We know the real Assange died. So who is this impostor?
We know the real Assange died. So who is this impostor?
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WikiLeaks is a CIA run operation now.
Real Assange was always clean shaven. NEVER had mustache let alone beard. WHO is this guy?
What makes you think this is an imposter? Ears?
It's mostly the beard.
Teeth are a good way to tell.
he merged with the machine
The real Assange had no beard.
>Ah yes, Assange ...
>That's what they used to call me.
>Jullian Assange.
>I am now Julian the White.
Ja sam Julian Assange
you do realise people can grow beards right, slovakia?
Just finished the LoTr with my son the other day.
t. Putin
If you do so you automatically become a Czech...at least I think that's how they decided it...
reptillian alium transdimentional child raping vampire from outer frikin space and also the 5th dimension but the 5th dimension on saturn
Learn2geography retards
God I hate Europeans
I have a new theory
He's not dead
He IS compromised
As is Wikileaks
But it's neither the Russians nor the CIA that has Wikileaks.
The FBI has it.
and they are using Wikileaks to drop what they have on the CIA as part of the ongoing cold civil war.
Assange was always clean shaven
why beard all of a sudda?
Makes no sense
it's the assange from the hillary timeline.
Assange is a Russian puppet. Wikileaks is Russian propaganda. keep drinking the kool aid, faggots.
link to YouTube video plz idk what interview this is
I dindt bother to see who he was refering to.
I've been to your country actually and all the other ex yugo reps as well so I know the difference.
Sort of his.
He changed places with geert wilders. Snowden is living in a simulated Belgium under euro Disney.
Perhapse as a subtle signal to the rest of us that he's not himself. That he's under duress. I'm not sure too be honest.
Something definitely happened to him that day, I'll agree with that. And things have been fishy at Wikileaks ever since.
I think if the CIA had control, we'd be getting different leaks, and if the Russians had him, we would not be seeing interviews, fake or otherwise.
So what group would be not pro Russia but also against the CIA, able to cut a deal with Ecuador that would keep them quiet, and able to get Assange to cooperate to some extent.
Save the children FBI
he doesn't exist in physical form, only digital. Faceswap technology is far more advanced than that stupid snapchat shit.
What are those white plastic things for?
To stop the lid from fucking up the pizza.
That's great dude.
LOTR is a piece of western cannon as integral to our society these days as the Bible.
Geralt of Rivia
>What are those white plastic things for?
is your IQ that low?
Kenny Roger's son; Todd.
Let's get serious. We don't know wheter Assange is dead or alive. Based on the last broadcasts, I'd say it is alive, but until he doesn't appear on the balcony, we won't know.
Wikileaks has never been discredited. The media has always talked around the subject matter, rather focusing on the source of the information, because the media knows they cannot argue against the FACTS.
I think it's a young Gandalf the White. Which doesn't make any sense, given how Gandalf the White came to be, and that he doesn't exist.
>a fucking leaf
>doesn't know that Wikileaks bows down to the Bogdanoffs
Keeps the lid from smashing down on the pizza during transport.
His name is Robert Paulson
Assange was always a rothschild blackmail asset. His internet was shut off for hours swat teams came and brainwashed him in torture chambers and then let their illuminati drone vacation in the bahamas for the rest of his life
He died and came back like some other savior you may have heard of.
You know, Gandalf
Assange and Snowned both always looked like some foreign intelligence service's agents to me.
Much KGB odour.
i want to see the construction pic
He's a mental double that was surgically reconstructed to look like Assange after the CIA's raid on the embassy where he was.