As for the March 15th warnings, they are intended for bots and shills. Trump's administration is cracking down on all these Clinton and Soros funded subversion threads and quite literally making Sup Forums great again.
Last year I got loony-binned trying to meme this shit. Now we're back, let's see what Sup Forums can do.
It's up to all of us to make an impact in the battle against GLOBALIST DEEP STATE tyranny. In one fell swoop, we can help save the West by finally speaking up.
Basically all we need to do to meme down the corrupt system is go nuclear with all our most advanced redpill material on social media and on the ground.
On Wednesday we take our politics straight to our friends and family using our real social media accounts. We take this to the streets peacefully with our free speech rights. Do not stop telling the truth after March 15. We want everyone to flock here for breaking news and leaks in real time.
If JonTron can at least try, so can you.
We want everyone, even your grandma using this site for real time updates so we can counter any DEEP STATE FALSE FLAG ACTIONS. Keep in mind the casual unproductive hate and bait threads will filter away as MASS ARRESTS CONTINUE. Say goodbye to the shills.
The whole world is waiting for us to get to work. Start dumping all your best redpills here. Let's craft a solid general and change the world. This is the paradigm shift, fellow Sup Forumsacks. Let's get this show on the road.
I'm no insider, but I'll answer any question to the best of my ability. I'm willing to post all my information and stand up for this. Let's become a news agency.
Join us in memetic mastery and help liberate the planet!
You're a good leaf, I'll put my rake away and stand by you.
We need to spread this shit so it overpowers the shareblue spamming of the inverse message.
Jason Clark
It's all so disappointingly obvious these days. Thanks for your support. My plan is to keep March 15 generals going until the date, where we really start firing on all cylinders.
Kevin Peterson
bumbing for epic justice
seen too many threads immediately die after calling out the sockpuppeting or the Counter Intelligence Operations that are being facilitated on us
Samuel Perry
Keep standing up and fighting. help me keep this alive, friend.
Nathan Rivera
seconded leaf fag, we can and will win tru/pol/ and the open dialectic will not be subverted
deep state shills have galvanized the most aware into the full understanding of the psyop through their methods here
Matthew Edwards
Any time. Aside from trying to out-spam or out-bump the shills how can we get these threads noticed?
Julian Lewis
There are going to be major revelations from all parties. We have insiders in every US agency ready to pour out the leaks. It's our job to effectively distribute the information amidst the impending chaos.
Noah Cruz
The level of subversion and the CoIntelPro we've been facing has taught me the extreme measures that the subversive deep state will take in the attempt to coup the sovereigncy that the West has uniquely achieved in the history of mankind
the banking cartels and entertainment/information collaborators have collaborated to subvert our understandings through Cultural Marxism evil
CIA enforces this because a culture thus subverted is far more malleable than those in patriotism, God Loving faith, and truth
>Mainstream media silent on human-trafficking while demonizing Milo
Classic deep state.
Leo Thompson
listen here lady, the best thing for you to do is kys
in your suicide note please tell your colleagues about /snr7/ so that the regret doesn't follow you to hell
Samuel Hall
The extreme measures are out of desperation. The good guys are winning. Let's continue to expose the dying deep state machine.
Adam Clark
agreed, this battle of the meme war just got way more fun knowing I've got another woke fucking leaf fighting for tru/pol/
Dominic Powell
I'm trying to help, you fuckwit. If we don't have a plan to get this noticed and spread, the shills will bury it. Also not a grill, sorry to kill your fantasy, sweetie.
Not surprising. MSM is silent on most things unless Trump takes a shit, then it becomes 'President Expels Toxic Substance From Disgusting Hole Hidden on Body.' or 'ICE Tears Apart Undocumented American Family'
Josiah Rodriguez
Landon Young
Just post pertinent information. Let's see how many lurkers we can summon from the depths of Sup Forums.
And there's far too many Leafs in this thread for it to be trustworthy.
Thomas Cooper
you are a joke, a little baby, watch this
True Americans know that in a time of real struggle the leafs are the ultimate ally, any burger who argues this doesn't understand anything about international relations
almost 1/3 of burger posts have been shillingz very very sad to see
Joseph Russell
Don't fall for the bait. We da jews now Sup Forums. They want us to go full sperg so they can toss us in camps while looking like the good guys.
