TIL there are still people who believe the earth is flat. Why do they exist yet? Is this a product of burger education? How many of you Sup Forumsacks are flat earthers?
TIL there are still people who believe the earth is flat. Why do they exist yet? Is this a product of burger education...
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>being a spherecuck
Now I know why you guys exist
Once you start looking at the evidence, it makes a lot of sense
Dont just assume things are 100% true just becauss Bill Nye told it to you.
I have spent the past 3 days researching all flat earth arguments. Pretty shit actually. They make sense at face value because we are conditioned to trust aour senses and natural observation. But once you factor in all variables and actual physics, geometry and optics, everything falls apart user
>(((all variables)))
>(((actual physics)))
get lost rabbi
nobody on Sup Forums actually thinks the earth is flat
its all trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
thanks for ctr
>OP mentions scientific disciplines that have been long studied and developed through history, even to the point where I can have an argument with him from the other side of the world through a computer/phone
>better call him names
>hurr durr rabbi
Also, I'm actually a light skinned spic by Sup Forums standards.
Outstanding penta-get!
>still people who believe the earth is flat.
No they don't. It's 100% trolling.
They say the sun is 4k miles from Earth
>OP mentions scientific disciplines that have been long studied and developed through history
yeah and guess who studied them?
that's right
(((you know who)))
>be a spherecuck
>feel it's within your moral boundaries to accuse others of having "burger education"s
top kek
Pretty sure this isn't trolling
ctr doesn't get gets doofus
Don't blame me for your education system's reputation all over the world
I knew a guy in the army. He was part of an artillery crew in Iraq and literally had to calculate for the curvature of the earth to plot a proper firing solution. Did it many times and blasted apart tons of insurgents and that fucker still believes the earth was flat.
Yeah, I'm sure Newton was a fucking jew, right? Gtfo
It's because of cables in the ocean. Not satellites. According to (((science))) there is a shit ton of space junk, yet satellites aren't getting fucked up and travel all the way to distant planets without getting fucked up.
All while everything is hurtling through space at incredible speeds.
At this point you are only embarassing yourself.
>that face when flat earthers never explain satellites in that you can visibly see moving in the sky if it's dark enough, and can see their exact locations on the internet
>that face when flat earthers have no model for what planets are, or why they retrograde.
>no explaination for eratosthenes's experiment proving the earth is round and even estimated the circumference, which was pretty close to the real measurement
why are you even here
big nose= high IQ
>(((flat earth theory)))
You can't see them
There aren't any planets, only stars
Math problems that only exist on paper
Kek vindicates.
>Mfw you can see the curvature of the earth designed into the Golden gate bridge
And well well well, look at which side is getting all the digits. Kek has spoken.
>Tfw you end where you start walking.
>(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((sphere earth theory)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Wow. Then this must not be a jew. Quickly, look for this guy. He's been living a lie and must know the truth!
Lel forgot image
Just picked it from google. I'm on the phone. My bad, user
Try harder, you can see them, even with the naked eye, and you can see them even better with a high powered telescope. Such as the rings of saturn, Jupiters moons, etc. And you can track their movement, night by night. Look at my last pic, they retrograde. Every observation and experiment on the subject proves round Earth
I'm positive the earth is flat. (((They))) say that the earth is spinning at 25k miles an hour, yet we are not flung off into space. Also, if the earth was a spinning sphere, all you would need to travel cross country is get in a helicopter, hover above the ground, and your destination would come to you. Round earth is just another jew trick to force us to use airlines.
Whatever you say chief. Seems like you have more pictures of hypothetical doodles and tits than you do of anything to back up your claims.
It is misdirection. There is no flat earth.
But a pillar of that theory is that you can go through a hole in the antarctic and see what is under the flat earth.
That is why there is misdirection. There is a hole there, and the scientific observation posts are a few miles from it.
They found a vast underground temple there with rooms containing puzzles, pictures, machines, and vials. The rooms are unlocked by solving wildly complex puzzles, with insane booby traps for failure. The pictures on the walls depict past, present, and future events. The Nazis knew about it, which is why they sent expeditions there.
An naval airmen who shuttled the scientists and cargo described it awhile back. Looks like that info has been purged from search engine results.
That is the flat earth misdirection. Make it sound crazy so that one little part of it is captured in the wrapper.
spherecucks spreading (((science))) wherein the proof requires a belief system that is non-verifiable rather than verified facts, which are encountered when confirming that the earth is flat.
Flat Earth is disinfo meant to distract from the Hollow Earth Theory
I personally believe the Earth is flat. HOWEVER
gtfo spherecuck