Vault 7 Lead

This may be a potential Vault 7 lead which deserves further investigation. The following evidence presented will be circumstantial but I think some of it will be... curious?

Pic related. This is a document found in Vault 7 from Wikileaks titled "The Guide". It's a pdf book about the programming language ZeroMQ (heard of it? me either). While the pdf is actually a publicly available book, clearly the CIA thought it was important since they put it in their super secret vault. It also caught my eye because Wikileaks titled this leak as "year zero", and this is one of the few documents in Vault 7 that could plausibly be related.

The pdf has nothing really incriminating, however I went ahead and did some digging on the company, iMatix and its CEO Pieter Hintjens. I will present my findings.

Other urls found in this thread:

go on.

Bump for interest


Bumb this
Someone who knows this stuff?

Here is some screens from the iMatix company website. As you can see, they have their fingers in everything from the NASDAQ, Cisco, European travel agency, etc. Oddly, the wikipedia page for iMatix is mostly barren, with just a short paragraph about ZeroMQ.

This smells like a CIA front. More investigation into the company must be done. However, I will now present info about Pieter Hintjens, the CEO of iMatix.

>It's a pdf book about the programming language ZeroMQ
It's not a programming language. It's an advanced programming interface that's used in systems like High Frequency Trading or systems which require large data transmissions at high rates.

This is some screens from his own website. His wikipedia page is also fairly devoid, other than this little tid bit at the time. Seems familiar...

I've highlighted some of the interesting bits from his website.

You're fucking retarded. I don't have time to explain so go ask this question in Sup Forums instead.

you dumb autist this isnt a "programming language" this is just a middleware that uses message queueing (hence MQ) to send shit over network and works with many languages.

Interesting. Any clue how high these rates of data transmission are?

It could be a financing front for operations related to the banks. High frequency is really hard to track for fec and other governmental bodies. Plus cia has a governmental position ofcourse

but but the author died in the young healthy age of 53! Something must have happened to him!

yeah, what he said.

user when you're dealing with classified information you're generally supposed to cram anything that ISN'T classified but MAY GIVE HINTS to what the classified info is in with the classified info

Here's some of the books he has written, as well as a "psychopath quick reference guide". Notice the art on the cover.

The chapters of this book are titled like "the hunt", "the kill", etc. I haven't read it but in his own words its got some sexual and violent themes. You can check it out on his website.

I forgot to mention Pieter Hintjens is dead. Voluntary euthanasia 8 Oct, 2016.

dumbass, this is not at all important
>Since ZeroMQ is free software we don't track who uses it. However, some organizations that we know use it are: AT&T, Cisco, EA, Los Alamos Labs, NASA, Weta Digital, Zynga, Spotify, Samsung Electronics, Microsoft, and CERN.

That's highly variable. Depends on many things, like link bandwidth, data volume, etc.

I doubt zeromq has anything to do with that. This piece of software is open source, which means anyone can grab this and implement their own software on top of that.

OK I fucked up its not a programming language. I knew that it was just easier to explain it like that. I'll cut to the chase now.

Art seem familiar?
The third slide here mentions a rate of 8 million messages per second with a latency of 30 microseconds.

He operated his company out of a warehouse where he happened to have a stage area for bands.

Some of the art in his office space..

How does an open source company have a office in the capital of South Korea?

Why does ZeroMQ have an office in bratislava? Looks more like a spook hangout..

Interesting photos of his kids I think...

Here's a screen grab of a video he posted of his kids. It's a little bit strange, pay attention to their facial expressions.

Archive link to video:
web.archive org/web/20170312021836/https:/

I'm having a hard time understanding what you're implying here.

he's implying ZeroMQ is a cia pizza party

Jesus christ...

Only photo I could find that depicts his wife. Good question though Pieter, how the fuck do you own a penthouse when you run an open source company...?

Sup Forums are useless.

You will either get clueless consumers answering or snooty neckbeards who will refuse to explain anything for outsiders so they can feel important.

Anyway bump.

Yes, he seems to like pizza. Funny how those pizzas kinda line up to make a symbol..

if this guy was inner circle he wouldnt' have an ugly nigger wife

he's just some weird chode


i know zeromq. this is nothing. it's a low level messaging library,

>That cover
You have my attention user. Keep going.

Someone post the panda mask guy? Also I should have made myself clear: yes this seems like it may be a CIA pizza party front of some sorts

did someone say pizza?
>t. heather podesta

>I forgot to mention Pieter Hintjens is dead. Voluntary euthanasia 8 Oct, 2016.

Explain this.

Pretty easy. It's what almost all open source projects do.

Open source the software and sell support licenses. And since zeromq target audience is mostly large companies/institutions or big banks...

He had cancer.

I admit this is a bit of a stretch but I still think It's interesting. Anyways Pieter is dead but I'll post my follow up lead.

This is one of the few people who seems to have actually known Pieter, they worked together in Belgium from what I can gather. It makes him a bit of a ... unicorn.

Here is some info about the company he works for. Some "muh holocaust" shilling on the right..

I wonder what kind of "online community" that richard was recruited from?

Anybody wanna guess? Also, didn't we find out that the CIA like to do some brony LARPing?


Pretty lucky brony I'd say. Office in the empire state building..

I think you are grasping at straws here.

I don't know what else to say, I don't believe this hypothesis at all.

Pretty well connected brony. Microsoft, Facebook, Nasdaq....

