Punk not dead
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There are no white people inthat entire video.
thats an offence
Gronzny now
GroB not dead.
What in the fuck is going on in this thread?
Russian fighers 18 yo in the 1 Chechen War
conscritions and total chaos in Russian mil
The Storm of Grozny during New Year of 1995.
Did you live through this shit or something?
I had someone who did, they are totally crazy now, even working for FSB, he was 7 times married and afraid FSB ever to find out his sickness, he is 0,5 vodka every day - no wife to bear this
He wouldnt sleep - he saw nightmares all along
To clarify, you know someone who lived through it and was in the FSB. He is 7 times divorced? and presently drinks ???ltrs of vodka every day?
So this is what the Boston bomber's parents lived through, and why they ended up in the US.
yes, he was hiding it.
Lets face it, it was a total screw up of US anti-terrorism crew of say FBI, Russias did notice this guy in unnatural things, close to terrorists, they didnt kill him as usual and kill all his family, they passed all the info to USA, what did CIA did? They tried to hire top FSB official dealing Caucasians into a laughting operation with fake mustache etc, totally refusing legit intel.
> a total screw up of US anti-terrorism crew of say FBI
Can't disagree with you there.
>they didnt kill him as usual and kill all his family
Are you saying, ordinarily they'd just fucking kill them?
>dealing Caucasians into a laughting operation with fake mustache etc
I have no idea what you mean by this.
Its like that vidya 'this war of mine' set in grozny
>they didnt kill him as usual and kill all his family
No, but they watched his as suspicisous as Iraqi officer fiddling with WMA
>dealing Caucasians into a laughting operation with fake mustache etc
I've gotta give it to you Russians. If any war turned this deadly for us, the public would probably force the government to withdraw. We've only fought scattered herds of desert Muslims. I hear that snow Muslims are much more dangerous.
He tried to contract FSB high into Caucasian terror.
Which USA already had intel about but did nothing hence that marathon bombing.
>been compared to a Nigerian Internet scam
Yeah I do remember it being said that Russia tried to warn us, didn't know the details.
Not to mention he was probably the one who killed his best friend selling weed and another of his friends got killed when FBI came about asking questions - they just shot an agressive chechn or dagestani or whatever. You people dont understand - these people are fucking dangerous.
> Russians that want to be Nazis
> the one who killed his best friend
and 4 others with him in unsolved mystery case
Nobody else remembers that guy fat police tail?