It's all been a ruse to bait us into revealing our powerlevel. Don't fall for their trap. Remember half the country voted for hillary, that means at least half the country will back (((them))) up if we go full Sup Forumsack in public.
>You've been warned... Don't go get yourself gassed... >They've spent that last couple decades brainwashing everyone to hate right wing politics... Dat shit don't go away over night...
Austin Phillips
Leo Phillips
Trump is "working" with the "Russians" (((they))) wouldn't go full sperg if they didn't have something to back up their narrative. They want civil unrest, and maybe even civil war. They have been moving the pieces in that direct for decades. This is just the final piece in their puzzle.
They have never cared how many of us die so long as they reap the rewards. The left is pushing for a fight they because they've been the ones preparing for it. >importing foreign soldiers >priming the public with tales of Russian conspiracies >weakening of western moral >they've literally trained an entire generation of Muslim men to be accustomed to war thanks to the bush administrations "war on terror" >we are not even slightly prepared
Lol, your tin-foil hat is a bit too tight, motherfucker.
Michael Brown
naught an argament
Noah Sullivan
The best course of action is the patient application of mild force. It is what they have been doing for decades now, and it is what makes them look civilized even though their plans are barbaric.
They've known for longer then we have that things would eventually snap, and they've been positioning themselves to come out on top when they inevitably do. Never fight a war on your enemies terms. They want our kettle to boil over so they can paint us as the bad guy when we rage against them.
>patients is a virtue, and your greatest ally...
Zachary Price
Dylan Brown
Ian Adams
Adrian Allen
We are a minority in this world; remember that. We our outnumbered within the human race, and sometimes it is even in our own countries and cities. We cannot afford to act rashly. Forcing conflict will not end well for us. We simply do not have the means to take back the world in a short period of time.
And we especially do not have the ability to take from an opponent as entrenched as (((they))) are.
Michael Bennett
It's kinda hard to believe we outmemed the deep state sometimes.
Jews are stuck between rock and hard place.
Act too jewy and lose plausible deniability. Redpilling becomes exponentially easier every time they jew something.
Don't act Jewy: They lose.
This is why we beat the cia. Not because they were underfunded but because we accidentally forced them into a trudeu tier conflict in which every time they attack us we win.
Sebastian Turner
Christian James
Bumping for justice.
Aiden James
Jose Adams
Nice try Shills. Ill post the real picture when I'm done taking a shit. You Shills are fucking scum
>This is why we beat the cia. We didn't do shit. They forced an upheaval. They have years of experience with propaganda, and used to to paint themselves as the bad guy. The CIA is Americas Al Qeada right now. They've planned to be for a very long time.
They want us to rise up against them so they can see who their enemies are.
All of the CIA leaks have been nothing. What did we find out? That the CIA has been doing exactly what we knew they were doing? That doesn't seem like much of a revelation, does it?
And that is because it wasn't intended to be. They were stoking the flames, and "radicalizing the (((Alt-Right)))." They want an enemy to wage war against in order to seize more control.
Connor Ramirez
Brody Sanders
Ryan White
HOW I DO THIS?! too lurk; ITRY
James Cruz
Christopher Martin
don't even know reply?! FUCK.
Julian Ward
>showing your power level I'd rather live, thanks.
Luke Watson
click on the post number to automatically link that post
William Scott
here i am ty
Liam Sanchez
Colton Stewart
dumperino commencino, godspeed gentlemen, do not go quietly into that quiet night. You may find me with the sign of three or the call of the whooper.
Levi Hernandez
Zachary Parker
Grayson Scott
Anthony Perry
Leo Edwards
Andrew Wright
Michael Carter
Chase Anderson
Cameron Rogers
Translate that into Spanish.
Christopher Rogers
Josiah Smith
Gavin Hall
Brayden Baker
Aiden Brown
Thomas Thompson
Christopher Lewis
Isaiah Ortiz
Nicholas Scott
Isaac Harris
Thomas Turner
Joshua White
Landon Carter
Logan Wilson
^CHECKED & agreed!
Samuel Lee
Benjamin Sanders
Hudson Edwards
Hudson Hall
spam this pic on slide threads newfags
Sup Forums (and 8//chan) are under attack by too many whores for Marxist-Globalist degnerate plantation-planet
Joseph James
Blake Cox
Palms are sweaty but on the surface he looks calm and ready, mom's spaghetti
Adam Carter
Camden Cruz
focus on the echoes + fed reserve, it will likely be a market crash.