Dem bags under her eyes.
Spirals in the left one. Twisted and chaotic like the other pg art.

Patterns emerging. You're definitely onto something here.

He was young. Why did he euthanise? And how? Where is it legal? Switzerland, maybe Holland. Connecting him to Switzerland would be a big lead.

If he's into trading platforms then that not a stretch at all.

Also that 'wife' of his. You think she's Haitian? Congolese? Are those kids 'adopted'? Don't look like they came from that 'couple'.

The 5th annual meeting of F# users. I guess it's mostly used by old Jews?

Also, what do you guys think of the logo on the cake?

Great spot. Little elfen kid things in the right.

I was searching for the band names. No YT performances yet.


FYI when spook and traveling under non official cover the custom agents in foreign countries may catch something odd and pull the operative aside. having a plausible social media account helps fool the customs officers. that info is actually published by wikileaks in their release on the travel guide or cia officers.

Some odd art he posted.

I admit that this could all be coincidence, but it smells like CIA/Pizza/laundering front to me. This rick guy has 75 THOUSAND FUCKING TWEETS. Is he a paid shit poster maybe?? All he does is go around to conferences, occasionally giving speeches about F#

those are frogs man

ZeroMQ is a message queue, not a programming language.

Stop being this fucking autistic.

I knew about ZeroMQ, being a software developer (although I never used it).

It's a messaging library. It's used in finance, but it could be used by the CIA to process any type of streaming data (tweets or whatever).

Old guy on the right is wearing a yamika

>but it smells like CIA/Pizza/laundering front to me

Based on fucking what?

You're slandering a honest man with virtually zero evidence.

I feel like you're some zeromq competitor trying to tarnish their image or something.

IIRC, there were some wars a few years ago between different groups developing these types of libraries.

Yes his wife and kids seem to be Haitian in my opinion. Not a lot of info about them but they don't look like his, mixed race or not.

Sorry, I put the wrong date. It was actually 4 Oct. He had some form of gut cancer from eating bad sushi or some shit, if you can believe that..

Here's a pic of where he wrote a book that would eventually in up in the CIA Vault 7.

"It's literally nothing goyim! Don't even look!"

The one guy is dead and the other is a self admitted brony. What's to slander? If there's nothing here then there should be no harm in investigating this.

I found it interesting so I thought I'd share, if you don't like it go to one of the million BLACKED threads.

A rock has a much higher IQ than you.

I'm out.

Oh, for fucks sake.

Have a bump.

Also the pics on the wall behind them.

bumping for interest

Guy on the far right has an Alienware.

These people can't be that good if they bought into the memepc.

Fuck dammit OP if you are trying to connect this to fucking PIZZAGATE for fucks sake this will lead fucking nowhere

Everything looked fine until you focused in on the children part


Chill out Richard

OK, so ignore the kids. Still seems like a CIA front to me.


I said the evidence was circumstantial. Do you think a company that works for Cisco, Nasdaq, etc on a software level could somehow NOT be connected to the CIA?

Here's when this harmless ZeroMQ programmer who dindu got his pistol instructor license. Totally not something a CIA agent would do.

Embedded systems eng. here, this is the stuff backdoors on home appliances are potentially made of.

>Spirals in the left one.

I don't see it. What are you talking about desu

ZeroMQ is pretty vanilla piece of software for connected systems. It is a message queue (the MQ part). It's essentially a way to pass pieces of information from system to system. The messages can be encrypted. I use ZeroMQ all the time at work because it's embedded in the system configuration software I use (Saltstack).

ZeroMQ is very popular along with RabbitMQ and a few others that I can't remember off the top of my head.

It's also open source, so incredibly hard to hide backdoors in or anything.

>his kids

are you so sure, the kids could be pizza related and have the sole purpose of what said

but then again maybe I'm overthinking it

>Also, what do you guys think of the logo on the cake?

Um, the logo of the programming language?

I'm getting adult onset Gell-Mann Amnesia.

bump OP prob found something significant. I love you cunts

I agree the software is vanilla, which is why it was strange for it to be in the CIA Vault 7. At the least, it seems like a popular messaging encryption service would be of interest to the CIA.

No that is what I was implying frankly but you see how touchy people get when they don't have concrete proof.

maybe you can provide a link of that so people can see what I'm getting at here

pic related. was just the logo of an innocent pizza shop, right?

That's all I have about this. Hintjens has 17k tweets on his twitter account and richard has 75k tweets account.. There is a lot to dig through if anyone thinks there's something here.

Wild user.


god damn thats the most depressing party ive ever seen

>look through wikileaks dump of the CIA's internal tech wiki (probably Confluence)
>dump contains info on CIA's spoopy spyware and shit
>dump also contains boring howtos on stuff like "how 2 ssh" and "how 2 git", basically the same shit you'd see at any tech company
>get surprised when it contains docs on regular software/libraries they might use
I realize you're new to computers and the only way for you to realize how stupid you are is if you waste your time on this and eventually learn things, so have fun.

Wonder whether he suicides because of Trump and the possibilities of being exposed for doing something criminal. Or maybe it was his cancer catching up to him.

I swear to the ruinous powers- if it turns out this is all related to an infiltration of Brony circles I may may die from the subsequent laughter.

The kids always look fucked up in some way. That girl is in another reality

race mixing does some fucked up things to kids brain development.