Why don't you move to Japan yet? gaijin-san

Why don't you move to Japan yet? gaijin-san

Japan need your cultural enrichment

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japan sucks, the only good thing that's come out of it is Pokemon and animus

too many fart fetishes

>t. fucking degenerate weeaboo

I thought you were full?

Soon goyim, soon....

The language was too hard to learn. I didn't have anyone to talk to for help. No classes are taught within 200 miles of where I live, and I didn't want to bother random strangers online.

Because the life of the average japanese salaryman sucks and the work culture makes them miserable
10/10 country for tourism though,would visit again

I'd be willing to learn your language and assimilate with your culture, but I had always thought Japanese people hated foreigners? That'd probably be the biggest thing stopping me. Outside of that I'd love to go there. Amazing history, decent modern culture, great education system, etc, etc

come on Japanese is easiest language in the world

In fact, I can speak Japanese but can't speak english for shit

They do, but OP is a faggot cuck traitor

>calling someone a degenerate weeaboo on a website for degenerate weeaboos

rly makes u think


Soon, I am learning the language.
When I visited it, almost immediately after arriving I realized that I hate US society. We are crime ridden, impolite, unclean, etc. The few advantages we have in terms of capital and wealth are nothing compared to culutural norms that are superior (especially diet).

sake and sea food all day is good
but ugly short girls are not my dream

Fuck you Korea proxy Jew.

Visit Japan? Absolutely but live there permanently? Hell no

i hope you nips are ready,we are coming for real

On my way taking an engineering degree, and would gladly work and live in Japan.

But after some research, it's like 1% of the companies hiring outsiders.
Could've easily learned the language, but it is a waste of time if there is no future there.


>calling someone a weeaboo who just used the words 'japan sucks'
Wow, it's almost like you're a fucking idiot you faggot navytard.

Is Japan just like my animaes? Do the girls enjoy the whiteman more?

i like your animaes user :3c

So how bad is the Eastern work ethic? Blown out of proportion or is it as really as hellish as I hear?

Immigrants? Sorry, we're full.

No, thanks, english teacher-kun.

I can just kill myself here without the need to sell my soul to the corporations and whatnot.

Also, kanji, hiragana and katakan are fucking stupid.

Yeah I hear that a lot. Maybe I'll give it a second chance.

>Immigrants? Sorry, we're full.

Really? I can help you with that.

seeing smug girls completely embarrassed makes me diamonds


Can I have one of those vacant apartments?

That's still the naval ensign you faggot, it never was the civil flag.

So what?

I banged a couple of jap girls on my holiday there. Pretty good but the society is shit, no hate famalams I love anime and manga. Could probably have stayed, being 6.1 in Japan gives you offers.

Radioactive boars


Japan's going to be worse than Australia soon

They are in the no-entry area.
The area decreases year by year with decontamination work.