her the sly elbow to the face while turning away
Pathetic desu
he should and have all the rights to defend himself and punch that bitch in the face as a mode of self-defense.
you can not just totally unprovoked assault someone and hit them in the stomach or on the body.
Ok I never sign these things because I don't want my information on it but this time I did. It's a first amendment right that's being violated.
>Eventually the cops had to step in because they ended up pushing him to the ground.
Why didn't they step in before that? And why were they so brazen in kicking him in the head while he was on the ground not 10 feet from the cops? I get the feeling the pigs were in on it.
>not even 8,000 signatures
Cali fags be like
>muh police brutality
>muh cop bootlicking
Typical /r/the_donald fag
why is that slope punching him? why is the cop not breaking his nightstick on her head? why is she still breathing? what is this allowed to happen? why....
Well, it was even lower than that, but then Miss Felarca decided to show her ugly cuntface on Tucker Carlson... and it snowballed... Here's to her getting lured out of silence again!
Most the times police are told not to interfere I don't know why, honestly. If this was on a college campus that could explain why.
that video was pre-election fuck ages ago.
Before losing faith in something why not learn to not be an impulsive sheep?
Lol poor dude
This happens while whites retain the majority.
Imagine what will happen in 50 years when we lose our grip on everything.
when whites are the minority we will be allowed to beat up on liberals!!!!
I never had any
So you're pissy because you Beta cucks keep getting your ass handed to you by the cops for acting like a bunch of fucktards?
>Implying whites arent the craziest of anyone and have loads of guns.
>think law enforcement comeback
Comeback? From what, you shillshit? Rape, sexual abuse, robbery, false charges, false reports, false evidence, child molestation, beating and brutalization, unnecessary killing including of the gayness innocent. How the hell would they "come back," pray tell? By cleaning themselves up instead of operating on a doctrine from the devil?
>see video
Its fucking nothing. They're in riot gear, their focus is different but they'd still intervene if it escalated.
>those girly punches around the stomach
lel I bet they tickled
sessions called for the resignation of 46 obama state attorney appointees.
Once right wing DOJ is established this shit won't fly anymore. The reason they're sitting on this for now is because there are a ton of jewish judges or shabbos goys behind the bench and in the legal system. Like that couple that got 20 years for threatening blacks/calling them niggers on amped up "terrorist threat" charges.
Once he cleans house, this will end. You know your average cop has just been waiting for the moment where he can crack some left wing heads. They just can't do their job because the justice department is filled with seditious jews that won't cover their back.
Just wait. This won't last very long.
Yes south Africa was fun...but still we can't let them have the nuclear codes..
(Dude...you dont want them passing the laws and being a minority)even if you have lots of guns you'll loose your family members and get imprisoned for fighting..weapons are ok but...not everything
South Africa is basically 10% whites working and paying nearly all the taxes of that country for the benefit of getting raped and killed...
Whoa, didn't know shills are real. See Also, where do I sign up? Gotta get those NEETbucks
Non-whites will literally be trying to round us up in the streets. It's this kind of shit that will force us to re-identify ourselves as white though
>those cops not doing shit
fucking pigs.
Such a tiny lady.
With tiny hands.
no, they will never let go of the white= villian meme
have at least 3 kids or whites are doomed
And though she is acting like a man.
These kind of people are the worst.
>look how tiny i am, i can punch you, but if you punch me back i'm gonna call the cops because look how tiny i am heehee
What I don't understand is how she's not in jail for organizing riots and assault.
This. Ironically enough I've seen male pajeets and other immigrants do that shit before. They'll start shit on their own and then play victim, fast forward a week and they have all their friends, brothers, and cousins and they're jumping you.
Because she's a woman of color that works for a school district in one of the most liberal and anti-white ares in the country
Underrated pic
Also I never gave up hope either